People who try telling you how to play your class

>people who try telling you how to play your class

why is xiv filled with such backseat drivers?

weebs are autists

While its dumb for mayrin to stop participating because of Delauan, its even funnier seeing Delauan trying to defend himself

picture would have been better with the search info picrevealing his CNJ level though

Kid probably wasn't even stance dancing properly.

He needed to conserve mana, though.

>I have to preserve mana

Fuck. I lost it.

Glad I quit this game

>Dalauan Sparrow
Didn't know lowtiergod played this game

I'll be that heaer

Hence why I never play anything but a healer in MMOs.

You can get by with 1 or 2 shit DPS but a shit healer is going to cause problems.

As if he has time to cast protect one more time for the sake of entertaining some pungent philistine femroe's lack of understanding.

Conserving his mana pool clearly meant the difference between life or death.

>I'll be that heaer

what did he mean by this?

The XIV community is really bad. The game itself isn't any better.
The introduction of the mentor system just added fuel to the fire. What pisses me off the most is you lose your house if you stay offline for too long. The whole game is just sub baiting.

Also hate the retainer system. It was funny when people asked for more retainers and Yoshi added a bundle in the shop.

Why are you playing that shit coat of an mmo to begin with.

Any retard healer can do a decent job and the pace wont change at all. Being a good dps in a sea of mediocrity mean doing stuff twice as fast...

Never ever play healer with shitters (unless youre one which you sound like)

I can tell you're a shitter just from your post

Healing is harder than dps



Maybe you shouldn't be so shit and people wouldn't tell you what to do

>What pisses me off the most is you lose your house if you stay offline for too long

How do people get so autistic over this? The problem is limited housing, not losing your house because you don't want to play anymore.

>What pisses me off the most is you lose your house if you stay offline for too long
It's like six weeks, and makes perfect sense, when housing space is limited it should go to the people who actively play the game. You get majority of what you paid for the house back

>Virtual housing
Fucking Wildstar doesn't have limited housing.

Implying I havent done all 3 roles endlessly. Notice that I said being a "good" dps is harder than healing.

Vast majority of dps are braindead retards pushing pititful numbers... which isnt hard at all like you said. (You are one of them so you stick to healing)

>go on vacation
>lose your house from not logging in even if your sub is still active

nice reddit tier editing faggot

you know what would have made a cool OP image? just a vertical edit of the chatlog, top to bottom, but no you feel like you have to be a special snowflake and show it everywhere because that's how they do it on /r/Sup Forums right Sup Forumsro

Every single online game with different roles has this kind of people, user.

>Taking a 45 day vacation
>Not having a laptop
>Not having a friend watch over it for you
>Not being in a FC


Housing for 0 people will never reach a limit.

>new garbage patches
>everything is the exact same as 2.0
>say fuck it and unsub
>other 2 friends agree after a bit, also unsub
>mansion gets demolished, thus finally ending any will to return to the game


You mean a feature that functions completely differently than ff14s work differently? Wilds tar was built from the ground up with housing as a focusubstitute. It's been. Tacked onto ffxiv

>i've other uses for my precious mana pool
Is this an RP server?