>Watch Dogs 1
Main character is moody, depressing, stubborn, bitchy, whiny, white
>Watch Dogs 2
Main character is energetic, an activist, proud, patriotic
Why do people have a problem with him?
>Watch Dogs 1
Main character is moody, depressing, stubborn, bitchy, whiny, white
>Watch Dogs 2
Main character is energetic, an activist, proud, patriotic
Why do people have a problem with him?
Other urls found in this thread:
How much are you getting paid?
Because his group posts dank memes and only Sup Forums shitters are allowed to do that.
Ubisoft games are dog shit
he's a nignog
because he's a nigger obviously that means he's bad
are you not in with the Sup Forums memes?
>Accused of a crime he didn't commit
>Proceeds to commit crimes
>Secret club l33t h4ck3rvist
>They put they're goddamn logo everywhere on their laptops
i do like that they're abandoning their boring character already. anyone have that image of aidsen's "iconic" hat that only the cool people wear?
I don't give a shit
But that reveal trailer was really stupid.
>muh pol
you sound like a stormfag pushing the jew boogeyman
he's fucking right and you know that
if you hate niggers so much that you can't even talk about the actual game you should go to the board that is literally obsessed with niggers in the first place
>inb4 downgrade
fuck off shill
Console players buy their games.
Some garbage megacorp is trying to buy them out. This ride is gonna get worse before it crashes.
I didn't get that at all from the reveal. I got activist alright, activist who is trying to right the man for unfairly profiling him by commiting the crimes he originally wasn't guilty of. This guy is going to be just as obnoxious as Aiden, more so if they follow through the story as politically left leaning as they could given the protag.
>social justice activist
Pick one.
>13% of population commit 54% of all crime
Does he look better than the first one. The Watchdogs protag was one of the most generic characters I've seen in a long time.
>by commiting the crimes he originally wasn't guilty of
They got an excuse for that, you can play through the game without killing anybody know. If you happen to kill, than that's on you.
Don't give a shit if he's black or white. The only reason to have a black protag atm is to cause controversy and/or making people talk about the game.
Once every dev runs this into the ground for it's marketing people will stop caring and a black protag every now and then will become normal and no one will care, or we'll go back to white protags in 99% of games, and no one will care.
Either way, regardless of what happens, I will never buy a Ubisoft game.
You are proving you are a racist twat
>muh statistics
Listen you retard, this is a video game. You are getting triggered because the main character is black.
You are fucked in the head if the blackie is bothering you so much. Go back to that shithole where you came from.
Alright buddy
Jesus fucking Christ why is this new chink owner letting these blue boards go to complete and utter shit day in and day out
Itt: Ubishit marketers with the faux racism banter. Tomorrow on Kotaku & the Mary Sue: "racist Sup Forums is boycotting WD 2" (nice try but no one here or IRL cares for Ubishit franchises anymore)
Honestly what is there to talk about? Its another open world Ubishit game that's a sequel to a notoriously shit game and just like the previous it will be downgraded. They're just trying to cash in on the whole social justice movement that's hot right now with the story which is the only reason Sup Forums is talking about it.
>statistics and facts are waycis
Not him, but I'm getting a little tired with forced diversity in video games.
Like some people want the protagonist for every game to be black, homosexual, or have a mental disorder, I would prefer if some games had a protagonist had a white male.
While an awful lot of games offer this white male narrative, I feel like strong black, or homosexual, or mental disphoria sufferers are shoehorned in, not for character progression or story, but mearly to pander to a certain political group.
Why can one group call for Black, or homosexual, or transexual representation in video games, while you continue to spread hate to people who don't want games to include these sorts of characters?
that somewhat lessens the hypocrisy but there's still stunning people being a crime and I assume they haven't gotten rid of the whole hack people's bank accounts through their mobile feature either.
WD2's protag is a Blasian Nu-Male.
Can't wait for the story to reveal that the REAL masterminds behind the big bad ebul gubment was Goobobobobo Gababababa
Fuck off baitposter.
nigger in my shitty enough game?... Ok.. let me post some fat uglynosed bitch
The fuck? Do you cry about the thousands of games that have white people as protagonist? How is that not forced?
I see the tumblrites from Sup Forums has found their way here
how has no one mentioned the muslim girl sidekick?
One is boring and the other is insufferable to even look at.
The idiot with the expressive LED mask would be a better MC.
>some black kill people so therefore I hate literally every single on of them
Nice logic
No, not really, as a white man it feels natural and engaging to play a character as a white man. I enjoy games more and feel more emmersion when I play as a white man.
You could argue that white men as protagonists are forced, as I said, there is obviously an abudence of white protagonist in video games, but don't you feel the amount of homosexuals or black people in video games is a little over represented?
Please don't get to emotinal man, I'm not trying to annoy you, I'm just trying to understand your point of view
The whole vibe they're going for looks pretty fun in a superficial and cringey way but I've always thought it was stupid for secretive rebel groups to have logos on their clothing. Parkouring around sf and hacking dancing doughnut men seems cool even though I didn't play the first game
But will the game be good?
