What kind of video games does your dad play?

What kind of video games does your dad play?

Currently playing Dark Souls 3 with M+KB.

Some kind of poker thing on his phone, other than that, nothing

Nothing. He's almost 60 and technology is a foreign concept to him.

the "it's all in the game" game


My dad isn't a fucking cuck.

Nothing, he's dead

Before my parents got a divorce, my dad played god of war and black on my ps2

cadcam, repetier host

My father really seems to like the witcher, mass effect (original, he stopped at the second because it was too dumbed down according to him), and world of tanks for some reason.

Is Fox News Channel a videogame?

nothing he is a druggie

He only plays Sauerbraten.
On the venice map.
As a sniper.
On the balcony.

My dad is 66 years old. The only games he thinks are acceptable are original Doom, Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem and chess.

Is din din ready?

quake 2 and ace combat 4

He likes old DnD dungeon crawlers and real-time RPGs

Baulder's Gate
The Mana series
and (oddly) the Katamari games

Hasn't played anything other than maybe chess on his phone in years. He used to play Bettle Adventure Racing with us though and we had a blast.

You think he might like Divinity? You could co-op that with him.

My Mom got my Dad a PS1 when it came out. He played Twisted metal, Ridge Racer and Kileak. My mom played Rayman.

Haven't seen my dad play a videogame since the early 2000s and even then it was only sports shit like Madden and PGA Tour.

>playing Jazz jackrabbit, nfs and wolfenstein on dad's work laptop
ah the memories
i miss him so much

Its possible, but he says he never has time for games anymore, which roughly translates to 'I'm gonna lay in bed all day and watch anime and then go to work'

Mortal Kombat X and Wolfenstein: The New Order. Also the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Hitman games, and Max Payne.

He used to play flight sims alot when I was younger but he said that he could play for hours at a time and he had more important things to do.

Guess who got all of them flight sims?

my dad can beat up your dad

Oh yeah, and all the god of war games.

He played MW 1,2 and pic related with my brother and I 11 years ago.
>tfw he better than us


A round of Microsoft Hearts each morning with his cereal on XP. Used to play Combat Flight simulator with all the casual settings on. And V-Rally with me on PS1 and get mad when I'd ram him off the track.

Tomb Raider. Motherfucker beat the quadrilogy.
Hasn't played anything in the past 6 or so years to my knowledge.

He plays the game of going to brazil and thailand as a sexpat

as will I


Used to play ISS 98 with me all the time back in the N64 days. He seemed to lose interest once the gen after that came around though.

Flight sim x.
Works in a airline business.

Nice. My dad stopped gaming really after SNES. He hasn't played it in a bit but he was going through DeS.

>initially didn't like it
>caught him playing it one day
>"So you like it?"
>he actually said "This is a game. None of that online gun war crap or endless movie scenes."

My dad plays Bethesda RPGs
>Home for the holidays
>Can't sleep
>Dad's playing FO4
>He's in the powersuit
>"How the hell do I get out of this thing!"
>"I dunno, dad, I haven't played FO4 yet"
>"Then go wake your damn brother up!"
>"Go to bed
>Dad drops FO4, and we joke about it every now and again.

Command and Conquer Red Alert 2

Mine plays mostly comfy shit. He fucks around in Skyrim, plays original xcom 1 and 2 a bunch, and the total war series. He's been playing the revamped AoE2 the most lately.
He refuses to play anything online, however. He can't stand screechers especially.

He's really good at Monster Rancher 2, and nothing else. I don't really get it, he can get 999 in all stats like nobody's business, but sucks at every other game.

Wanna meet that dad.

What's your dad like?

Not sure if they count but he plays a lot of sims, particularly iRacing and some flight sim which I can't remember the name of. I'm jelly of his cockpit setup whenever I visit.

Columns and online Sudoku.

My dad doesnt play games most of the time, but he can get into them. He really liked Myst and Riven, and played a bunch of Civ 2 and 3. He's been too into composing to play games in his free time recently

flight simulators and military shooters

more or less what i play
my dad killed two people
i doubt it

Mmmm, I smell pork chops

Does your dad cook?

He used to play Balders Gate Dark Alliance 1 and 2 a lot. He likes anything RPG

Metroid, Any kind as long as its in 2D.

My dad has a self imposed ban from the Civilisation series. Got way to hooked on Civ. After that he hasn't really played video games, only played a handful before that anyways.

He's only ever played Medal of Honor: War Chest. He played it nonstop for 3 years and then stopped. He now says games are dumb. Feels bad man

My dad used to play classic games with me, as well as racing games.
Now he doesn't do any of it. I honestly miss it, but I guess since i'm 23 he sees it as a little kid thing. Probably isn't keen to the idea of two grown man playing a video game together.
Wish he didn't feel that way though.

