Did you deserve that victory or did you get help pussy?

Did you deserve that victory or did you get help pussy?

>mfw I just turtled behind a dragonslayer greatshield for phase 2

Beat him on the first try by myself.

I beat him on my own. Equipped that ring that gives HP back with Critical attacks after seeing you get two free ones. He's really not that bad

Honestly had the most trouble with that lightning knight guy.

Oddly enough, Nameless King is like the only boss I beat solo on both my knight and my pyromancer. It was pretty interesting trying to hit the dragon with fireballs. I honestly think Soul of Cinder is harder.

I earned it.
It was rather embarrassing because it took me about 40-50 tries but I didn't once think about calling help.

Did it with my beloved Black Knight GS.

Beat him on 2nd try, lost too much health on my first try while figuring his attacks.

Beat him alone with the Fume Sword or whatever that thing is called

Phase 1 is harder than phase 2

beat him in NG+ solo with Black Knight Sword after 6 or 7 tries

I killed him with the pharris bow. It was super fucking easy

Did it with a BKGA.

Essentially had to just bait a couple attacks and then attack and run away. I can never consistently roll his attacks in close quarters because he literally two shots me if make any mistake.

I got help on my first playthrough but solo'd him on NG+ does that count?

Killed those fuckers solo, filthy dragonfucker deserves to yiff in hell

>Implying and god, mortal or not, can withstand the power of my dark sword R1 spam

get cucked, king.

I did beat him without much trouble, but then took a break for a few weeks and now I can't kill the fucker on NG++ for the ring.

>beat phase 1 easily, now fucking concentrate
>fuck the first dodge up
>get hit twice and die

I deserved it. I died a bunch of times and then realised that it's fairly easy if you keep your distance and force him to use the same attack.

>dark souls
>a game about being smarter than your opponent, more cunning and resourceful, doing everything you can to win
>Sup Forums retards twist it to be "haha git gud why haven't u beaten ng+999 with your bare fists while getting assraped by niggers LMAO"

Worst fucking sub on Sup Forums.

>summoned Anri for Sulyvahn after millions of tries
>beat him easily, used maybe 2 estus
>victory felt cheap and undeserved, zero sense of accomplishment
>even in death Sulyvahn has the last laugh

I'm never summoning again, fuck that

Nameless King is easy as fuck. The only people who struggled with this fight are vigor / shield shitters who have had it ultra easy until that point. It's the only fight you have to actually dodge because his damage is high.

Champion Gundyr is objectively the best boss in the game, but his damage is low. The very fact that nameless king meme exists proves Sup Forums is actually utter trash at games.

I'm currently trying to beat him alone

I'm slowly starting to learn his patterns and dodging accordingly

His dragon is really annoying though

I'm using Gundry's Halberd

>The very fact that nameless king meme exists proves Sup Forums is actually utter trash at games.
NK is universally accepted as the hardest DS3 boss, it's not just Sup Forums

Who would ruin a fucking awesome fight with the SON OF A GOD RIDING A FUCKING DRAGON IN A STORM by summoning for help?

>Calls a board a sub
>actually fucking calls a board a goddamn sub

>taking the bait

This is why I tell people not to summon on their first playthrough. Mastering a boss' mechanics on your own is a very rewarding experience and people who rely on summons are missing out.

>Champion Gundyr is objectively the best boss in the game

My African brother. Champ's moveset is the tightest shit in the game.

Dark Souls is the type of game that makes people like you think you're more intelligent than you actually are.

Fuck off to leddit.

I beat him after figuring out that for some reason he can two shot me in heavy armor but when I switched to random light armor combination he did less damage. Why is this??

Played my first playthrough with greatsword

Bosses that gave me the most trouble, in order
>Abyss niggers
>John Cena
>dragonslayer armour
>nameless king

everything else was pretty trivial. Didn't summon on any of them, didn't cheese in any way. Pure greatsword greatness

Lightning damage.

Yeah me too I even had my controller showed up my ass

I just attacked him after he does the flying charge, and kept dodged everything else. Champion Gundyr was harder.

>Had more difficulty with namless king than lord of cinder.

I doubt it.

