Tell me why the Legion is shit in Fallout NV

Tell me why the Legion is shit in Fallout NV
Ncr and house fag here

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they're violent moralfags

Most gamers are "anti-rape" the Legion are "pro-rape"

Because of budget and time restraints they had to cut out many Legion characters and an entire Legion city and turn them into comical badguys.

also reminder: if you care about the NCR you should kick them out of the Mojave for their own good. they can't handle it since the politicians back west don't care to provide sufficient support for the region.


it's not rape if you enjoy it.

They're LARPers that wear painted sports gear and funny hats

>ban chems including stimpaks

That's their dumbest trait for me

>ban technology
that's another one

See, as a Legion fag, I kind of have to say that the current state of the Legion, as in the game state, is indeed shit.

However, what most NCR fags never bothered to do is actually talk to the main man and understand why he is doing this shit. Caesar knows the Legion is flawed, and knows it will inevitably fall after his death, yet its death is what the big payoff of the whole shabang is about.

The Legions entire purpose is to create ideals and hard as nails people to transmit them. Nobody steals shit in legion territory, nobody is dumb enough to drink alchohol or fuck with people to begin with or they go and fight with machetes on the arena. No dependence on computers, no dependence on fancy shit, they could survive and thrive with nothing but healing powder and their bare hands.

A nation of people without the flaws of the NCR, with the potential and toughness of the courier. A entire nation filled with them.

That's what the main legion thing is. Consider it shit if you want to or just meme at me, but it sure as fuck beats NCR being shit, Independant since the courier likely can't manage shit, or House, since he likely will just hunker in Vegas and suck every cap out of every hobo just to make his globe city.


They're murderous slavers with an occasional rape, what are you on?

they fell for the degeneracy meme

>just beat dead money
>choosing whether to evacuate zion or slaughter the white legs

what am i in for with the other two DLCs?
dead money had some good atmosphere but then got really fuckin annoying with the collars and clouds

Penis fingers and, muh bear and bull.

>50s scifi pulp stuff
>level scaling bullshit
>an armor that will give you a boner
>some wacky humor most faggots miss the point off
>huge map with lots of shit to discover, some of it kinda gruesome
>stuff connected to DM and LR
>[corridor intensifies]
>ED-E gets a lovable personality
>cool atmosphere
>cool armor to find
>lots of deathclaws
>some bullshit story
>most retarded villain in fallout series

that doesn't make them moralfags
They're the polar opposite of moralfags

One's hilarious and one's edgy as all bloody hell

OWB is Tonal Dissonance: the DLC and it works extraordinarily well. It's overall fun and entertaining, despite the level-scaling bullshit.

Lonesome Road tries its darndest to deconstruct RPG tropes and fails terrible. It's alright, but definitely the weakest DLC overall.

Blood Money is the weakest one Tbh, while it does build up an excellent atmosphere you lose immersion every 5 seconds from a trap

Because the Legion, as it is, is completely unsustainable and wont live long beyond the death of Caesar.

Caesar didn't set out to create a massive raider army that conquered Arizona, it just sort of happened after he taught the Blackfoots how to survive and became addicted to being worshipped as their saviour.

He realizes this, though, which is why he's invading the Mojave. He wants to invade NCR, conquer it, absorb its population and ideals and create a brand new society that has none of the weaknesses of either NCR or Legion. Vegas will be the capital of this new empire.

Eh. Dead Money succeeded both in the roleplaying and character/writing department. I personally enjoyed the gameplay, but it's definitely not for everyone. LR was probably the least compelling one for me, gameplay wise, and came the closest to being a corridor shooter interlaced with mediocre story bits.

Having an ending with each character is average RPG stuff
Now that's something I can't argue with
It's tedious if anything, almost unplayable without the light feet perk because ofthe sheer number of traps and bombs everywhere

>Came closest to being a corridor shooter

Nothing wrong with that Tbh, hunting deathclaws is quite thrilling as they're much less common than in F3 or the 2d games

>Mediocre bits
While they do not have much impact each choice and act you do feels important

Plus the background and whole theme are fantastic, LR captured F2's feeling better than the base game did Tbh

the only questions i have for DM is
how do you trap elijah in the vault because everytime i sneak out he instantly gos from hidden to detected even if hes not looking at me and

how the FUCK do you stop dean domino from trying to kill you. i passed his speech check to make him back down but then hes like "nah even though you killed all those ghost people i could totally kill you" and proceeds to get one shot

Don't take the barter check

Use a stealth boy

Don't do the Barter check when you meet him and don't threaten him at any other point

