We want the ____________ audience

>We want the ____________ audience

Other urls found in this thread:




>We want the "GEEKS AND NERDS" audience
Never pander to any audience.
If you was actually confident about what you create, then you will don't need to pander to an audience...

Gta VI when

Hey, it worked the first time...............

>mfw a geek bar opened up in my city and shut down because it was shit
everything about it was embarrassing

Name at least 3 games that are not pandering to any audience user


>young adult with disposable income demographic identified by our market surveys
now get the fuck out you shill

A what now?

Is that a fucking burka

>the beta nu-male techy audience

Someone post the ubi screenshot of before and after with the devs

a bar pandering to the geek crowd
literally called geek bar. in chicago.

Smash Bros
New Vegas
Red Dead
90% of indie games

>Cave Story
>The Binding of Isaac
>FTL Faster Than Light

Hijab, user.

Burkas are the ones where only the eyes are visible.

Hip Hop Gangsta Hacker?

The first one had The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo for some reason

Idiot, a burkha covers the hair entirely, it's just a hood.
Fuck, I need to abandon this board.

Is this the new Sonic game?

I can't stand normalfags western trash games.

What if it's good?

The Journeyman Project
Animal Crossing
Star Control 2

>a bar for autistic people that dont go to bars

seems like a solid idea

Am I a hypocrite for thinking this looks like awful cringy shit but enjoying Mr Robot?

the black lives matter audience. i wonder if they're into video games.

>We want the "GEEKS AND NERDS" audience
It's mind boggling how many legitimately dweeby losers fall for the whole GEEKS ARE COOL NOW garbage.

> we want the KANGZ audience

>Smash Bros
Literally made for pandering to Nintoddlers
>New Vegas
Pandering to Fallout oldfags
>Red Dead
Pandering to western fanboys
Pandering to children
>90% of indie games
Pandering to hipsters


>>We want the ____________ audience
Twitter Slacktivist


This is pure bait

>a school shooter
>a rich kid in at least $4k worth of clothes and a fucking gun
>a prostitute with a fucking spraycan out of all things
>a russian dota player

I can see who they try to appeal to.
I wonder though who is still stupid enough to waste money on ubisoft games



>We want the millennial audience

It's not a hood; it's a separate piece of clothing.

It's not a veil though, so I have no idea.

Is it something hoodrats wear?

basketball american

>wears hijab
>and short shorts
>and a shoulderless shirt

If I was muslim I might even be offended. They don't even know the religion they're trying to represent but it doesn't matter cuz edgy.

Clara was more interesting than Aiden and felt underutilized. I wish they would have brought her back from the dead with augmentation and made the next game about the adventures of female Robocop.

go and stay go

We don't want an audience. We want to do what feels right.


SMT x Watch Dogs when? Would redeem this piece of shit.
Soul Hackers doesn't count


I think it's just a scarf-type of thing she wraps over her head.

>Oakland native
>Parent were activists and were pushed out of SF cause were black
>Police brutality
>Racial profiling


Fuck it I'm done, I don't have to put up with this bullshit

>Social rebels dress rebellious

lulsec aka zeitgeist movement aka anonymous aka Sup Forums aka Sup Forums

>How do you do fellow kids: The Game

I just got a comment removed from a PRIVATE repository because I called my coworker hillbilly

>implying lisbeth salander isn't a cutie


>short shorts

Is there ANYONE left at Ubisoft who has a FUCKING BRAIN?

Isn't Mr Robot actual hacking?

Fuck off normalfag cancer.


looks like Kleio Valentien, pls Ubishit make this glorious whore come back for Watch_Dongs 2, I'll even preorder your shitty game

muslim girls are the sluttiest
but don't tell their fathers

If you don't pander to a specific audience then you are trying to create something that pleases absolutely everyone. You know how retarded that is, right?

I bet the nignog cant even hack for shit, he probably just bullies that white kid in green hoodie to do all the tech stuff, so he only needs to push some buttons on his cellphone.

try going to turkey sometime. A lot of muslims like obeying the letter of the law, just not the spirit

She'd dead, bro.

Not after the extremists are done with them.

>literally promoting terrorism
European EA outdid themselves.

He's holding a gun. Definitely targeting the American audience.

Well its looks like a Mr. Robot ripoff

>a russian dota player


they want the people that think hacking is going vs the goverment, the one that think hackers are heroes and can do nothing wrong.
Also they watched a lot of Mr robot.

Yes, yes, we know, you're a victim.

>San Francisco

I just want to see the slaughter videos

Fuck that faux- European shithole. Keep Europe in Europe.

Its probably the closest TV has ever gotten to "real" hacking.

:( can't the nigra hack her back to life

I look forward to the straight-guy hacker who calls them all assholes for dressing like that.

>No audience = pander to everyone

Peaceful protestor

How dare that vandalize that Knightscope.

oh yeah and what about the gameplay?
>triggered this hard
people like you are not better than SJW than cry about comic books because there are no pandering

Somebody should just nuke SF and Canada.
Worked for Japan.

My favorite game dev

Why is Sup Forums getting so fucking salty over this? You realize that is exactly what they want right? Le edgy minorities are the only thing they have going for the game, everything else will be the same rehashed shit. who cares, just dont buy it.

after bioware, Ubishit is the next candidate to permadeath

God bless CDPR

>implying BoI isn't pandering to 9-year old edgelords

>Cars hanging off of cranes


>God bless CDPR
>Trusting those polish liers after the downgrade
nice one shill

Only tru hackers understand this

Why does Ubisoft hate female characters?

It's hacking, bro.
A lamebrain like you wouldn't understand.

I just like to point out those obvious political stunts to promote a shit game

they hacked the cranes yo

>Ubisoft trying to pander to minorities
>Sup Forums kids upset simply because the characters are not white
>mfw its all dogshit and I'll continue happily with my weeb games

Man its good to be Black

>guy with the laptop in the middle of the street

>Watch Dogs: BLM Edition


The fuck is this shit?


Sup Forums

>Super meat boy
>Jet set radio
>Gang Beasts
>Lovely Planet
>Katamari Damacy
>Dangan Ronpa
>100 percent orange juice

I can go on m8 but that should do it

He's Anonymous, don't you get it?


I thought his name was Not Important