I did the same

lord of cinder was pretty easy, staggered fast and had a lot of easy openings. His moveset was predictable even the first time I fought him, and really the only part that gave me trouble was his dex mode which he rarely even did

Soul of Cinder does like no damage though. I beat Soul of Cinder on my first try. Are you serious? NK is probably the hardest boss in the DS3. SoC is as easy as Gwynn from DS1. I don't normally do this "YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS HARD LOLOLOL" BS but I'm genuinely surprised.

Beat him solo since I pirated the game
I loved the fight but it was 2nd in my list of most tries to kill. I felt he was harder than gundyr but a lot less frustrating. I gundyr prepared me for him

SoC's spear mode is fucking bullshit. I also wish that the sword SoC's soul gives would allow it to transform between a sword, curved sword, a spear, and a staff like it does for the boss fight.

Can you keep a secret, Sup Forums?

I had more trouble with the Crystal Sage than I did with any other boss.

I always chuckle when people act smug with that image.

Distracted by that hot dragon puss, eh user?

i earned it
with my big manly axe and no baby shield.

sages and wolnir killed me the most

Beat him alone but got lucky with his attacks

it's fine. Phase 2 can get pretty hectic

jesus christ I didn't know you could visceral him when he fell to one knee. Fuck.

I killed when I actually bothered to focus. I don't know what's wrong with my brain, I'm always phased out and tired, even with difficult bosses or playing PVP in any game, I just can't be bothered to focus.

Did it myself, but I had to help my friend beat it.

Same thing happened to me, then i made a new playthrough and solo parried the shit out of him, felt good.

What's "help pussy"?

I solo'd using a +10 refined longsword and a lothric knight shield
So no, I'm still a fuckboy

Earned it but I had to take a week long break before first starting and finally finishing it. It was mostly fatigue and an inability to calmly concentrate really. Going from Dancer to the Twins to Soul of Cinder to the fucker all relatively close to one another kind of burnt me out to the point I had to take a break. Awesome fight though.

Killed him on my SL1 twink with +2 weapons. Took a few tries since I was getting one shotted, though. He really is not that hard.

Thats some RNG luck right there, when he starts flying around and spamming combos its easy to mistime a roll and get rekt. His hesitation attacks throw people off.

Only boss I need many tries or help is this

longsword and tree crest shield

took me at least 15 tries

how difficult is this guy compared to the Fume Knight?

I'm playing DS2 right now and Fume feels more challenging than most bosses, not including DLC, but not extremely hard

Me too. Its that fucking missile that always kept taking half of my health. I kept dying when his clones spam that shit

The learning curve to this guy was the same as with Manus for me. After 5 or so tries I understood that I have to stay in front of the dragons head and learned to evade the few attacks. Second phase was about the same. In the beginning I was too cautious. Circling around him and hitting him 3 times with Uchi got him staggered I think. But mostly just learned the timing for rolls and openings. It was pleasurable for me, never got frustrated and with every death I felt that I learned something that helped me kill him.

Some kind of avian theme going on in this game more and more....

beat him with my low level build, then when I fought him again with my level 65 bleed build I shit on him and his dragon in less than three minutes total. it was like exiting a hyperbolic time chamber.

1) why are the textures so muddy in this game?
2) why, knowing that the textures are muddy in this game, do they make use of close up establishing shots in almost every cutscene?

this game has higher fidelity but desu it looks worse than dark souls

>Using dark sword

You don't deserve the victory

I just cheesed phase 1 with Lightning Spears :^)

And then made my two friends to just steamroll the guy with their full health while I did healing and rolling to dodge

Fume is considered one of the hardest souls bosses period, right next to Orphan of Kos and Lawrence.

You're fine.

I'm trying to main Gundry's shit but I'm not used to Halberds

What mindset should I have when trying to use Gundyr's halberd?

>Fume is considered one of the hardest souls bosses
I found blue Smelter was way harder.

Firstly because reaching is boss gate was ASS. Could not dod it. Had to get rid of the respawns.
Secondly because that small room makes you battle the camera more than anything and he has huge AoE attacks.

Everything Fume does is easy to dodge and by second phase he has that red wave attack that's easy to predict and even easier to roll behind him. Literally a "Fucking hit me now!" attack.