>how the FUCK do you stop dean domino from trying to kill you
you have to suck his dick and not barter with him at any point
his has an ego the size of the Mojave

I was talking more about the slew of skill and stat checks. DM only has that stuff come into play at the very end, IIRC.

let's just end the thread right here

when do you ever get a stealth boy thought?
i was being pretty thorough checking places but i never found one

Nothing wrong with alcohol, cuck

>Zion National Valley is obvious
>The Divide is right there on the New Vegas map itself
>Big Mountain is some sort of mountain range south of I-15
>the only hint of Sierra Madre's location is the Elijah Ending where it's hinted to be South and East of the Mojave Desert

I want to know where it is, damnit

>all these character overhaul mods
>all are over saturated messes

I think you misunderstood the definition of Morality

Pretty sure it's a random container spawn but I've always found one every time I've done the DLC and stopped to loot everything

well that sounds better than anything I've come across about them, but you still don't know how their legacy will play out and your're paying for it in blood and rape and in destroying the things people hold dear and sacred. I won't agree that what they're doing is any kind of good- it's still absolutely horrifically wrong- but at least it makes some sense.

ty based user. I'm never gonna get to a legion playthrough, I have a hard time replaying games.

I disagree with anti legion anons because a major flaw in their argument is they treat the Legion as the end goal of Caesar. The Legion is not a nation. It literally is, by Caesars own admission a roving horde of slave warriors who brutally hack and whack their way through the meat of the NCR army. After Caesar takes New Vegas he now has his Rome, and his ability to form a nation from his conquered territories. It is the means to an end and that is all. its brutal, its barbaric, its destructive and cannot sustain itself, and it works, and thats the whole point.

We have little to go on, on what this Nova Roma will look like and act like. But we do know it wont be what the Legion is during the game as explained by Caesar himself.

I hope the Legion canonically wins with either Caesar being saved from his tumor, or naming Vulpes as his successor. Because its just more interesting. The NCR has been done absolutely to death, they're hardly interesting and the more they win the less games can be focused on them. They're civilizing the wasteland and that does not a good post apocalyptic game make. Caesars victory is far more interesting given that it allows a new faction to form and adds another culture thats not just a form of pre war America.

If the apocalypse has struck the earth, and only a few places out there in the irradiated hellhole have water, you have better things to do than to risk getting a addiction to cheaply made yet expensive alcohol instead of drinking rads free water and properly hydrating yourself.

Yes, its a staple of humanity and has been with us for ages, but it generally helps a society be a lot less decadent and the lower social standard a lot less miserable if they don't have it. If you already are dirt poor in thw wastes, the fuck are you doing drinking shit booze, if you have your shit together, why do you want to even risk getting addicted when the finest wine out there is likely fermented in toilets and the rest barely qualifies to be toilet water, just drink good old H2O
Never said it was a light choice to make user, I said it was a choice with real merit behind it and that Caesar was not just some slave owner. The Legion is damn effective at enforcing ideals and actions, its death woudl with no doubt create a population of hardened people unlike the world has ever seen.

>leveling speech
>not keeping speech dumpstered and actively failing every single speech check just to watch the engine try to shit out a scowl
it's like you hate fun desu

Sometimes its worth it just to learn something new

Like telling House he's a brain in a jar and hearing him tell you he thinks that Think Tanks are impossible

>That last line



>These lines

Love it

It's been six years: is there a collection of New Vegas' script including all fail speech checks so I know what NOT to have certain values at so I can choose the dialogue I want?


Sadly Bethesda doesn't care about New Vegas and we will never see a game from Obsidian again.

it's a nation built by high test alpha men



>tfw when you were playing the NCR the whole time only to blow up both factions
>killed all factions afterwards
>proceed to leave all the poor leaderless survivors to their fates

What are you talking about?

Look up each skill individually, it'll tell you how many speech checks there are with it and what the requirement is

If you want to look up a dialogue in particular, they have the scripts for each character on their respective page in the info box

>post yfw obsidian gets a crack at TES after VI flops

>not taking control

I don't mind slavery and sexism much since
>it'sa damn postapoc
But favoring lowtech medicine and melee weapons? In a world where completely rebuilt weapon manufacturing and pharma facilities are a thing (see Gun Runners, Followers)? Caesar got way too involved in his wankfest.

Good points here, but have friendly reminder that Shady Sands was also full of
>muh ideals
>muh tough as nails
But then reality happened and pragmatic cynicism eroded the shit outta those in a couple of generations.

Seconding this.

I've seen that overhauled dialogue interface, new font and all, before but don't know what mod it is from. Anyone?

