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Numbani is the best map in the game.


>Africa ever being that technologically advanced

That's not how you spell Anubis

anubis is trash

>that ridiculous chokepoint at the start
>tiny, cramped second point

>It's a everybody camps enemy spawn gate and dies leaving point A up for capture episode

Why do people do this? Even if you get a kill so what? They're just gonna respawn right there.


ayy ayy arriba


I can absolutely believe it

As in, Africa having a city that looks like that
With the exact same ghetto covering the rest of the landscape ofcourse


You're delaying them from reaching the point to begin with. Remember that you win on defense by making offense waste time.

You're probably a shitter D Va main why am I explaining this to you.

>futurama theme on bells

I couldn't believe it when I went into a custom match to explore the map that that chokepoint is literally the only way in.

Numbani is the worst fucking map.
It even looks boring visually.

>tfw I just realized Alejandra's house is to the right on defense's spawn point a couple matches ago

i'm retarded

It's Gorilla City from DC

No one ever gets it right

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.

>tfw an asshole Genji keeps hitting all the bells at once with his rmb

Basically it is White people coming and making a resort like that. Imagine that the bottom has natives protesting or throwing spears at it

It's never worked out. Not once. The only way you're gonna spawn camp is if the enemy team is total shitters.

Somebody's gonna die and screw the rest of the team cause of the long walk back on defense

Camping the spawn gate is almost always a bad idea. Camping about halfway between Point A and the spawn makes sense, though. It's more ground that they have to fight to get before reaching their objective.

If you're a ways in front of the point and the Attacking team makes a push and wipes you all out, you might be able to make it back to A before they cap it. If you're fighting on A, and that same thing happens, you just lost A.

Can someone make a webm out of this for me?

Starting at the 20 second mark please.

I'm literally 9 years old. No bully.


Shit, I do this every time.
Then, more often than not, Soldier or D.VA start to go apeshit on the bells.

The only map where camping the spawn yields effective results is route 66.

Delete Bastion.

Also why the fuck does Reaper not have an m2 that shoots both guns at once?

That's different. You pretty much have to camp spawn there

>Africa stage

>Children going AYAYAYAYA

"Hey we have this design for a generic sci-fi city. How do we make it more interesting?"

"Say it's in an African country"

Anubis if you are on the defense is great, because its hilariously in your favor.

Offense is grit your teeth, im coming in dry no fun.

is that a reference to inferno?

wow the downgrade is real

Because he isn't skilled enough, pls no bully Reaper

>Torbjorn's mini freakout at the thought of humans and omnics living together
Bet he sneaks off after the battle to beat up some clankers with Zarya.

Rich Evans is a national treasure

>This place makes me sick! Niggers everywhere!

Jesus Blizzard, a little on the nose eh?

Well more recently the Chinese have come in to industrialize Africa since whites have been lead by self-hating cucks in recent decades.

>A single Bastion can be countered by just about anyone in the game
>mfw team has 4 Bastions on the second part of Anubis
>team continues to try to get at them with snipers rather than going with multiple Mei/Genji/Pharah/Junkrat to counter

AFRICA isn't that technologically advanced

the Omnics who built the city are technologically advance

and since they're robots, they can do whatever the fuck they want and live wherever the fuck they want

Would be cool if he could




Best map

Surely if robots really were to become sentient and essentially live as humans do, they would prefer to live in colder areas for the sake of their own performance?

Pedrobears will defend this map

That's assuming heat dispersion is still a problem in the imaginary sci-fi future where everything is perfect except for the killer robots.

best map

this is actually a really good point and I like that it takes thermodynamics into account.

It's spelt worst

Playing Genji on that map is so much fucking fun.

Just let the special one have his moment.

Captown is one of the most beautiful cities on earth.

There are several massive slums that have Somalia levels of poverty within 20 minutes of the city. It's incredible how fucked up cities in Africa are, and that's from someone who did IMF work there setting up water logistics.

>mfw I got into an argument with a White South African here on Sup Forums in how I was raping their country by helping people in the townships.

that explains why Nepal is the other area thats uber-omnic

Made worse by the fact that the defending side has a massive area to spread out and defend the two tiny doors, while the attacking side has the top of a tiny hill.

Apparently the winrate is even, but that doesn't mean its very fun. Other maps feel fun because that first point can feel like its going back and forth, but defending a single choke point and not even being able to touch the control point is shitty.

Tracer too, so many opportunities to slip around and flank enemies.

At least it's not Hanamura

>Basically it is White people coming and making a resort like that
It's actually omnics that uplifted africa like that, local population is mad gay for them now.

This is what happens when you learn everything about the world from Sup Forums

Good on you

Aw man, Torbjorn is a racist too?

>Lucio M2
Yes, best map

You seem to be confusing Anubis with Hanamura or Russia. Maps that actually have only one entry in the beginning.

>Numbani during setup

Big shocker but the man who makes machines knows the potential for destruction better than the average person or soldier.

>He has a low opinion of omnics, believing them to be incapable of empathy, instead acting purely on logic

Omnic fucking shits

I want a Mercy Halloween costume.

