Post your reaction when Valve announce and confirm Episode 3

Post your reaction when Valve announce and confirm Episode 3

fuck half-life. where is l4d3?


I want day of defeat global offensive

It will never be able to live up to the hype.

unless it's going to be destructible environments galore, no.


Good chance it might now even come out. Gaben already said in numerous interviews that valve doesn't have any plans for half life. They're doing well enough with steam to give a shit about making another half life game. Valve is shifting from a videogame developer to a service provider. It don't matter how many faggots scream "I WANT HALF LIFE 3". Face it, there will never be a half life 3.


might not*

>mfw going to make my friend, who has been waiting for half-life 3 since day one, a cake for his son's third birthday

Its gonna be shit.

>waiting for half-life 3

U better mean his wife's son :^)

>Gaben already said in numerous interviews that valve doesn't have any plans for half life.
But that's just not true. You're repeating and inflating random BS you've seen posted by random assholes. What Gaben has said about Half-Life has been the exact same thing for the past decade - "no comment".

Behind that, there have been 'leaks' (clearly deliberate) which confirm some degree of latent development.

valve has no reason to make it, but pic related if they do

Who is this semen demon?

thank you for saying this


I dont know if it will live up to its expectations. The fps market is already bloated with generic garbage. Dont see what hl3 can do to make it stand out aside from its name.

Honestly, i would not ne happy. Id be indifferent. And i fucking loved hl2. Except the sand ant portion of the game. Fuck that area.

It's not happening.

You live in a cave?

>confirm Episode 3

for fucks sake, there is no Episode 3, they ditched it. It's internally called Half-life 3, it's been that way for at least 2 or 3 god damn years.


I don't think it ever mattered that the Half-Life series was a FPS in a market of FPS garbage. The games were basically Quake, but what sold them was the narrative elements.

People just want to see the gang go to the Borealis and start snooping their dicks inside of alien portals.

It drives me fucking insane when people still call it Episode 3

They will never release it. Only because the hype and unrealistic expectations people would have and ultimately be disappointed by. Itll sell millions get perfect scores across the board because it's half life 3. Or, no one will care, people will give it the Duke nukem treatment, buying it out of curiosity and being let down that it isn't the be all end all 15/10 game

she hasn't been relevant in a while, forgive the underages

The shitposting on Sup Forums will be even worse than before.

>Only because the hype and unrealistic expectations people would have and ultimately be disappointed by
When has this ever stopped anybody before? I hear this explanation all the time, yet the only thing proving this point has only ever been Duke Nukem Forever, which shouldn't count because Gearbox was in charge of the leftovers.

I suppose the best for Valve to do is to announce Episode 3 and Half Life 3 at the same time.

Episode 3 can tie up the loose ends of hl2's story arc
Half Life 3 can be something ~new~


It's literally not happening, and I'm not being pedantic and saying "hurrrrr it'll be Half Life 3, not Episode 3", Half Life 3 is NOT. HAPPENING.

Valve no longer needs to make games, they have DotA, they have Steam, and they're making an infinite amount of money from both of those.
They don't care about Half Life, Portal or anything anymore, they have two infinite money generators that will last forever.