>mfw Krystal is no longer canon
at least Zero did something right.
>mfw Krystal is no longer canon
at least Zero did something right.
Furfags btfo
I want to rub this in the face of my furry friend
>you can erase that delicious furry ass from the internet
you guys are truly delusional
Sounds like you need new friends.
post Krystal, all we can do know is mourn her passing by dumping semen on her face.
Great, now we just have gay Star Fox porn instead of heterosexual Star Fox porn. Thanks, Nintendo.
>tfw my furry friends are the only ones that are reliable
Krystal will still get new porn, but Starfoxfags will be forever stuck with their shit game.
If anything, this proves that krystal is indeed NOT the cause of how shit starfox games have been.
You can rely on them to molest your dog
>Remake of 64 before Krystal was around
>She's not canon!
I'm just disappointed that bait has become so retarded.
furfags need to fuck off
> game is set before Adventures
> people are shocked when Krystal doesn't show up
>Krytal is not canon anymore
>Star Fox sold so badly Nintendo is never ever going to make another game
>Krystalfags are never going to play another real Nintendo game with this shitty character
Feels fucking awesome
She is
They said they would like bring her in in a sequel
Probably better too
Reintroducing her and retconnning adventures would be great
Post Krystal
So Fox is no longer a cuck?
Man, Krystalfags are on a roll lately with annoying shitposting.
It's just a part of the eternal furry spam
you're thinking about zoophiles, that's different, and I would never molest an animal, unless it was an act of spite
But dont you crave that furry feeling of touching furry skin?
>I want to rub this out in front of my furry friends
Fixed it for you.
Get out you disgusting fucking furfag
>I would never fuck an animal
>except to intentionally upset it
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are furries so fucking autistic?
>They said they would like bring her in in a sequel
Starfox is finished.
You are misunderstanding me completely, it's not to upset the animal, let me give an example to explain myself, I wouldn't fuck your father because I'm not into that, but I would rape him violently as an act of revenge, if I ever had reason enough to do so.
>64fags actually believe that Krystalfags are the only furries in the Star Fox fanbase
>not sexuality dominating all the other species to assert your dominance at the top
Beta as cuck
not really, why would I want to fuck a dumb animal for pleasure?
Not really
Sales don't stop series of plans were made in advance
Miyamoto wanted to reboot Star Fox
That includes giving it a sequel
I don't listen to retards
Yeah because smelly welsh people who fuck their sheep aren't beta as fuck
Your just a disgusting furry faggot, and you are gay as fuck
Likely to tie it up with a movie later, or a universal park ride
>My first go-to plan on how to get revenge on an animal who really pissed me off is to rape them -- instead of something normal like suing the owner or putting it down.
>I've thought deeply about when and why I would rape animals.
Okay, let me repeat myself. Why are furries so fucking autistic?
>furry calling someone else a retard
Oh the ironing
This game was a massive step backwards from Starfox Assault
I have a better question, why is your father legally an animal?
Sounds like you are a little salty the welsh get more poon than you ever will
Why would you rape the animal as revenge? You rape the owner, and make the animal watch. You then become the alpha for that animal in its eyes.
>this is a witty comeback in the furry world
Every day you fags amaze me
It's not really the same is it? Some alpha guy getting bitches (human) who are desperate for his dick, and some ugly mongloid who can't get any so they rape a sheep in a field alone. Are you that far gone you've convinced yourself that this is alpha?
>belong to group X
>must be retard
stellar reasoning comrade
>he thinks welsh sheep preference is the same as sexual domination of ALL the species
You don't read too well do you
>belongs to a group of people who all act retarded and fantasise over kids mascots
>not a retard
I'm only derailing the thread
post krystal lewds
No dominant person fucks animals, it's just degrading and desperate. Whenever you see that shit posted in a webm its always some chubby redneck
Someone just post porn and get it deleted
you're on fucking Sup Forums, so chances are that you are in no position to talk down on me
That's like saying I can't call an autistic man retarded. Of course he's retarded, by definition.
>humans aren't animals
Rules of nature
well now I know what you are into
You are a furfag, you couldn't talk down to a piss stain at the train station
the pokemon creator is autistic, I wouldn't call that guy a retard
I used to browse Sup Forums
It's not the same thing though is it, animals mostly can't really fight back or agree to it
Furries are autistic and that's the main point here. You literally have to have autism to be one
why don't you go yell at the piss stains at the train station, since you are in the high position to do so
Then you would be wrong by definition. You can't just say he's cool, therefore he's not mentally ill.
I'm telling you to fuck off from Sup Forums, rule 3.
Sorry to break it to you but everyone hates furries
you clearly don't understand how language works, fucking dumb shit
Is the shantaefag still trying to falseflag becuase Bayonetta won the Ballot? Let it fucking go
wow really
>something, something autism
do you have the faintest idea of what you are talking about?
You are just proving my point. You can't even respond normally
I can't even tell who's shitposting or honestly replying anymore
Clearly when we say "that's retarded" or "he's retarded" we don't mean that they're literally retarded.
But in this case, yes, you must be retarded in the literal sense if you are a furry, just as you must be retarded in the literal sense if you are autistic.
>losing the argument so I might as well activate autism defcon 5 and try for the last word
have fun
I will respond normally when you stop being an asshole.
>we have Star Fox porn at all
Where's the Krystal?
Resident furries of Sup Forums I ask of you, why is furry herm/dickgirl porn so fucking good?
>pretending to love an shitty game, because it doesn't have an character you hate in it.
i hope you guys loved the force awakens so much, accepting that luke. han. and leia's work. was all for nothing!
I can't stop being an asshole to furfags, they have obliterated my patience with them. Because they are all autistic. Like you.
what is that even from?
I don't know, you seem to be full of shit to me.
I'll just yiff anything, but herm reminds me of my mother for some reason so I like it for that
>>we have Star Fox porn at all
One dude has spent like $15,000 commissioning giant Fox/Falco porn.
She was never in the original 64. Why would she be in a remake that uses the same plot?
Assault or someshit. The same one with the end where fox and falco become f zero racers
>Star Fox Command
>even remotely readable
Starfox on DS.
>an shitty game
I want summer to go away
You don't understand semantics, as expected for a furshitter.
No matter what I say you will continue yelling autist, but it's okay, I think it's fun.
>have something explained clearly to you
>still don't get it
Are you trying to prove that furries are retards? You're doing a good job so far
I have a condition where I uncontrollably jerk off to any erotic image I see. I am very upset by this change, because I'm not a homosexual but Sup Forums insists on posting men fucking other men.
Kek I expected it to be a fan comic or something. Is that some kind of bad ending?
Just shut up, I know you are retarded.
I forgot I had to yell at my keyboard to type
Not even the same guy, retard.
What did you expect? There's porn of almost everything, why would this series be no different?
Game has fanfiction tier writing on its multiple endings.
and you're saying I'm the one with autism, when you're the one TYPING the autistic posts here
No, please, not again.
You forgot your Shantae avatar.
Hey autist, at least keep your autism in one thread