The Legion only functions through fear. Fear only works when those in command operate from a position of absolute power.

The chain of command works because the people at the top went through the same shit as the recruits and survived, ensuring they're skilled and hard as nails, and they have all the best equipment making any potential in-fighting a one sided affair

Looks like MTUI to me

Can you guys recommend me good, realistic clothing mods on Nexus?

I went there and looked myself but got buried in shitty anime outfits and other immersion breaking stuff.

Dude. 4 didn't even flop and it's regarded as the worst Fallout since 3. It has made Bethesda fucking OODLES of cash. It continues to be a top played game across all platforms. It's currently sitting at around 10 million sold through, not counting digital. You're delusional if you think TES VI has even the most remote chance in hell of ever flopping and even if hell froze over and it did flop, Bethesda would probably rather die and take the IP with them than ever let anyone else touch it.

Spice of Life

Nobody in shady sands was as tough as a half trained legion recruit user, and do you doubt the motherfuckers who survived the Legions military training and wars wouldn't train and lead the next generation much better than what the NCR has?

thanks user much appreciated

not that user but the problem with the spice of life is that it adds a lot of stupid modern looking stuff like raider gasmask

>Not putting Yes Man in the Lucky 38 and upgrading the Securitrons and then doing the NCR ending
>Not letting the NCR take control of the Mojave while keeping Vegas for yourself

is that even possible?

I did this in my first playthrough.
Objectively the best outcome for the Courier tbqhwu.

It's possible to do both of those things and still side with the NCR but it won't actually be reflected in the ending slides.

>Being this deluded
>Not realizing that the entire reason House and the NCR couldn't coexist was because the NCR couldn't tolerate bowing down to an autonomous authority
>Not realizing that they would cut off your power and run a god damn train over your dumb ass because they'd want all the money in Vegas for themselves

Why are NCR slaves always so dumb?

I appreciate that you can ruin the Mojave worse than any faction has the potential to, if you go independent but don't commit.

>Letting the pansy assed burocratic fucks who don't even half protect their territories rule Vegas
>Letting generals with the tactical genius of a squirrel on crack lead thousands of under equipped, badly trained recruits wielding plinkers against literally tribal foot infantry with fireaxes and machetes
>Can't even protect their homes, raiders and junkies terrorize the place since they don't even police the streets

For all the NCR cares, the legion could very well murder-rape the entire populace of the Mohave if they handed them the Strip and the Dam.

Falling for a under-equipped, burocratic shitshow that only got a army worth facing after a bunch of rangers got their asses kicked by the legion and joined? I though you knew better user.

Yes, the NCR will tolerate it as long as you never finish the other Yes Man quest (recruiting allies)

>It's a "good writing, bad voice acting mod" episode

looking at you Someguy

>tfw love the followers but the only ending where they aren't fucked over is the NCR ending

>most retarded villain in the fallout series
until 4, come on.

NCR Rangers started in Shady Sands, user.

>The Legion only functions through fear
Not exactly. Legion functions through zealous belief in it's ideals and personas.
>Fear only works when those in command operate from a position of absolute power
Not exactly. Example - dem sandniggers didn't need to be in a position of absolute power to make the entirety of US collectively shit themselves when they hit those skyscrapers of yours.

>The chain of command works because the people at the top went through the same shit as the recruits and survived, ensuring they're skilled and hard as nails, and they have all the best equipment making any potential in-fighting a one sided affair
Absolutely no. Chain of command works because it's effective, and people are able to recognize that, so they submit to the system to be able to function. Also I am an army officer (not US though) and I explicitly DIDN'T "go through the same shit as the recruits and survived". That's what the sergeants are for.

Also I am not a legionaboo, I am user whom you were responding to.

I lost interest in 4 when they started releasing gameplay footage

And guess what happened user, they were few and got fucked in the ass by the legion. Rangers, some of the best sharpshooters out there got demolished by axe wielding fucks.

What is your point, cause so far, you are proving that they were weak as shit. They had to sign a deal with the NCR to keep on living user, that does not sound very tough as nails to me.

I lost interest in 4 when 3 came out.

Dunno. Everyone in 4 was just ungodly bland and uninteresting. Meanwhile that Ulysses faggot manages to be so goddamn offensively retarded on so many levels it triggers me like a Hopesville nuke.

How do nightstalkers and cazadores get to nevada from the big empty?

>They had to sign a deal with the NCR to keep on living user, that does not sound very tough as nails to me.
you're thinking desert rangers

I think we can all agree that if the Enclave realized humans are humans, they would be the best fucking faction in the series.

