Who thought it was a good idea to let some dank meme loving fuck run what's supposed to be a professional company...

Who thought it was a good idea to let some dank meme loving fuck run what's supposed to be a professional company twitter account?


Hideo Kojima

this does not bode well for the future of Kojima

i'm still coming

I don't get it, some dude shilling some merchandise and you Kojimacucks lap it up

The Boss himself.


Big Boss can go to hell.

what's a kojimacuck

what about it? some redditors lapping up dogshit merchandise, what's to see here?

>Proud. Uctions.
I'm loving this guy already


>"I'll keep coming."

are you fucking retarded and can't read or are you concerned with internet tribalism that every post you make has to have something to do with reddit?

not him but I really don't get what the big deal is. sounds like a regular faggy guy trying to market stuff and talk to fans.

what the fuck is your problem holy shit, did I struck a nerve there buddy?
are you slightly angered? had a bad day at work? flipped too many burgers? do you still think about killing yourself at night?

what does "i'll keep coming" mean


nah man, all i can think about at night is how to push your mom off my dick

It's the new "Kept you waiting, huh?"

nice reddit level comebacks lmao

Sup Forums is an 18+ website, younglings.

but "kept you waiting" made sense

Sup Forums is a 21+ website, child.


"I'll keep coming" makes sense too.

Kojima came before
Konami fucked his shit
now he comes again
and if he gets shut down again, he will still keep coming

Sup Forums is a 59+ website kiddo

whoa there, lad. this is a bully free zone

420chan is a 69+ dank meme, boi

>Who thought it was a good idea to let some dank meme loving fuck run what's supposed to be a professional company twitter account?
well people love the sonic twitter

i can't read tribalism without seeing tribadism and getting a huge bonner

yeah but sonic is a fucking joke
koji pro should try to take themselves at least a little bit seriously



i will continue to ejaculate - kojima, 2016


kojima loves memes

It just means he's never gonna give up, even in death, that's the point of the skeleton imagery.

Ludens' physical body will die but he will be kept alive by the suit and eventually be just a skeleton

kojima loves skeletons way too much
it's spooky

Why are you so surprised with Kojima embracing social media in the way that is the exact opposite of MGS 2 message?

He didn't write it. Let him have his capeshit and toys and sycophants in peace, don't disturb his puddle.

i will jump in his puddle til all the water splashes away

>using twitter

Just wait until John McCuckintosh/Anita, or whatever game journo freak talks shit about Kojima, and then this guy revs up a serving of dank memes on a bitch & you will all suck his dick the same.

I'm fine with it. I missed when XSEED had balls.

until it happens, he's still a massive faggot

>implying anyone but Kamiya has the balls to fire back at SJW bullshit

He's one of the few that can & without facing repercussion. With him not being white & all.