
What are some great games you played on this thing?
Got one and need some suggestions
The only shit I know is Crash

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what is that? a VCR?

You should try Crash bandicoot

You have to be 18 to enter this site.

It's a Betamax, fag.

final fantasy tactics
tenchu I and II
winning eleven

Parasite Eve was good.

no gaems

Rayman for sure, quite possibly my favourite PS1 game.

>inb4 Rayman 2 is better
>it's not

If you like Crash you should try Spyro too.
Wipeout 2097.
Ape Escape.
Spiderman 1 and 2 (although personally I think the controls have aged poorly).
Could try MGS too, but personally I think it's aged like shit.

lets be honest. if you played this thing, you're too old to be here

I've been replaying Beyond the Beyond

pretty fun

realtalk, how do you actually call that thing?

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
This game has a unforgettable atmosphere

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

The best game it had was "Wish I Had an N64"

Seriously, no Mario 64, no Mario Kart 64, no DK 64, no OoT or Majora's Mask, no Turok, no Road Rash, no Starfox 64, it had nothing of note that gen.

>muh Final Fantasy

Just a shitty series that got hand-me-downed to Sony because it wasn't worth keeping. If you liked actual videogames, the N64 was the console worth owning. The PS1 was like a novelty system because it used discs.

What genres do you like most? I'll think of a few based on that.

Are you trying to start a ''PS1 vs PSX'' war, right?

The Neverhood


Rage Racer
Ridge Racer
Tekken 2,3
Roadrash 3D
Destruction Derby 2
Tony Hawk Pro Skater
Twisted Metal



Circuit Breakers
MK Trilogy

Maybe RPG
To be honest, anything at the moment
Just something that keeps me busy for a long time

Rayman 1&2
Spyro 1-3

Cool Boarders
Parappa the Rapper

Bugs bunny lost in time.
Warhammer dark omen (Blood omen? It was long ago)

Lunar 1 and 2
Megaman games (X4, X5, X6, 9, Legends series inc Tron Bonne)
Final Fantasy (pretty much any one of them you can find, even those weird looking Chocobo ones)
Vagrant Story
Castlevana Symphony of the Night (I heard Chronicles was good too but haven't played)
tony hawk games (probably didn't age well though)
Alundra (must play. you can skip 2 tho)

off the top of my head that I have played

side note: some games are going to be shit on but disregard those faggots

Motherfucking Armored Core

The goat on rail shooter coming through. If you can get a cheap g con gun

I only had a small collection of games for the PSX.
>Medal of Honor
>Command And Conquer Red Alert Retaliation
>Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere
>Crash Bandicoot 1/2
>RPG Maker

I don't play turn-based, but if these still count Alundra is amazing, and Grandstream Saga was pretty good.

Fuck, how did i forgot about Ape Escape. Great one too

Tekken 3

>quake on a splitscreen

Syphon filter 1 2 and 3,
Castlevania symphony of the night,
Spider-man 1 and 2,
Pandemonium 1 and 2,
Metal slug...

There are a bunch of good games user

Blood Omen
Brave Fencer Musashi
Digimon World
Fear Effect
Ghost in the Shell
In the Hunt
Megaman X4

all very good

Megaman Legends
Wild Arms
Abe's Odyssee
Brave Fencer Musashi
Monster Rancher 2
Ape Escape
Metal Gear Solid
Jumping Flash
Castlevania SotN
Final Fantasy 7-9
Crash Bandicoot 1-3
Azure Dreams

I think these were pretty fun. There's probably more I just can't think of.

best game of all time

also: spyro series. crash bandicoot. star wars jedi power battles. oddworld. gran turismo. G-Police. Colony Wars

I'd also like to add Silent Hill and Dino Crisis along with Resident Evil 1-3

oh and steel reign and armored core. also parappa the rappa


this game is so fun. Also Kula World and Jumping Flash (pic related). PS1 had so many fun games of all genres, it's kinda dreary how I mostly play only a small handful of genres now.