But because they're crazy, I guess the NCR will work.

Sure, there may be some corruption in the system, but in the end, it's the best system for the common man.

In the Legion, your actions are controlled by the military. It's a military dictatorship, and even if Ceaser was able to take over the NCR and create New Rome, it would likely stay that way, as it did in Ancient Rome.

In the House ending, while it may be good for a while, it will end up falling to the classic problem that completely open market, low governmental influence societies fall into. The common man will have all of their money taken by the gifted few, and the common man will suffer for it. The House always wins, after all.

And the Independent ending, while doing a good job of keeping the sense of independence of the Mojave and creating a strong, new nation, it cannot last. The Courier does nothing to unite the various low level factions within the desert, and by the time he passes on, the desert will be back to fighting each other, leaving the entire Mojave worse for ware.

The NCR, however, works for the common man. The citizens have clean water, fairly free economic and personal lives, and enough strength to keep the Wasteland united under their banner. They even have fucking construction.

That's the big difference between the Legion/Independent factions and the NCR. While the Legion wants to tear things down, and the Courier wants to keep things the same, the NCR wants to rebuild.

I really can't express how much I fucking hated Father.
>Takes one step outside and glances at the skyline and immediately dismisses the entire Commonwealth as shit
>"We know what's best for you because we're all so smart and locked up in our 100% safe little bubble community where we have no real problems. Out of touch? What does that mean?"
>"lol I'm so glad the Institute rescued me, my mother being gunned down by a psycHopath is a small price to pay for getting this silver spoon up my gaping asshole.'
>"The Commonwealth has nothing to fear from us, we just want to help, like by kidnapping innocent people and replacing them with bodysnatchers, or sending out synths to slaughter people and take their resources. Oh what do we do with the real people? Just experiment on them with FEV and stuff, it's no big deal."

>They had to sign a deal with the NCR to keep on living user, that does not sound very tough as nails to me.

im more assured that bethesda is scared to hand anything off to obsidian again

>Absolutely no
Yes, user, that's how it works in the Legion. Every Centurion was once a hopeless Recruit. They got to where they are by surviving the trials and beating the odds. A Centurion even has to earn his armour by personally killing opponents much tougher than him, including BoS Paladins and Super Mutant Masters.

The chain of command in the Legion works based on fear of failure. The man above you is your commanding officer, no questions or deviation allowed. If you fail or disobey him and don't die in the process, he will have you killed. And the same goes for him, all the way up to the Legate himself.

The absolute reliance upon this chain of command is one of the Legion's greatest strengths and its greatest weakness. Recruits will throw their lives away on the orders of their Decanus but you remove the Decanus, or the Centurion behind him, and the whole line starts to fall apart. It's how they lost the First Battle of Hoover Dam.

Big MT is south-ish of I-15, its not a long way to go

I feel like Dead Money would have been far and away the best if the gameplay wasn't so damn stiff

yeah but wouldn't the teleporter field stop them fro getting in?

Well shit, I did mix em up. Apologies.

Okay, you do have a point, some of the best fighters out there came from it. Does not mean everyone in it was trained with half as tough of a training regime as they were or with the same general mentality and aptitude for war and survival, because lets face it, its the NCR, a atempt at the reconstruction of the decadent USA after shit went down.

The radar fence only works on living things with their brains outside of their natural bodies, like the Think Tanks, the Lobomites and the Courier

The critters got out with some minor brain damage, at most

>Yes, user, that's how it works in the Legion
Yeaaah, I don't really think so.

>The chain of command in the Legion works based on fear of failure
Fear of failure is an element in any sort of hierarchy. Hell, just remember corporal White from the White Wash quest.

>The man above you is your commanding officer, no questions or deviation allowed
That is true for ALL the units in NCR army as well, even the family-like 1st Recon.
>- But sir they are unarmed - mostly children, women and wounded!"

> If you fail or disobey him and don't die in the process, he will have you killed
Caesar ordered decimations. Decimation includes the death of 1/10th of the survivng soldiers, to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WHO DARED TO FAIL.

> It's how they lost the First Battle of Hoover Dam
I thought that NCR blew up a significant part of their forces in Boulder, and then drowned the remains in conscripts.

Someguy's shit went down the tube fast. Russel and NVBI-II were good, but III and his last one were trash that had little content, badly-created world pieces and stupid shit that tried to impose how your Courier felt during ending slides.



nope, it's the other way around

I mean... it was on my left and my right. You are looking at the monument from the other side. Shuddup

4 doesn't count, I have more fingers in a hand than that game has decent characters.