So I'm finally getting around to playing Oblivion and I'm wondering if there's any crucial shit I should know before playing, like huge gameplay differences between Skyrim or must have mods.
Playing Oblivion after Skyrim in 2016
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You should know that your videogame tastes are shit.
Oblivion is somewhat harder than skyrim since unoptimal stat growth can harm you in the long run if you play on normal or higher since enemies scale a lot better than your character does. late game enemies are complete health sponges so I wouldnt really recommend leveling up beyond like 15-20.
>like huge gameplay differences between Skyrim or must have mods.
You should know it's not shit like shitrim
Get the mod that changes leveling into a traditional EXP based system
And here we see three species of Sup Forums user. The shit eater, the helper, and the nostalgist.
>traditional EXP based system
You mean that thing that Elder Scrolls has NEVER had?
I'd really recommend getting a few mods to make your experience better. If you want the vanilla experience then yeah go ahead but even like 5 mods will improve your time on it by a lot.
>Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul
This fixes the shit that was talking about
>Darnfield UI
Improves the UI so it's more PC friendly. Vanilla oblivion for pc is just a 360 port so it's more console friendly, this fixes it.
Ton more you could get but really these 2 are the first ones you should be looking at if you want to mod it.
Not him, but I've been playing OblivionXP lately with tons of overhaul mods, and the game is substantially better. It feels good knowing I should avoid an entire area and stay on the roads, lest I get my shit fucked up. Oblivion is almost an entirely different game with XP, TIE, OOO, FCO, and MMM (with FCOM)
Don't forget Unique Landscapes. This mod is fucking essential
Well my tastes differ from yours, I guess. I like the Elder Scrolls leveling system. The more I use a sword, the better I get with swords. The more I use lockpicks, the better I get with lockpicks. Once I get better with X number of skills, I level. I've liked that system since I played Morrowind on the original Xbox (and later on PC). Main reason I like it is that it makes more sense. I still like the more traditional leveling system like Fallout 3 has, but after playing Morrowind and Oblivion I'll occasionally be like "Well I just killed a deathclaw with a mini nuke sneak crit. Time to level my speech skill!".
And here we have the one that pointlessly talks shit about people that are obviously retarded!
>The more I use my acrobatics, the better I am at acrobatics
>If I level thanks to this acrobatic, I end up being completely inefficient and get my shit kicked by mundane guards by the roadside
Oblivion's level system was pretty retarded
The combat is boring as shit. To be fair it's a decade old.
>people like oblivion now
Is this the trend? When TES 6 drops will revisionist apologists appear to tell us how "comfy" skyrim was?
people hacve liked oblivion since skyrim released
This and the fact that Oblivion is a pain in the ass to mod.
Like said, Oblivion is counter-intuitive in that it's not in your best interest to pick skills that you use. Usage of your tagged skills counts towards levelling up, but if you tag ancillary non-combat skills, enemies are going to get stronger but you will have gained no ability in fighting them.
If you want to play within the spirit of the game, take combat skills you intend to use. If you want to min-max, take skills you'll never use, so that you continue to gain power without levelling up.
Don't wait to do Kvatch because higher level Daedra will absolutely wreck your helpers. Similarly, try to skip past the level 10-18 range as quickly as possible, because annoying Will-o-the-Wisps can only be attacked using silver or magic, and will devastate entire towns through random encounters because random townsfolk are unable to kill them.
Finally, explore. Oblivion rewards random exploration more than Skyrim does. Skyrim tries to make as many random caves and towers relevant by including them in the radiant quest system. Oblivion has a shit ton of caves and places that serve no questing purpose.
Who the fuck tags Acrobatics as an essential skill? You only level when you get X number levels in your tagged skills. So you can play it one of two ways. Tag only your combat skills so you level as you beat the shit out of stuff and the enemies keep pace with you in terms difficulty.
OR you can be a faggot and tag security, sneak, armorer, speechcraft, and alchemy. What this does is make it that you can have 100 in your combat skills and still be level 1. Breaks the game a bit.
Just download Nehrim its practically morrowind 2.0 in terms of world and story
That's one of the flaws in Oblivion. Essentially, you don't really want to level your essential skills. This means that to have a "good" character you need to take some incredibly awkward steps like only selecting skills you can control and put a major focus on endurance early game, forcing you to do Unarmed and shit like that.
I remember a mod that just increased your stats passively as you ranked skills. It worked a lot better and actually allowed you to be the class you choose to be.
When TES 6 drops, then Skyrim fans will be late 20s, early 30s nostalgists, so yes.
3 years ago, everyone was sucking Morrowind's dick. 3 years later they're sucking Oblivion's dick. It's almost like 15-20 year olds fall in love with a game and then look upon new games as lacking that special magic when they're 25-30.
