Strong independent womyn with hair dyed pink

>strong independent womyn with hair dyed pink
>the most socially intolerant character in the game

Anyone else think this is hilarious?

the two have some kind of correlation outside your own opinion?

That actually sounds pretty true to life.

>truth in fiction

Yes, I like how she pretty much turned out to be a subtle 'fuck-you' to SJWs.

>give dyke tumblr hair to the russian racist character
It's like poetry

>the most socially intolerant character in the game
That's Reaper

>aryan who wants to genocide an entire race
>the antagonist is named "Black Face" in Japan

Yeah totally XPP overmeme isn't like totally literally all sjw shit amirite?? xDD I mean it's not like it has any black characters or an Arab roleplaying as a Japanese amirite? XD
Or a whole map that's supposed to represent an "advanced African city in the future" full with shit that a African city will never EVER ever be able to have since Africa is a shithole and only dumb ugly low iq subhumans live there xpp

Reven Reaper doesn't talk shit on Genji for being a cyborg.

He dies talk shit on Winston, but he did come from subspecies of genetically modified gorillas that slaughtered all of the humans in the Horizon moon colony, so there's that.

xD epic post man u really showed those SJWs LOL FUCK THEM XDDD

It does have its SJW elements, but Zarya isn't one of them.

neck yourself

wait are you talking about black people? I saw that he is black is that the species you're talking about? Lol?

>strong independent womyn with hair dyed pink
Spotted the underage.

And don't forget the poo in the streets stinky curry ass bitch

No its not

It makes sense.

Russia is a culturally backwards society.

So by the time robots are sentient and the world is having a cultural discussion on their place in the world, russia is just now where we are TODAY with non-standard gender roles

Always behind
Always dumb

Sure I might as well be.

lol. Good thing Ivan isn't here or you'd be shanked in the tits woman

Reaper hates everyone equally.

I imagine Zarya to be some farm worker from rural Russia doing a lot of manual labor. I then imagine she dyed her hair pink because some new singer(s) like tatu got super popular in Russia and had pink hair


I laughed pretty loudly when the first person I caught in a junkrat trap was her and the word "triggered" flashed across her.

There's a sad lonely autistic man out there who posts this stuff

He hates former OW agents more

>Aleksandra "Bomb The Omnics" Zaryanova

>overmeme thread
>90% cucks and redditors

Why am I not surprised? This is like undermeme 2.0

And you're the biggest faggot itt

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with SJW holy shit.

I like being a cuck.


I see what you did there.

>I'm a newfag: the post

>Or a whole map that's supposed to represent an "advanced African city in the future"

Are you talking about Halo?

This fucking thread.


>black people are good
>all live together in peace
>antiracism is good

Marvel did the advanced African city decades ago with Black Panther, but I bet you didn't bitch about that

Yeah because nobody reads retarde American comics