You're gonna give me your dad's email address.

>parents get divorced when I'm a kid
>mom gets me a gameboy for christmas one year and couldn't be happier
>forget to leave it at mom's house when I visit dad
>dad finds it and loses his shit
>says I shouldn't be wasting time with these toys and should focus on school
>try to take it back from him and say that mom got it for me
>dad gets incredibly pissed and throws it against the wall
>start crying and try to fix it

I don't talk to my dad much

>Before my parents got a divorce, my dad played god of war
>Blacked played my mom


He plays Call of Duty 1 online exclusively. But when I was younger, he'd play Doom, Aliens vs Predator 2, Tomb Raider and other similar games with me.

I miss those times. But atleast we talk about games on occasion.

He doesn't play video games


What's a dad?

>Beetle Adventure Racing

Why did the N64 have so many unknown but phenomenal games like this? Rocket Robot on Wheels springs to mind.

>dad hated that I played vidya
>would always try to get me to give away my consoles
>never bought me any for christmas or birthday so it was all on my mom
>grandma tells me years later that she only bought him one gift per year

I was always convinced that he was jealous of me and wanted to put me through the same thing as him.

>dad was a mean drunk that tried to buy our love after divorce

Got a PS1, Dreamcast, bday cash and lots of games outta that asshole.

My dad was some kinda midfame circassian dancer who only came to America long enough to have children with a dutch girl after his knees got weak. Not gonna knock gaming, but Im happy he'll never feel like he missed out on anything if I described frame data and social justice to him

He doesn't play any games apart from the occaisional online poker, but he did make some kind of fishing arcade simulator to test out fishing rods. Pretty neat

>Implying your dad's drunken vehicular manslaughter makes him a good fighter.

are you black by any chance?

that game was so fun
is it still up somewhere?

I bet his dad could beat your dad at Twisted Metal.

I mean, if it's any consolation he did it intentionally. Well done on the first guess get though.

He mostly plays CoD, Titanfall, and the Ace Combat series. He used to play War Thunder with only biplanes.


He plays nothing but world of tanks, he used to play wow a lot.

Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Battle for Wesnoth
Yahoo Chess

I think that's it, I haven't seen him playing other games in years.

none, the only thing he likes doing is watching futbol

I'll never understand his older generation...

how can someone take pleasure out of others playing sports for him?

your mom brother

Black Ops 3

Twisted metal fans were proto Juggalos, so I am getting you are right. Now a patrician game like Jet Moto...that is another story.

Only AoE 1 without the Expansion pack

I'm not into sports but I can't talk shit. I play fightan but equally enjoy watching big tourneys with top players.

>Used to look up to him for being able to beat Rayman and Crash
>Eventually stopped playing and could never understand newer game controls
Honestly I think that it's because his condition worsened and he just can't use a controller anymore.

>my dad introduced me to AoE2 and CoD1

Pretty cool i guess, i still play both

He barely even knows what they are.

He doesn't play games often but when he does it's always an N64 game or Star Wars Battlefront 2.


He's been rotating between MGS5, FO4 and Dragon's Dogma.

When I was a kid all he ever played was RTS games and Decent.

My dad used to play Return to Castle Wolfenstein because he broke 6 ribs but thats pretty much it.

My dad liked Crazy Taxi and Katamari Damacy

My dad is really into old west stuff, any good games with that setting other than the red dead series?

>tfw every part of me wants to hate juggalos
>vidya job
>juggalos are trashy as fuck but probably the nicest and most polite customers so far
>during christmas one even waited until after a huge rush to trade his used stuff so we wouldn't be completely slammed

Such a conflicting feeling.

I was there when this happened

He will never play anything besides Modern Warfare 3.

He likes old arcade cabinet games. I went to the laundromat with me and he blew through Ms. Pac Man like it was muscle memory.

Online chess on his ipad. It's the only game he's played for the last 15 years.

He used to play mario party with me

my dad didn't play video games. he was a collector and seller of quite a few things though, like mountain bikes, CDs, even rare Pokemon cards. he owned a gamecube in his house but it was mostly for my use, I've never seen him use it before honestly.

My dad mostly plays hack and slash and Samurai Warriors type games since he's a recovering weeaboo
My mom attempted to play Persona 3 but stopped somewhere after getting Aigis

Fifa 2006... for the last 7 years. I. DO. NOT. UNDERSTAND.

back in the 80s, my dad was incredible at pacman and would regularly sit at an arcade cabinet for hours playing off of 1 quarter. He also used to play the hell out of the older zelda games and tetris on the NES.

nowadays he plays god damn facebook games and talks about how great he is at that crap.

He's been playing Red Dead Redemption since it came out. I saw him playing it last night. I wish I understood how someone can play a single player game for 6 years and still have fun

My dad likes to scam people in mmos
