New update for 100% OJ came out yestermorning

>New update for 100% OJ came out yestermorning
>NO threads

Other urls found in this thread:

>Anime mario party without the minigames

>people found 3 upcoming DLC listed in Steam's database
>we only have the breaker pack and the DLC bundle

What's the third one, then?

whats this op?

what is this, where can i play it and does she take her shirt off?

>Spoonfeed me
How about you kill yourself?

What gaem?

Google Karemachi kanojo

is this just sex or you can do more things like AA2?

Her tits look like shit though


Human tanks crossover DLC when.

I'm genuinely surprised people still play this and buy the DLC, is it the same small playerbase from 2 years ago?
Is rad poppo considered rare yet?


Rad Poppo was considered very rare then became unrare when her event was rereleased.

New hotness is Dapper Poppo.

I'd love 100% Orange Party

Alicianrone when?

>you play as the guy
>boring vanilla content
>shit animations

And this is why even for porn games 2D > 3D

It's fun in MP and random/chaotic enough that you don't really know who's gonna win. And the DLC is for the most part in balance with the regular characters so it just adds variety.

Dunno about Poppo. People rarely play vanilla Poppo these days.


You are not in Sup Forums kid

>And this is why even for porn games 2D > 3D



That's not how T-shirts work.

This guy's #D is amazing, but you know youre gonna blow through the content in 15 minutes and then its gonna be over.

And that's why anime is superior.

There was a thread all day yesterday

wanna play more MP but I spent so fucking long doing the campaign stuff I'm burnt out. That and I completely neglected overwatch for it. Maybe tomorrow if the game isn't already dead again.

>they brought Mikky Mousse back

Mami "game" was hot garbage
why i would be hype for that?

I'd start a room if I had all the maps
>playing campaign
fucking how?
i can't play that rng bullshit for more than an hour

I needed those crowns that I'll never wear.

And then I figured I should probably do the breaker campaigns on extreme too, just to be safe.

I am never playing that shit again I swear.

At least the new map is awesome.

Its not obvious but you don't have to play the campaign as the intended character, you can switch on the card select screen.
Whats the best character for it?

git gud
Or play Kae, she's the best

tomomo with a deck heavy on gift exchanges

still pure luck basically though.

>Git gud
>Rolls are literally rigged

What about the starting campaigns? The only one I have started is suguri, didnt beat tomomo hell yet.

Yeah any day now.

>losing when this and I'm on Fire! are activated
git gud

half-nude > nude tbqh senpai

Whenever I get any buffs going I always roll low, not even kidding.

>I'm accelerating

it was announced to be coming out this week.

>Only 1 I'm on fire card in my entire deck

>he doesn't know

>never ever
It's actually tomorrow

>running away
>not going full attack
shit deck, fami

So there is blue hair
is a random drop?

>fapping to it once and then never again

I doubt that's going to happen

>Check binder
>Have more Sealed Memories and We are Waruda than it

This is a japanese dog.

>starting with Suguri
That's unfortunate.

Just try to complete her campaign as fast as possible and check the shop after every mission.

Top 2 characters for beating regular missions that aren't Tomomo are Yuki and Marc. Generally you want to stick with low-RNG characters when doing single player as the RNG is already prepped to fuck your anus 3 ways to Sunday. Evade characters are terrible in SP for that reason.

Ok now I can do this

>not ambush

>15 minutes
Shit nigga slow down, your dick isn't going anywhere

Starting a lobby, all new maps unlocked. Haven't played multiplayer in months and spent yesterday blowing through extreme.

Breaker Breaker

Obviously, otherwise brain dead saucefags would be banned on sight.


you must be 18 or older to use Sup Forums

>DLC characters get the best themes

get back on your high horse and ride on back over to Sup Forums if you would

Get back on your short bus and ride back to neogaf.


I would've shitposted about Yuki (and arguably Kai) not being DLC, but shit, witnessed

What is this thing bout?


It's a board game game.


I much prefer king archer myself

but is it good? and whats the deal with all the dlc?

They're all extra characters you can play as except for one that adds extra cards.


It's fun with friends™ Randoms too I guess.

Dis game show dat sweet pusy?

Pubs are such shit
>Can you please not bully or else I'm gonna kick you
Aside from the two players, the Sup Forums group is less cancerous than pubs


>does a game with an "H-anim" menu have sexual content?

>Sup Forumsirgin who denies people sauce for entertainment in his pathetic life

How about YOU kill yourself user


I... I'm sorry user

Braindead idiot can't even quote correctly. Spoonfeeding keeps retards like you here.

Star breaker is some next level bullshit

it's like they decided to roll Saki and Momo in one

She's fun as fuck, it's like playing a gorilla. Just throw whatever cards out because stars don't matter much to you and kill people.

>Going for purple crowns
>Aside from a few mishaps, cleared 3 of the campaigns relatively fine.
>Get to Marc's
>The bullshit finally catches up to me
Fucking 10 times so far and still haven't cleared this one level. I keep getting fucking robbed at the very end.
Maybe I should just tackle Extra and come back.

Slots open.

both of the new characters are bullshit

Can't see it, is it full?

It's full, also somebody is taking a piss break while I think so we're stuck at the deck screen.

>Decide to try going to purple crowns
>Think that Poppo is going to try robbing from me all the time
>Try to go Store manager and Starbreaker to rush through
>Can't win because of all the ridiculous amounts of here and there and ridiculous evasion rolls from the opponent (I had a QP with max health roll a 6 against my 5 when they could have just defended)
>Go fernet
>Play like a braindead retard by just stepping on every bonus panel
>Win every map on the first or second try

Fucking japs why did they block non-jap IP's.

Going offensive on extreme is a bad idea because of the bullshit CPU rolls. So yeah, playing it safe for stars is a better option.


>Sweet breaker
>Stack the deck with shitty cards so whoever gets hit by hyper or confusion is stuck with keeping the cards or risk playing something that's seemingly beneficial


whats a good sweet breaker deck? I use sealed memories, scary solicitation, passionate research (of course), pudding and what ever else gives out cards. Also Sweet breaker seems to screw over the 2 people that still play aru since she gives out cards, which sweet breaker gains bonus stats from

she also screws over QPD


So is the DLC worth getting?


Mixed Pack is probably the only "mandatory" one, but since everyone's cards are mixed together in the overall deck, you'll just end up using said cards any ways. Still isn't a bad idea to grab though.
Characters are literally if you wanna play with a new hyper and stat spread so they're not as mandatory. Just pick the characters you like the most.

I set up a lobby, name is Sup Forumsidya and the password is rage