It's the same reason I suck Fallout 2's dick because I was 17 when I first played it.
There's mods to fix the leveling system. I think there's one that let's you assign your attribute gains and skill ups on leveling and you don't have to grind for multipliers and you get xp from quests and battles and don't need to sleep to level
Oh look the shit eater!
No I'm someone completely different, I'm just pointing out that you do no good in pointing out the retards in a sea of retards.
Play Nehrim, dude.
Sounds like something you would like.
Is there a pack that installs them all without any hassle yet? Like MGO for Morrowind?
Nehrim sounds really cool, thanks,
Already tried it out, looking forward to the Skyrim counterpart
Not that I know of, unfortunately, but FCOM let's you play them all at the same time
I have OOO installed,but some enemies are invisible like mud golems and shadow wolfs.
How do i fix that?
I started playing it recently, it's pretty good.
It runs like fucking shit though. Even though Oblivion runs silky smooth for me.
Agree 100%, I put like 100 hours or so into vanilla Oblivion back when it was released and I hated the game. It wasn't until I modded it up that Oblivion became enjoyable.
All you need to know is that I saw a Mudcrab the other day, horrible creatures.
I kek'd
>see oblivion thread
>hey, i should play this
>pirate it
>play 5 to 20 minutes of it
>get bored
>repeat every time an oblivion thread pops up
i don't get it
>I put like 100 hours or so into vanilla Oblivion
>I hated the game
Why do people do this?
You left out the most important step
>mod the shit out of it
Masochistic tendencies.
yes, thank you
it goes between >pirate it and >play, but it's the same thing
Yeah, SureAi just put too much trees and shadows someplaces, the engine can barely hold it's shit together..
I felt obligated to play it since I paid money for it.
>that fucking perfect second grunt
For me, modding it and messing around with the mods and adding new npcs was more fun than the actual game.Once I had OOO and LwPK running smoothly and created a Cyrodiil-wide orgy, I quickly got bored of it.
Dont do main quest. Just dont do it. Weakest part of the game. Aside from that, best game on series. Bring it on.
Arena had it.
Because their last impression outweighs their initial impression.
If you got one of those giant "eat it all and get it free" ice cream sundaes that come in a bucket, about halfway through, you might think "ugh, I really don't enjoy this." But you still enjoyed it at first. The lasting impression though is what sticks.
He probably loved Oblivion after 20 hours and was bored after 100, and thus "Oblivion is boring."
sunk cost fallacy
I love how you can be a level 50 and still not be doing the main quest, and nothing about it is ever mentioned. Fallout 4 is the exact opposite, and Skyrim to lesser degree.
No it didn't you retard
FCOM is really not that hard, you just have to actually have all the parts first THEN apply the merge.
then you apply the WAC compatibility patch and enjoy the wackiest TES game ever.
Get the mages guild mod that adds the uninstall wizard.
I don't get it
Skyrim was okay in that if you never really talked to the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragons, they wouldn't spawn. So you could play for hundreds of hours under the auspice of "I got really lucky and a fucking dragon attacked as I was about to be executed. Fuckin' weird, amirite?" And then just do whatever the fuck you wanted.
Fallout 4 was basically just 100 hours of Todd begging his daddy to hug him with weapon mods tacked on.
are there mods that replace the ugly fucking armors?
I'm not a retard
>Dont do main quest. Just dont do it. Weakest part of the game.
I'd recommend just doing it up to right before Kvatch then immediately discontinuing and never touching it again until almost done with the game.
The gates spawning everywhere are annoying as fuck, and there's only like three Oblivion dungeon designs so you just start running through to the end pretty fast.
From the manual.
>>I'd recommend just doing it up to right before Kvatch then immediately discontinuing
So don't do it at all? Isn't there only 1 mission before Kvatch?
you don't have to ever go into the oblivion gates, you can stop after getting to the cloudruler temple.
Modded Oblivion can be one of the best vampire/vampire hunter/ thief experiences I've ever played.
Modded Morroblivion can be literally Zelda but with lewd stuff.
>you don't have to ever go into the oblivion gates
Yeah I sure love the skybox going edgy every two steps into the world.
It ruins the atmosphere.
No, you don't "have" to. It doesn't change that there's like 100+ of them created across the landscape spawning enemies.
I get what you're saying, but it's not that bad. There are only 60 gate locations that will appear in your game, and except at very certain times in the quest line, a max of 25 can be open at any one time.
He's eating a poisoned apple and then dying.
I never really understood how moroblivion worked. when you mod it do you look for morrowind mods, oblivion mods, or does it require a specialized mod in itself? For texture replacers do you have to rely on morrowind modifiers?
I love it when retards talk about Arena and Daggerfall. You fags always regurgitate misinformation from other retards without actually playing the game. You're practically take the opinions of random people as your own, then defend it to the death.