>The microtransactions in Overwatch are pro-consumer
What did he mean by this?
>The microtransactions in Overwatch are pro-consumer
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fresh new buzzword that he's getting paid to use, I bet
he made a video about how paid mods are totally okay and pro consumer too
he's probably sold out, probably taking money under the table to shill shit opinions.
I don't care about the micro-transactions in Overwatch, those are purely cosmetic.
Paid mods are full retard however.
If you have time but no money, you can still unlock shit, and lose nothing of value. If you're a normie and have no time to play a lot and level up, but have dosh, you can dole out to have skins, but you don't have any advantage over players who unlock 'em legit. Therefore, the consumer can do whatever the hell they please. Not rocket science.
> Blizz Shill acts like Blizz shill.
They probably offered to pay for his cancer treatment or something.
>he made a video about how paid mods are totally okay and pro consumer too
gotta be fucking kidding me
link if you would
>tfw you realize he's just grasping at straws.
>all to make as much money as possible before he dies of cancer.
>just so he can afford some crazy as fuck cancer prevention method in burgerland
TB just wants to live.
They give people with more money and less time the opportunity to get unlocks at an equal rate as someone with more time to play. And since the unlocks have no effect on gameplay everyone wins.
>Loot crates are randomised drops.
Is this guy insane, it's literally gambling.
i wish this fat fuck would hurry up and die of cancer. fuck he's taking a long time
> During Q&A, somebody asks why popular personality doesn't appear on podcasts.
> Gets salty, and claims they have an audience of kids.
> Does this every time if the person makes more money than he does.
I think he's referring to that. But if you actually watch the video he weighs the pros and cons
It means he's contradicting himself. He was never pro consumer and literally has no idea what "the industry" requires to succeed.
He's just a flapping head. The jaw is moving, words are coming out and they may make sense but they have no real substance.
He's a known blizzard shill, and I don't mean it as fanboy, he is literally on blizzard's payroll
the more things change, the more they stay the same
Gambling is pro-consumer :^)
Do the skins give some sort benefit in gameplay or are they 100% cosmetic?
He talks a lot about how he loves gambling and going to Las Vegas.
Somebody who gambles will always try to justify the disgusting and abusive nature of it.
I don't get it.
He doesn't have long for this world, so why is he still taking Blizz's money?
cosmetic, nothing more.
He needs to leave behind something for his wife and wife's son.
I'm not memeing you.
Bullshit. This system completely caters to idiots with money and shafts legitimate players.
>People/kids who are retarded enough to spend money on microtransactions get a shortcut to the content everyone else is putting in hours upon hours of gameplay for
>Meanwhile people who are playing the game and getting their lootboxes fair and square are subjected to getting fucked over by Blizzard's stingy RNG
In a perfect world there would be challenges and tasks for players to complete to earn skins, but nope! Gotta make those Loot Box Packs appealing to the goys!
Then what's the problem with the micro-transactions? I mean they don't sound like the best case scenario but they aren't anti-consumer either.
You get sprays from challenges.
Skins don't affect gameplay, who gives a shit?
At first, a lot of people here were under the assumption that skins DID affect gameplay, and once things settled down and became clear, they were unwilling to change their stance.
>being able to paying for cosmetics isn't all that bad
>shill shill shill
Because the skins are literally the only thing in the game that you can make a goal of. For me, winning matches and kicking ass in online multiplayer games gets fucking boring if it's all for nothing.
Ask yourself this simple question, take it to the basics.
Why do microtransactions exist?
And the answer is even simplier, because you end up spending more money than you would buying a full game.
Good thing ranked play is coming soon then, now skins shouldn't matter, right?
Wow, SPRAYS? The things that literally nobody cares about? The things nobody uses besides when everyone is goofing around and waiting for the match to start? Great rewards, based Blizzard!
This is a full price 60 bucks game, with microtransactions?
And people bought this?