>Maps that actually have only one entry in the beginning.
Hanamura allows you to sneak over to the left with widow/tracer/pharah/junkrat/genji, so does Volkovskaya Ind.
Anubis allows you to simply fly above the arch with 2 doors.


Ominics are not a race, user. They're disgusting abominations.

they had to create a fictional country because no currently existing african country would be able to make something like that

You're kidding, right? There's a super easy to exploit left path that Reaper or Pharah (and possibly Genji) can get to.

Hol up


Tickrate and Ult Charge rate can be adjusted in custom games.

Genji's melee damage is increased to 60. His shurikens fly slightly faster.
Roadhog's hook's hitbox is reduced, while its range is slightly increased.
Mei's alternate fire uses more ammo, and applies a slight freeze effect.
Zarya can hold down E while targeting an ally to let them know she's ready to shield them upon releasing E.
50 of Farah's health becomes armor.
Widowmaker uses more ammo the higher her charge is, up to 10. At low ammo use, she can fire rapid shots with low recoil, while her recoil increases at full charge. Ult reveals heroes in pings, not silhouettes.
D.Va's cannons fire faster the longer she fires, but can overheat. Her speed reduction while firing is lowered, but she slows down as her heat increases. Upon overheat she cannot fire and is very slow.
Torbjorn can drop his armor packs on his turret to speed construction to level 1. His weapon's sound effects are louder and terrifying.
Mercy's heal or damage buff lasts on the target for a second after it's released, in a weaker state. She can juggle buffs on one target, or effect two nearby targets by switching her allied target.
Zenyatta's 50 health is now 50 armor. He has two orbs now, which can be either harmony or discord as needed. Both orbs on one target gives them 150% of the effect.
Hanzo's dragon arrow requires a bit more time before it is released.
Reinhardt's shield slowly loses health as it is deployed. It can also reflect projectiles, similar to Genji, if activated at the perfect time.
Winston's Ult increases in duration as he hits more targets.
Symmetra's max charges for her turrets is up to 4. Can charge her ult at half pace while it is deployed.
Bastion's health is down to 250, but is all armor. Base gun's ammo is up to 25.
Lucio moves like a skater, and has acceleration physics. Higher max speed.
McCree's reload is slower. FtH has a larger spread.


>LE Sup Forums MEME

The entire planet needs to be hit with a big ass EMP so we can just forget about those omnic shits.

>Omnics good they dindu nuffin
Literally waged genocidal war, I wouldn't care how many of them preached peace, every single one is capable of getting their robot brains on those nuke codes.

Well to be fair, it is 500 years into the future and humanity has colonies 'n' shit. I don't see how it isn't possible to invest in African nations at that point.

It's in Africa because of the space elevator. Space elevators need to be on the equator. You're a retard.

See? This is what I'm talking about. Embarrassing.

To be fair, the city seems to be pretty high up and likely a lot cooler than most african cities would be

I thought Numbani was suppose to be an Indian country? Since they have shit loads of stuff there and they hate each other.

Are you a dumb idiot?

It's a popular fantasy right now. The other example is Wakanda from the Marvel comics/films. A technologically advanced, utopian country in Africa.

The fact that most African countries are extremely poor, underdeveloped and their populations bigoted as all hell is commonly ignored.

They'd grind up their components and drink them in a soup to get "super powers". Peaceful coexistence my ass...

Africa is the most resource-rich and climatically stable area in the world, yet they've been underdeveloped compared to the rest of the world for centuries.

You're a fucking retard

I want to fuck a boat

>spout the same racist garbage that Sup Forums would
>get called Sup Forums

>An Indian country

You're a retard.

Yes except Torbjorn is the most grounded and reasonable.

He believes that the omnics are incapable of emotion, stating that he doesnt even blame them on a personal level for the crisis.
Also all the weapons they used were his designs stolen from him.

Torbjorn has to live with the fact that his work was the reason so many people died in the omnic crises.This is coming from an engineer who treats his turrets like children.
He wants that crisis to never happen again and probably thinks the peaceful omnics are purely doing this as a ceasefire or way to infiltrate goverments and positions of power peacefully.

yep but the fucking column level with the fuckpoint in the lowest part is the worst map in the game. too bad i also very rarely get this map due to blizzards bullshit, every fucking game is dorado and anubis switched back and forth constantly

Africa being mostly a shithole is hardly a controversial stance.

>These maps don't have one entry
>you just gotta be this specific hero and no one else
neck yourselves

>calling africa a shithole is racist


>stating a fact about Africas lack of technological advancement is racist garbage now
>facts are racist

Dumb umaruposter

top tier
route 66, hollywood, ilios

good tier
gibraltar, numbani, dorado

bad tier
chingchong tower, volskaya

fucking kill me tier
choke point: Japan edition, choke point Egypt edition

Best part

>they have preconceived notions and don't see the world for what it truly is!
>better post memes from stormfront lite!


[generic jew-orchestrated dindu music that warms the hearts of soppy regressives worldwide]

Blizzard had to make up an imaginary country in africa because all the current ones are so shit that they cannot possibly have nice maps there that fit their level design style.