So with Injustice 2 not getting a PC release...

So with Injustice 2 not getting a PC release, it basically confirms WB are done with PC gaming after the arkham knight fiasco. Who is to blame here?

no, both future batman and superman game will be on pc
just not the fighting games from now on

Who cares.

PC has failed this industry.

PC will get the Ultimate Edition of the game somewhere down the line.

Better to not have a PC release than have a complete trainwreck like MK9, Injustice, MKX, Arkham Knight, etc.

Nope, they said they won't bring it to PC.

Are WB's developers the most poo in loo tier of all AAA devs?

Well it's better to not have a PC version than scamming people with a game that doesn't even work

After the MKX disaster I doubt it.

Go away Ollie, your show is shit.

MK9 was unoptimizard.
Injustice was incredibly laggy.
MKX was a dumpster fire so huge no one even bother to put it out.
This is hardly a surprise.


And nothing of value was lost

>fighting game has fucking loot crates like Overwatch and Black Ops

dead on arrival

PC games of multiplatform titles generally don't sell all that much. And WB's developers obviously have problems with porting as their target systems are consoles. It just seems that the PC market isn't worth it to WB because its catalog doesn't have PC appeal.

Themselves for not even listening to their debug team and releasing AK anyway?

Dead rich

No, dead like Street Fighter X Tekken dead.

But Olibuuurrrr, I saved your city every season using PCs while you do nothing.

Catch-22. PC games don't sell well for WB, so they treat the platform as a lower-tier release and use mediocre-to-bad port houses to sloppily bring games over, which no one buys because the ports are shit.

>Who is to blame here?
WB obviously. It's not the consumer's fault for not accepting a shoddy product.

Fighting games aren't that big of a deal for pc users

Killer Instinct, sfv, the first injustice etc etc all go down in playerbase fairly quickly even though they do sell/get people playing for a while. Sony prob let sfv go on pc because they know there wouldn't be an interest and the crossplay looked good for pr. Same with KI.

People would prefer to play overwatch, dota, and cs go than remain on fighting.

Not surprised they're doing this. Fighting games aside, every time they do a pc version at release, it comes out with issues and they get massive backlash and bad pr from it which overshadows the actual launch.

>Killer Instinct, sfv, the first injustice etc etc all go down in playerbase fairly quickly even though they do sell/get people playing for a while
You seriously think this isn't just as true on console? Street Fighter lives on and everything else dies, that's just how it goes.