Ubisoft has done nothing but shit out garbage for almost a decade.
I've never seen those two together to describe the same person.
>Watch Dogs 1
>Main character is moody, depressing, stubborn, bitchy, whiny, white
>Watch Dogs 2
>Main character is energetic, an activist, proud, patriotic
>Why do people have a problem with him?
You forgot
>black main character
>graphics don't look like real life
Why do people have a problem with anything? Cause they are spoiled rotten babies who need their games to be catered to them. You're all cry babies, you're all pieces of shit. If you're not, you won't be offended by this.
I will be buying this game BTW, because I enjoyed the first. Race doesn't matter, graphics don't matter, I had FUN.
>Implying I hate all black people
naww man, I just find it amusing when people like you think facts = Racism.
Black people are responsible for an awful lot of crime in America. Funnily enougth, it dosent mean I automatically hate every black man ever to exist. Are you offended by this statement?
No I don't feel like minorities are over represented considering you can count on your hands the amount of protagonist that are from said group every year compared to white people.
>using white as a derogatory term
back to tumblr
I read this exact same argument every time the discussion of race in videogames comes up.
The thing is, and this might get me lynched, that pretty much any videogame developer that makes a protagonist not white/not male/not straight is almost definitely making that decision completely independent from any badgering from marginalized groups.
I can tell you for certain that Ubisoft isn't pandering to black people because most black people don't really play games like Watch Dogs. I know that because I'm a black gamer, my uncle is a black gamer, I know several black gamers. Save for me, most black gamers like either fighting games, racing games, or GTA.
You can't honestly use pandering as an explanation every time there is a non white or non male protagonist in a game. I know better than to call you racist for that, but it sure as hell makes you look a certain way when you struggle to accept every chinese or indian or black or female protagonist.
Wasnt Watch Dogs like first proper 8th Gen sandbox especially for Xbox one (PS4 has Infamous) and that already got it guaranteed sales. Like Saints Row 1 did back in the days.
>black guy
>ctos mistakes him for high profile criminal
>becomes hacker
Because option B isn't any less of a tired trope than option A. Fact is people only hated aidan because he's white. Literally no one has ever criticized him without mentioning he's white as if that alone makes him less interesting. It's pretty racist, when you stop to think about it
Ubisoft made watchdogs a highly anticipated game that failed to live up to consumer expectations on a colossal front.
Ubisoft the new EA, King of microtransactions, father of games released incomplete, bearer of DLCs containing low quality content for easy cash grabs, and other jeweries.
why would anyone trust them on a sequel nobody wanted. it's like they sucker punched everybody and asked if we wanted another.
Aiden may have been shit but he was far from being the only thing people did not like about this game.
Now putting the game in Cali so every time i look up a person on phone hacks it'll tell me they're demiqueer because Ubisoft can be progressive about how they're shitting in my mouth makes it all the more worth it.
get fucked OP.
> graphics don't matter the only thing that matters is the gameplay!
I've got a problem if he is a nigger or a chink
Holy shit, IQ of a fucking bar rat. Sup Forums was made for you.
>won't buy game
>I'm a retard
He's not saying it panders to black people. In fact he says it panders to a certain political group, who is actually primarily white, by a fair margin, which is his issue. It's not done naturally or influenced by true culture. It's artificial, and isn't done to benefit the people it represents. It's kind of racist in a way. A sort of new-age black face.
Your arguments are actually pretty similar in that case because he's saying it doesn't play to blacks, and so are you. So you two actually have a lot in common.
Ebony and Ivory
Seems to me there are a lot of brown animals in this thread. Let's be realistic for a moment niggers can't hack computers let alone have the agency to learn how. I'd rather it be a female (white) lead than a dirty ape.
Well, it also looks like shit if that makes you feel better.
>an activist, proud, patriotic
>an activist
>activist hacker
It's literally a journalist meme.
tumblr has really invaded Sup Forums.
Well the protag in the first game was boring and the options to customize his appearance sucked so i can't see them failing to deliver anything equal to him. Hopefully they will take it a bit less serious than the first game. A serious story needs to match up with the gameplay not to mention being actually good while a proud to be a b movie kind of story can be serious when need to and fun and silly when need to.
>you can beat the game without breaking any laws
sounds like you just hire a good lawyer and go to court. pretty sure hacking is a crime. also i didn't even bother watching the trailer so i'm not even if he was accused of murder or what?
>I know this because the people I hang around with don't play Watch Dogs which means blacks don't play Watch Dogs
Well shit, my white friends don't play it either.
Now what?
This is the society we live in. It won't away until everyone ignores it.
Defend races or lynch em, either way promotes racism. Ignoring it is how we end it.
Ebony IS ivory, that's the solution.
You can beat the game without breaking laws?
Not really. I'm fairly sure killing was obligatory in Watch Dogs.