Took him down on my 4th try
Literally took me five times as many tries to beat that fuckingj RAETADED PIOCE OF DSGHITE FUCKING TREE

I didn't think he was that hard. I beat after after a few deaths and was never really concerned about beating him. I was surprised when I went online and saw a bunch of shitter memeing about how hard he is. I'd probably put him as 5th or 6th hardest boss. He doesn't even come close to pontiff Sullivan

I beat Champ first try and was kinda disappointing. I haven't played a second run yet but I'm pretty sure it was just luck. I suck dick at dark souls so im 100% sure if I tried again it would take me like 50 tries.

>Guide tells me to use spirit tree shield since it resists lightning if you don't have dragonslayer greatsheild

>entire first phase ignores this

Phase one is beatable in about one minute without a shield. All the attacks are telegraphed, all the openings are consistent, and you get a free riposte to finish off the dragon. Why are you using a guide, anyway? Don't you like having fun?

NK is piss easy compared to Raime
Vordt has been turned into a beast but I don't think he is really avian
I agree that textures look bad at times user, but the game isn't that horrible to look at. I don't really understand



>shielding anything at all
>using guides

I had the hardest time on abyss watchers for some reason.
Eventually I figured out the best way to beat them is just R1 spam DPS race.
What a retarded boss fight.

I've done him SL1 because some guy made a bet with me.
Not on my first playthough though obviously, that was a solo kill.

I paid the iron price
Was worth it

I beat him with a greatbow my first try

I got help
along with the other bosses, so I could one shot them to get straight to invading :^)

>shields are bad
I guess the whole Hawkwood and Abyss watchers thing went over your head, huh?

I died like 5 times on the second phase before I slaughtered him
First phase isn't even a challenge

Shields are simply bad because as a vet of the series I'm fucking sick of playing sword and board style, so I played DS3 with only 2 handed weapons and had a lot of fun. Generally it's a better strategy to dodge than to block, too.

>summoning people to help
>on the first playthrough

No one does this, right? I'm casual as fuck (I play on console) and even I don't do this.

Not really, I find rolling to be just more effective after playing this series for so long

Me too. I'd get one-shotted during phase 2 because I was under leveled. I disagree that it's a retarded boss fight, it's actually one of my favorites. You can't just r1 spam. They do stagger but they eventually blast through your combos.

>summoned because at this point in the game I knew I could whoop on whatever
>both summons died during phase 1 of all things
>barely noticed they were gone
Honestly it's almost easier doing it alone since he doesn't just drop frames in his animation.

Took me about 13 tries with my luck build, but I beat him by myself. Beat him on my first try with my strength build. Once you learn how to beat him it is easy as fuck.

Yea I earned it, I literally just beat this faggot too

I had to give up tank armor so I could actually roll but after that it was relatively easy. I had more trouble with Abyss Watchers desu

>Guide tells me
Good god you're a faggot.

But you are straight up GIVEN a red eye orb near the beginning. Don't pretend you're anything other than a bitch.

I earned that victory 6 times by myself.

I beat this old mans ass with three of my friends he was a little bitch

Beat him solo on NG, NG+, and NG++

He was the only boss I had to summon for.

>second phase
He only holds off on the fire sword if you meet very specific conditions. If your physical/fire/dark resistance is low, he'll immediately go into that mode from the start and fuck your shit up. Most people who struggle with Raime fought this version.

Beat him solo, as every other boss. No shield either. I was SL 94.
Now my character is SL 95, there's nothing else to do besides invasions, so I stopped playing and this is coming from someone who platinumed bloodborne.

It's what you need and what you are, in that order.

How am I supposed to rek noobs with the dragonslayer greataxe if I'm stopped by this fucker?
oh wait

NG+ are pathetic in DaS3 dude.

I've soloed him on every playthrough up to NG+7 and I didn't even feel accomplished.

Nameless King took me over a dozen tries, but that's still less than Champion Gundyr and the Dancer. Fuck them. And fuck you all for finding the Dancer so easy. Everyone, including fucking DSP himself, seemed to find the Dancer easy. That bitch made almost break a controller.