Nintendo has great games. But they manage to fuck things up

Nintendo has great games. But they manage to fuck things up.

Splatoon is a great example. They fucked it up so bad that the entire community consists of japs and me. I rarely get in a room that's not a jap name. The ones that use English I just assume is a jap fucking with me.

Two maps every four hours. That's crazy. Som me days I only want to play for an hour. So if I don't like the maps. Then I can't play the game.
Or I like one map and not the other and I have to play the same map four times in a row.

Nintendo is shit


Quality post, thank you for your informed opinion.

>They fucked it up so bad that the entire community consists of japs and me

Yeah this is a meme.

>The ones that use English I just assume is a jap fucking with me.

Are you fr*cken serious, d*de?

>nintendo has no idea about the internet or online gaming
More news at 12

>The ones that use English I just assume is a jap fucking with me
Indeed. You are the only westerner playing splatoon. Yup. No one else but you and japs

No. I'm aware it's not japs only. But most of the West has vanished from this time last year.

Can't be helped when half the wiius in the world are in Japan.

Can Nintendo be saved?

Yeah. Just be Sony except with first party Nintendo games

There's literally nothing wrong with playing with only Nips. Do you really want to be stuck with a Mexican, Chilean and a laggy American on your team with one fourth the skill of a full lobby of Japs?

You're exaggerating, it's just typical of worldwide servers.

Even playing right now it's averaging 2 or 3 Japanese per match

if by "fucking up" you mean "becoming a cultural phenomenon in Japan" then I guess fucking up never felt this good

I can't really say it's any better or worse than other games that took off worldwide

I think the problem is you've only played games that only took off in the West, so you're used to seeing only English names, or use regional servers. Mario Kart 8 is the same. You don't have any better or worse chance of playing an English speaker in a worldwide server, you fill out the spot in a game where a player had left

Non retarded companies have different servers for different regions.

Such as?

I can get a game in Splatoon in less than 5 seconds

Thoughts on the new sets?

It's 4 on 4 of course you can get a game.

It needs regional map making. And also more than two fucking maps

Also 85% of the weapons are shit.

>share button
>paid online
>western movie garbage
>stop making games and focus on advertising
>continue censorship
No thanks, Sonypony


>all those snipers in vol 1 and vol 2
>new sploosh gets inkzooka instead of Echolocator, bomb rush etc.
>no splash-o-matic at all from any of the volumes

No you just suck at using the weapons because you are bad at videogames.

>It needs regional map making

I just finished the campaign
Holy shit was that fun, awesome music all the time and nintendo magic everywhere
Also a hypeass final boss

>Also 85% of the weapons are shit.

Literally show your working here. Every weapon is viable. Every single one.

Sorry guys I forgot this was a Nintendo image board. Its against the rules to be critical of anything Nintendo


So you are saying they never actually raised it to 3 maps per rotation?

Be critical all you want , but at least back up your arguments instead of shitposting.

Would take a mass retiring of top execs at NoJ, and somehow replacing them with people with good taste in Nintendo games that match the public reception.

Even then, the franchises woukd take surgical-precision TLC, so you may as well just make a new company.

Oh shit I forgot about this

Anything fun? Any more sprinkler combos?

>roller with SplashWall

I want to see the designer that thought this was a good combination

Yep, see

I think the splatling does

So not wanting to play the same two maps isn't something worth being critical of ?

And a lot of times the team's barely change. So I play the same map four times against four level 50 japs while I have a team of people that like to hang out slowly inking around our base.

How is that fun?

If you have damage up on all of your equipment across the board head, body and feet, does that turn any weapon into a OTK?

>The ones that use English I just assume is a jap fucking with me

In a weird way I think that sums up Nintendo.


>there are people that are seriously defending ghost nips
What the fuck. They're undoubtedly the better players though I'll admit.
I love this game and its personally my GOTY for 2015 but fuck online. Someimes it'll work fine and others it'll completely shit itself on my 10 down/5 up connection. Wired connection helped it bit but it'll still happen often. The only time when I actually get a perfect connection is when there's a splatfest and even then I'll be stuck with shit players.

What about that weird one that only fires 3 rounds at a time? I tried it just now and it it's awful.

Sup Forums answer for everything is git gud. Nothing can be shit, you don't like it because you aren't good

I love the splatling remix. Those killer wails come out so fast.

That's the most kickass inkling art i've ever seen, so i couldn't care less.