He's a huge Blizzard fanboy
>AJ says microtransactions are not ok because this is not a free to play game
>TB tries his best to complely ignore that and says "so you're ok with microtransactions in LOL but not in OW lol" ofc that's a free to play game
It's funny how fanboyism affects us
Read the whole post
Yeah in an ideal world it would be fit for both players. But for Blizzard a design that pressures all players into feeling like they need to pay is more desirable. If you want something specific and level, after level you keep grinding but getting the same old crap you already have or stuff you don't want. At some point even someone who swore they would not use microtransactions is going to feel the temptation.
Even if you CAN unlock everything without paying you can't be sure they developers haven't tuned the game specifically so progression(or in this case collection of desired skins) becomes intentionally frustrating when you're not paying.
He does what he does best which is take his subjective opinions and coat it with british accent and "difficult" words so that they pass as Objective. In that video he proceeds to rant on AJ and ignore every point he makes while he says "BUT I LIKE PAYING FOR SHIT". At one point he even says "lol aj is a noob you're not supposed to play just one hero xd point dismissed" while footage of him maining (and fucking sucking at) d.va in a map that didn't need a dva for all the match duration. He falls into a dumb contradiction with himself which is
>"im against p2w"
>"but people should be able to bypass time constraints because lol we have a life"
So he is saying that for example experience, gold boosters and paid shortcuts are fine, and that if you don't want p2w you have to remove progression system from all games so that people who can't play as much get to experience the same?
So professional football players should just fucking stop practicing, and it's perfectly fine to have rich retards that don't have any education because lol it's k if they had enough money to bypass the huge timesking that is education and job effort.
He is a joke. In the same video when he gets anally raped for maining (which he shunned when aj said "i just like playing other characters more) he says "lol so tryhard almost beat you xd"
It's $40.
40 dollars
shut the fuck up
It's a $60 retail game
You're talking about a guy whose favorite game is starcraft 2 and is often brought in to host blizzard events. You really thought he would be unbiased towards one of their new titles? TB tries to speak sense (and usually he does) but on this topic he's just talking complete bullshit.
His only argument for why the OW microtransactions are good is that it allows people with little to no time to play games to get cosmetics anyways. Which then begs the question why the fuck they'd play video games if they can't even play enough to earn in-game currency.
And on top of that it doesn't excuse why Blizzard didn't make the loot boxes better (such as guaranteeing gold in all of them so you have a more reliable way to get the cosmetics you want at a reasonable pace).
TLDR; he's a biased cunt who pretends he's not. AKA the worst kind of "critic". At least with shitters like IGN you know they've more than likely been paid off anyways.
> Winning gives you crates.
> You can pay to get the winning reward.
> This is not paying to win.
>skins shouldn't matter
If skins didn't matter people wouldn't spend money buying them. Or well, buying the attempt to obtain them. Skins clearly affect people playing the game to some degree.
Anything with gambling like this or CSGO is not pro-consumer in any way. There's no way around it, and I see no point in defending it either. Why should a consumer defend a feature that doesn't benefit them in any way?
Sup newfriend.
So the gameplay is bad and you lost interest in playing for fun after a while? Don't get me wrong but I don't see how "obtaining useless shinnies" is more fun than well, playing the game because you enjoy the gameplay and playing against other player. I never needed some kind of unlockable in Unreal tournament or SF2 to give an example.
But they aren't mandatory or required for something important, just useless cosmetics. As I said earlier it's not the best case scenario but it's not something awful either considering how awfully expensive videogame production is nowadays.
Weird because when I bought it from Blizzard I paid 40
No, because I'm level 47 and I still haven't gotten the skins I want for 4 of the 5 characters I use. Ranked play won't change this unless there's significant coin rewards for winning.
This game would rather capitalize on pro-microtransaction retards than reward it's actual dedicated players. Stop being a Blizzpologist faggot.
For consoles, yeah
It's even more than 60 dollars
Cosmetic. People have complained about one of Hanzo's costumes though, because it changes his dragons into wolves and subsequently makes his ultimate call quieter.
he is a blizzard fanboy, what do you really expect from someone who has spent years in WoW ?
It's 60
It's 60 with microtransactions
Enjoy getting fucked and killing videogames, cancer.
>We should be thankful for Kotaku
What did he mean by this?
So if skins didn't exist, would you still play?
