As a Russian-American player my only representation is a giant Americanized Russian pink-haired lesbian butch cut dyke that is as an American politic as it gets, with a badly American accented voice actor. Sweet.
Let me continue, Indians are always the IT Tech support, Egyptians accomplished nothing in history since ancient times, there's a German warmonger that lives for battle and the adrenaline of violence--even though realistically he'd be an alcoholic and PTSD stricken.
The Japanese have nothing of interest except feudal times and neo-tokyo technology, a Swiss woman is literal Red Cross.
How fucking uninspired, stereotypical, and absolutely awful is Blizzard at designing characters?? Even the Terran were fucking rednecks. What kind of a privileged, uncultured, small-minded and absolutely sheltered art student produced these?? Fuck Blizzard, stick to aliens.
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Can you hear this?...
This is the sound of trying too hard.
>As a Russian-American player
Who gives a shit
Cry more Ivan
Are you squatting at your desk right now boslov?
sorry user, didnt care for anythng what you posted, I just have fun playing the game.
too bad you cant enjoy video games for petty reasons.
There's no games with colombian protags.
fuck off.
It's not a point of interest. Point of interest is that the character designs are the most boring and unspired designs I've come across as of late. The game merits with mechanics and gameplay, but the former is absolute garbage and I want a letter to me personally saying that they're sorry.
fuck off faggotovski
Don't worry, they'll take a black Colombian over a real Colombian. Like they did to Brazil.
You play games based on their representation
of your culture?
You don't play games based on, ohidontknow, the gameplay?
>I want a letter to me personally saying that they're sorry.
Do you want them to send money to your patreon as well?
>Fuck Blizzard, stick to aliens.
the funny part is they suck at aliens too
colombians stuck all blacks into a town called El Choco.
We do not give 1 fuck about blacks
That's cool and all but I just want to share the fact that I'd like to have sex with Zarya.
>As a Russian-American player
Muh heritage
My cousin! Let's go look at beeg american teddies!
Fuck off you Cheeki Breeki cunt.
Were they trying to make her look manlier in this picture than she does in-game? Because they sure as hell succeeded,
>As a(n) ___________
I don't know why I haven't filtered this Reddit style of posting yet.
Zarya is the most racist, conservative and patriotic character in the game though.
Also she won't be the token gay because
>SJWs will call out Blizzard for lezzy stereotyping
>its fucking Russia and Russia fucking hates, HATES gays
thats not zarya, thats mika
I'm Russian and couldn't give less fucks about some new blizz cashcow of a game. Zarya is kinda cheesy yeah but honestly grow up OP.
Btw Zarya means dawn, for all you fags there.
Hey, if muscle girls are your thing, more power to you.
Read: There is literally nothing wrong with stereotypes in games. It's what makes characters interesting.
Nobody wants to play a million versions of normal looking guy/girl whose only difference between each of them is their accent.
fuck off, slav
She's not. Read her bio. She's British at best with half-ass knowledge of Russian/Serbian/Bulgarian.
In Russia, sex has you
I like it since I am Mexican and the mexican is the edgelord (he lives in US but you know what I mean), he's cool, but I'd be mad as fuck is my only rep would be something that has NOTHING to do with my country, or if it was a very disgunsting character while the girls from other countries are hotties.
Fuck off you enormous twat.
>I'm Russian and couldn't give less fucks about some new blizz cashcow of a game.
Congratulations on the common sense bro.
The issue is that casual gamers can't seem to enjoy a game unless there's a character with at least 3-4 shoehorned traits that they can relate to, because that is to them, what makes a good character.
Just quit gaming, absolutely no one would miss you.
Fuck off you Russian shit, stay off my Freedom servers.
You act like this is some sort of weird thing on Sup Forums. Most of us care more about the political agenda of a game than any gameplay
Don't you have something better to do? Like kill a sickly old man with a railroad spike for no reason or jump in front of a car on purpose so you can collect the insurance money?
>R*ssian complaining about how he isn't getting the representation he wants
Imagine how every other Slav feels.
The only character in this game that isn't a full-blown stereotype is Mei.
>we will never have some Serbian full of rage in Overwatch
>chinese lady that builds walls
Zarya is my favorite hero, because her abilities are overpowered as fuck.
Why would you complain about that?
Who into female muscles here?
>As a Russian-American
>my only representation is a giant Americanized Russian pink-haired lesbian
How to spot a liar.
I'm American and the only Americans in the game are soldiers and cowboys. Why do they have to boil down american history to stereotypes? God I'm so discriminated against why am I not personally represented in this game
I'm a german ubercuck and the only german representation in the game is an Alpha metal armored killing machine.
