Why haven't you played CAT GIRL WITHOUT SALAD yet

why haven't you played CAT GIRL WITHOUT SALAD yet

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Sounds and looks like furshit

I have better things to do with my time.

Literally what

Why should I?


stop forcing your meme game


Cat ears are not furshit. That's like a tiny bit of fur. By that logic fapping to hagrid would be furry

flavor of the month moe shit that'll be forgotten in the following weeks

Because her gaem is impossible to find.

>spending money on a subscription service to buy games you don't even know what they are

I have it wasn't even that hard to get try harder.

>implying I haven't

>5023131561 overwath waifushit threads
>35453 memesoul reposts
>231 Ubisot shill """"""""threads"""""""
fuck off, shill.

meme game for desperate virgins
like everything wayforward has ever made

it's easy to identify the people that have not played it vs who has at least

cute game

worst shmup level design ever

>level design is literally notepad

the difference is people have heard of those games. this is just some random game that does nothing spectacular yet has routine threads for nothing at all. nevermind being a humble bundle exclusive

>try harder
Just who the fuck do you think I am anyway?

Why is there no porn of her?!
This makes no sense...

There's 2 pics on paheal

If you're going to shill at least do it right. So far all you've shown me about the game is the title and it has some stupid pink thing, you have to try a little harder marketer-kun



Don't take off your shirt, Kebako.

all levels and objects in every game are designed by plotting coordinates. a mapping engine is something that does it with a visual frontend. this picture is the enemy scripted AI for a particular event

Yeah neither of which are very good

Some people are addicted to spending money. Same as that Loot Crate shit. They are so addicted to buying "stuff" they don't really even care what the "stuff" is, as long as they get that buzz of excitement about having a new thing.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying buying things. Buy stuff you want. But don't just buy things for the sake of buying it.

>the difference is
nope. stopped there, you are wrong by default.


Fapping to Hagrid isn't furry?

Hey guys! Do you want some tasty cronuts? They're on sale right now!
$380 each

>people saved my edit

thanks guys

you are delusional

She's a miracle of the universe

>Locking an exclusive game behind a lootcrate style bundle that's filled with mostly trash games
Literally fuck Humble Bundle. I'm pirating this out of principle + It's the only fucking way I can play it.

So much for board quality


I have played it and I have masturbated to the idea of shoving eclairs up her vagina.


Nice IP address kiddo, hope you like pineapple pizza.

>posting your public IP
are you literally retarded?

>implying they would shill a game that isn't being sold

if hes posting now he has a new ip by now. didn't need to be banned though thats ridiculous

>crying about board quality

Don't forget to tip the driver, they put up with a lot.


So, what's the game about?

Nice try kiddo hope you like green olives on your pizza.

>I'm a ban evading faggot! Mods, please rape my face!

>visible IP address

>I stay at home pulling my pork to anime which makes me a better contributor
good laugh my friend

This is some top tier dolphin porn 10/10 would download again.

can you keep the cheese and make sure they don't make the bread with eggs though im vegan

Wow rude

It's a short shmup with weapon pickups that play differently, like you have a gun that turns the game into a rhythm game, one that gives you bubble bobble gameplay, etc.

I'll play it when she gets some on-model porn. Preferably involving anal and/or analingus.

The irony here.

As far as gameplay idea goes, sounds good.
But how is the overall execution?

Is Wayforward the only American studio able to create worthy waifus?

Like I said before, it's fun. The game itself is pretty short at only 3 levels, so you might as well try it out. The download link in the thread is probably the only way you can get the game, too, since you can't buy it anymore.

>no u
yeah ok kid whatever

Sweet, sweet Kebako

Into outer space you go


Just download the game and play it, it's only an hour long and the gameplay is just a simple addictive action to focus on while you listen to all the dialogue


like poetry

cat ears aren't furry, anything much more and you're getting there

Sup Forums doesn't know the difference between anthropomorphic and furry

Holy shit. I didn't notice.

I don't get it

epic troll faggot

Epic for the win!!!

There is no difference

What happened to all the Shantae drawfriends who would have moved over to this new hotness

>Sup Forums doesn't know the difference between anthropomorphic and furry


So what's your favorite track? I like this one best.

Because I can't fucking find it.

It's in the thread, fampam.


>no pictures of the game
this thread sucks


Ok here

Why the fuck would anyone play something so cancerous looking

What happens if you shoot all the items the bosses give you after you beat them? I'm too lazy to go through again.

Because I want to fuck that cat

Are you that guy who keeps shitting up the board with the Prisma Ilya characters?

I bet you are fun at parties.

Becaise it was made aa a joke

No. I can't get CM3D2 to run anyways since when I tried hongfire was down and I can't be assed to go through all that work without being horny as hell again.

Ur a furry Harry

It's the same melody as Kebako's Lullaby

Definitely the best boss theme, but I think the stages are superior in general.

Just some alternate dialogue and a cruelty score bonus. You won't get a new heart though.

I'm particularly fan of this one

I can't unhear Terry Crews at the beginning.

So where's the porn?

We don't know.


That fucking Kirby music is the best.

Oh so we're only allowed to talk about popular games here now? I thought I was on Sup Forums, not r/games.