It means he hasn't got long left so he is shilling out to companies so that he can get money to support his Wife and her son.
>Companies aren't allowed to make money!!1!
You're either buying the special edition or getting it for consoles.
Either way, doing it wrong.
It's on PC, standard edition.
I hope you reflect on this post and in the future you take more care to make sure you're typing things that aren't wrong.
It's cosmetic, available without the cash shop and doesn't intrude directly on the gameplay.
It's not horrible.
I don't get the backlash against paid mods as a principle.
The steam implementation was as per usual with steam completely shitty.
>There wasn't a good roster of mods on offer
>The interaction of steam/bethesda with the modding community was shit
>The price cut taken from Steam and Bethesda was far too high
>There was a high barrier of entry to even making any money at all
>The implementation was far too late into the games life cycle
>The modding tools of Skyrim have lacking documentation
>The modding in Skyrim is a clusterfuck of dependencies and mods breaking other mods
>Valve, being their usual shitty selves released paid mods on a friday and then had no PR throughout the weekend before quickly removing and sweeping paid mods under the rug after the weekend
But giving content creators the ability to properly navigate the legal grey area that is monetizing derivative content aside from ambiguous donations is a good thing in principle.
The sentimentality that derivative content must unquestioningly be created in the creators own time for free just doesn't strike me as reasonable.
Fuck off with your live and let live bullshit attitude. Maybe when you've grown out of your teens and don't live with your parents you learn to value money and the work you put in to make it.
>$0,15 has been deposited on your account
My only real complaint about OW's microtransactions are how few "good" rewards there actually are. If you open a box and there's no new skin in it, it's a shit box.
He's not wrong about micro-transactions in overwatch. They don't affect the gameplay nor are they forced upon you. They allow people who don't have the time to have a chance to get the skins they want by paying for them with real currency. I say a chance because the loot boxes are randomized.
Is this pro-consumer? Yes in a way. I believe it's also anti-consumer as it's just another hammer to the nail of the picture being hung on the wall which depicts the state of the industry nowadays. It's ok to release a multiplayer only title at a full AAA price, it's ok to also add micro-transactions in it and it's ok to randomize the content of those micro-transactions.
All of this is ok now, which in my mind is bad for the consumer. It gives devs the incentive to keep adding microtransactions, some actually locking content behind paywalls. I know overwatch doesn't do this (once you've bought the game) but it's just another nudge in that direction.
Years & years ago once you bought the game, thats it, you can access everything inside the game by progressing through it. DLC came along and well, it's been done right by some devs, they finish the base game, then go on to work on a new story arc to add something to the game, for example, The shivering isles, Blood&Wine and lots more. Many devs & publishers have gone down the dark path of trying to exploit and milk the consumer for every last cent by making games just so they can add on DLC and Micro-transactions. I get that their companies at the end of the day and yeah they do need to make a profit, it's just sad that most of this shit is ok with everyone now. Nobody is outraged by season pass pre-orders, DLC announced before launch etc anymore. It's just fine now.
>instead of microtransactions, you unlock costumes by using coins that you earn when people commend you after the match ends (obviously some changes would have to be made in the commending system)
Would you like it?
Wish we could buy skins directly or have other means of gaining currency besides blind luck.
Interesting. I just went to the site and saw this.
a balding cuck being a blizzdrone
piss off
wow is this really the best the blizzard artists could create for their shills ? I guess they dont really value you guys anymore.
>Game sells 7 million in 1 week.
>Needs microtransactions
They've probably justified the game's budget and several years worth of server costs several times over on the 1st day alone. It's not like this is some little F2P online game that is only getting money from microtransactions. It's one of the biggest 8th gen games right out of the gate.
>No fuck you subway I already payed 7 bucks for my meal, fuck you for having the option of paying for extra shit fuck you jew lords
neo-Sup Forums
>Food analogies
>So the gameplay is bad and you lost interest in playing for fun after a while?
Never said that, in fact i love the core gameplay.
>Don't get me wrong but I don't see how "obtaining useless shinnies" is more fun than well, playing the game because you enjoy the gameplay and playing against other player.