WTF Blizz?!
Where is proof?
Why couldn't they have added a Vietnam ((Omnic Crisis)) war veteran?
You sound like a sjw, half slav.
>only thing australians get is two ridiculous mad max stereotypes
>they don't give a shit because that's fun as fuck
"Realistic" representation is garbage nonsense.
The only thing about Australia is either post apocalyptic outback or Crocodile Dundee.
So the Swedish manlet lets the Jamaican stereotype fuck his dwarf wife or what?
Top kek back to euroslums with you
Not bothered in the slightest.
>As a Russian-American
That's just American actually.
That's implying the swede has a wife. He just bends over since he's gay.
Russians are dogs, and it would dishonest to treat them like people.
Blizzard cannot make original designs, breaking news.
>As a Russian-American player my only representation is a giant Americanized Russian pink-haired lesbian butch cut dyke
I'm russian and I don't mind that one bit. It's a videogame, it doesn't need to be realistic.
Иди пoплaчьcя o cвoeй тяжкoй cyдьбe тaм, кoмy нa нee кoмy-тo бyдeт нe пoхyй, чмo.
Sorry, might have been a mistake on my part. What is it called when you immigrated and got a citizenship? X-American, right?
Shut the fuck up Ruski and quit cheating in my games
Oh shut up you big baby
America has no place for a hyphenated American. Get out traitor.
>Who into female muscles here?
>if I get big muscles I'm equal to men!
The best/funniest character in TF2 is a black Scotsman. He's interesting because he doesn't just feel like a generic cookie cutter, he actually has a distinct personality.
The sniper is a generic Australian, soldier is a dumb American, Spy is XD french, Medic is ze Nazi doktor.
Demoman is fun because he feels creative.
Cocи хyй, пидopaшкa.
>muh heritage
You're an american you dumb faggot
>>if I get big muscles I'm equal to men!
Bitch, most men don't have muscles like that. Most men are weak do-nothings that sit bitching about women who try to get fit because it makes them realize what horrible wastes of flesh they themselves are. Fucking haters.
You forgot "ь", you illiterate cunt.
Colombiano ,mama la verga ,Andate a vender drogas y culea un burra para k no jodass
>As a Russian-American
Then you're not Russian
>Like they did to Brazil.
Lucio lived a favela
It's actually accurate
Ms Vins feels it is important to look sexy even when she's pumping iron.
'I always wear make-up, even when I'm squatting. I think it's important to look attractive in any situation.
'I make sure my hair is done up in cute plaits and ribbons.
'I like fashion too but it's very difficult to find nice clothes as my size is not standard.
>soldier is a dumb American
Soldier is an frothing insane american drill sergeant warmonger with delusions of grandeur, he's a fun character and not really generic.
Please tell me that means faggot
>Characters from a foreign country are stereotypical and or the total.opposite of their stereotype.
Woah so it's almost like every videogame ever
My girlfriend moved from Russia when she was like 14 and sits in her computer desk in a criss-cross style. It makes me question it every time I see it
Nobody cares about you though, not even Russia.
They didn't make her a dyke did they. Please no
There's a good amount of swearing in the russian part of my post, yes.
>They didn't make her a dyke did they. Please no
Naw. A lot of idiots just equate a chick taking care of herself and developing her upper body to mean she's inherently a dom lesbian or a FtM.
I've been friends and lived alongside Mexicans my entire life. Why do you guys like edgelords so much?
All I can see is "CHEEKI BREEKI CYKA DAVAI"? Anyone else have this problem?
The pink cut hair is a real symptom of homosexuality.
>thinking stereotypes are bad
Blacker Baron is probably the most cliche thing in Anarchy Reigns and the best character hands down
No the autists who do nothing but post on this shithole instead of actaully playing games do.
Thank fuck. Zarya is my waifu
>Sup Forums used to rightfully hate Zarya and all of the Overwatch bullshit
>Now they suck Blizzards cock to no end
Just shows you how much neo Sup Forums is spreading
Do you even try?
Tried too hard, you blew up your cover.
>he lives in US
Just like the real mexicans!
I don't understand what you mean, my thoughts are genuine, my nationality (pardon, immigrant with citizenship and half of life in Russia is still Russian-American, right? idk), I just think designs are poor and uninteresting. You can have 'league of extraordinary gentleman" or a cast where if they added an African he'd probably have a funny monkey sidekick and have extensive knowledge on how to pirate ships.
You are not Russian-American you are either Russian or American.
Be American or get out commie scum.
>mfw i never tried Zarya due shitty tumblr design.
WEW LADS the SJWs have come to infest our humble board. Is Tumblr down right now?