Klonoa Door to Phantomvile
Metal Gear Solid
Command and Conquer: Retaliation
Spyro 1-3
Tekken 3
Ridge Racer Type 4
Tomba 2
My childhood favorites

Jumping Flash 2 was one of the earlier PSX games and I remember being blow away by it. It's basically a 1st-person platformer in wide-open 3D levels. IMO one of the very best 3D platformers of the 32/64-bit era.

Vandal Hearts was also one of my favorite PSX games. It's a Konami game and was very much like Final Fantasy Tactics (VH came out first) but I always thought VH was much better. Much larger battlefields that allowed for a lot more strategy and made the battles a lot more interesting IMO. I think I even remember reading in an issue of Gamefan that Square sacrificed the size of the battlefields for 60fps. I just thought Vandal Hearts was a much more fun game while FFT was kinda tedious in comparison.

Suikoden was a fantastic RPG. Also made by Konami. Fantastic music too...20 years later I can still play a lot of it in my head. I wasn't even a huge RPG fan.

Wipeout XL was one of the best racing games on the system as I recall, although I was never a big racing game fan. Great graphics for the system too.

On that note, if you're curious what the PSX was truly capable of graphics-wise and want to simultaneously experience the worst game ever, play Rascal. Made by the same developer as Wipeout (Psygnosis).

Goddamn been so long I can't really think of anything else at the moment. Besides the obvious ones.

Surprised that no one suggested this game yet. By far one of the greatest games of all time.

no fucking way get the fuck out of here.

Oh yeah to add to my other big post (JF2, VH, Suikoden, WOXL), I was never a big fan of fighting games but Tobal and Bushido Blade were really unique ones that I enjoyed a lot and are worth looking into. Both had much less focus on ridiculous combos and shit like that (was never a fan) and have 'adventure modes'.

The PSP version was better

There's only one game you need to worry about playing on that thing for the time being, and that game is fucking ALUNDRA
Go get it. Burn it if you have to, it's fucking easy to bootleg PSX games, emulate it if you have to (it works fine) but play it ASAP

WUZ it a plane remake, or like todays HD collection shit with higher resolution only

I dunno if anyone else feels this way, but there's something about the PS1 era 3D graphics that was lost when tech became better.

>need some suggestions
Here is my collection, I would recommend any of the games with a green dot.

Jumping Flash is the perfect example of how good Sony used to be. They were fully capable of having a stupid yet fun game on par with mario. The last time they attempted that was Knack, and it was garbage, and oddly somehow "try-hard" feeling, making it a more resounding failure.

A remake

Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, and Jumping Flash.

start playing symphony of the night, final fantasy 7, and chrono cross this instant.

You're nostalgic for shaking polygons and unfiltered 64x64 textures.

Koudelka, if you can find it.

>I dunno if anyone else feels this way, but there's something about the PS1 era 3D graphics that was lost when tech became better.

'Identity' is probably the word you're looking for. Back when 3D was new on consoles, videogames still looked unmistakingly like video games and nothing else; it was their own style. Today games look little different from CGI/animated movies, just less poly and more user control (obviously).
Just like Sup Forums has been saying all this time, "Sony makes movie games", only it isn't just the lack of gameplay that most people focus on when they make that argument, it's every aspect. Visual, sound etc. "video gamey", "arcady" or whatever you want to call it is a dead style, unless you look in the indie scene, and even there 3D stuff is rare.

That's probably my top 10 (not in order). I don't played many ''classic'' games such as FFVII, RE games or even any Crash game.

Soukyugurentai Oubushutsugeki
London Seirei Tanteidan
Popolocrois Monogatari
Magical Drop III Yokubari Tokudaigou
Digimon World 2003
Bomberman Fantasy Race
X2 No Relief
Rupupu Cube
Twisted Metal 2
Zero Divide 2


Sure, but I should feel more nostalgic for 2d stuff since that's what I primarily grew up with as a kid. I think might be on to something with the identity thing, but I also think that limiting tech was a complement for some video games (but not all). The crap draw distances in games like Silent Hill and King's Field added to the eerie mood of the games, for example.