Because games that promise this amount of longevity, for me, need to have a reward for me to chase after. I know what it's like to win games OW, I've done it more than 130 times now. But not having a long term goal to aspire for is getting really boring, and affecting my psychology of the game.
Think of the way Call of Duty does it, or at least used to: you get your headshots with your guns and get cool pallette swaps and skins for them. This is a great reward because it's a prize that distinguishes players who put the time and effort into getting headshot kills, and you get to look at something new. Overwatch doesn't have this, and it's getting boring knowing that my rewards are boxes filled with nothing but disappointmenting sprays, player cards and voice lines for characters I don't even fucking use.
both content creator and mod user saw it as reasonable for a bit over 2 decades until steam and bethesda saw dollar signs and got involved
Not a bad idea, as long as you can't vote for anyone on your own team.
Paid modding makes no fucking sense. Not only would it require levels of quality control that you will NEVER find on steam or other sites willing to host mods - but you also encourage modders to take each other out of business.
>neo-Sup Forums
Says the obviously underage faggot who can't get his point across without retarded food analogies.
Shut the fuck up, Jim
>being a blizzdrone
I wonder how does it feel to have this mental illness
Except Pay to Win doesn't mean getting the reward, at least not how Sup Forums likes to use it.
Pay to Win here means paying to get an advantage over players who have not, which Overwatch does not do.
Do you think overwatch is a good father's day present for my wife's boyfriend?
Literally nothing wrong with micrograms actions and DLC
Just the scummy practice it's put into and pay 2 break game habits.
I won't get over watch till it's cheaper one day, I'm someone who literally can't afford to DLC or micro transactions and so I won't and I don't.
I also don't feel the appeal behind having something rare for the sake of rarity. At least in CS;go you know that she will at least buy you two or 3 new release games if done right.
For PC it was 40$ at least, can't speak for consoles, and they made sure you had to really go out of your way to find it. Before launch it didn't even have any thumbnail it was just a blank square with "Overwatch" underneath it.
Probably, but the gameplay wouldn't be as addicting because online shooters typically need that carrot-on-a-stick element to keep people playing.
>pro gamergate
Choose one
Then what analogy should I use then, doc?
>I won't get over watch till it's cheaper one day
It doesn't matter, the microtransactions basis is estabilished, enjoy no content whatsoever unless you accept being bled dry like the rest of these suckers
Idk man, my most played shooters were Wolfenstein: ET and UT99 and neither of those had that.
If you can't articulate your views without making analogies then you probably shouldn't be getting involved in the first place.
If Overwatch actually gave a fuck about players, they would give us things and challenges to do for the skins instead of trying to incentivize us to buy the boxes for skins we arent even guaranteed to get.
I'm leftist and pro gamergate, what's wrong with that?
Not really, older shooters had none of that and were immensly popular. It's a recent fad with the soccermom generation growing up and needing to be cuddled and rewarded for everything they do, regardless of its a feat worthy of a reward or not.
If the gameplay is good enough then I don't really see why not having easy access to the cosmetics is such a big deal and don't really see the appeal in a shallow long term reward, but I'm a fag who cares only about game mechanics so it's probably just my opinion. The lootboxes sound like absolute cancer though and so far they're a flawed system in every game I've played so far.
Ok then.
If you think that companies shouldn't be allowed to make money whenever possible, especially with minor bullshit like cosmetics that don't affect gameplay, you are a fucking retard who should never have an opinion on anything relevant.
>I'm a jew and a Nazi, what's wrong with that?
>I'm a Chinese and a fan of Japan, what's wrong with that?
>compensating modmakers for their work is bad
Do you work for free user?
He didn't say paid mods are totally okay, he said having option to donate money to people who make them would be ok.
That carrot is called gameplay. There aren't many people playing games for skins because they like collecting skins. They just want certain skins because they happen to exist for characters they enjoy playing. If you can't find fun in the gameplay, and microtransactions for items that offer no advantage bothers you, you should move on.
You are literally the worst kind of person and people like you make the entire game industry 100 times worse than it needs to be.
He got payed by blizzard.
But at least the microtransactions are only cosmetic.