Vivendi is trying to buy them out if I remember correctly, Ubidevs have threatened to quit if it happens, the whole thing promises to be an entertaining shitstorm with nothing of value lost if it goes ahead.
Yeah, you're probably correct, but generally speaking, their appearances are about proportionate to their population:
Doesn't mean you can't have them, but I know we are definitely getting some more, especially with games like this and Mafia III, etc.
>game has bad graphics
>refuse to buy
>I'm still a retard
They had a great run with selling glorified trailers for a while, but the public is waking up to their bullshit.
Watch_Dogs was generally hated, Assassins Creed lost almost all it's regular buyers and The Division left a bitter taste in everones mouths. They all sold like crazy though.
You clearly don't consume much media if you actually think that. Don't argue from a position of ignorance. It doesn't make sense to say that the number of white characters is forced because most writers are white. Most writers don't write characters that are wildly different from themselves because they can't relate to those personalities/races/gender, and they're not going to be able to effectively create a convincing character. Even if it weren't for self-awareness causing that, audiences force writers into writing characters that are more similar to themselves, because everyone bitches whenever they THINK that a character is misrepresenting a certain group. Just go on /tg/ and start a thread about whether guys can play female characters or not, they'll go rabid over it. No matter how close you actually make it to reality, people will still call it unrealistic and sex/racist.
Watch Dogs was a pretty decent game.
Was it amazing?
But it wasn't THAT bad. It was pretty fun if you pirated it. Definitely not a game worth $60.
The main protag was shit though, absolutely did not feel anything for him. The rest of the characters were pretty solid and the story was decent enough to keep you drawn in.
T bone should have been the main character
Literally the only good character in the game
cause he's a nigger and we hate niggers right my fellow anons
Gaming, like most industries, is 90% marketing. Get the marketing down decently and you'll be rich as hell. Ubisoft has a decent marketing team and huge budgets.
>people buy a ps4
>beat bloodborne
>3 year drought of nogames
>ubi shits one out every 6 months and markets it just enough for normies to get hyped
i wonder
honestly I'm excited.
this is not only the second game in the watchdogs franchise, but the first time we've seen a black hacker in a game.
>tfw black and learning about hacking so i can work in network security
>tfw this is relevant to me
Nah, because then you ignore culture. Who's culture does everyone become if we all merge into one? Is it Black American culture? British culture? Polish culture?
We have to recognize the differences and realize that it doesn't make us better or worse than one another, just different.
But actually some cultures are objectively shit
Thank you for being so civil, and not screaming racist at the first sign of disagreement.
Obviously, every black or homosexual inserted into games are not there to pander to a certain demographic. Arcade Gannon from Fallout: New Vegas Comes to mind as a character who is very engaging and interesting, that just happened to be gay. Franklin from GTA 5 also happens to be black, but is a well written character who flaws are embraced.
That said, some characters in video games are very clearly shoehorned in for a political adgenda, and upsets me. It also upsets me when I voice my concerns and any criticisms are met with insults and slandering.
If characters are shoehorned into games, they are not there to appease homosexuals, blacks, or transexuals. Speaking from personal experience, I have never met a homosexual that feels like he is underrepresented in media. I belive shoehorned characters are in games mearly to appease a certan political group
I guess we disagree. I invite you to look at the cast of the borderland series and see the amount of 'underrepresented' groups inserted into it, not for humour or good writing, but as a means of pandering.
guess which one vee can relate to.
it's resentment
it's envy
the sad part is normalfags will buy/preorder this shit
look, the whole thing is just critic bait
ubisoft knows that the legions of normies that made the last game sell so well don't give a fuck about the setting or the characters; they're going to buy it because they get strung along by a hype machine, or because their buddy told them to, or whatever
big publishers care about A. sales B. metacritic score. the last game did great with the former, but not with the latter, so they'ce clearly identified that as akey point of focus for the sequel. so, creating something that panders directly to most of the gaming press (set in san fransisco, main cast going straight down the captain planet diversity checklist, anti-capitalist themes, etc.) thus, to them, improves the chances of the score going up, filling in what they believe to be the major gap
I'm sure a few people on the staff buy into what it's pushing, but don't kid yourself; it's a coldly calculated business decision, nothing more
$2.75 has been deposited into your account. Good work.
>first time we've seen a black hacker in a game.
>defending ubishit this hard
need to be more subtle if you want dem "u juss rayciss" yous
I hope Ubisoft copies GTAV's system of switching characters in Watchdogs 2.
>Play as muslim girl
>Mass murder everyone
>Cause a blackout
>Police start chasing me
>Switch to black main character
>Black main character has the orange prison
>Start running from police
goddamn why not just make a good game and sidestep all of that
anti-PC cucks are triggered when real issues are addressed in video games, thats why
the meme oc is finally coming in
if i could get paid to shill you bet your fucking ass I would
Not an argument, subhuman.
can you put some fucking effort into it. edit the cuts to the music or something, like maybe put a filter on it, anything at all. you literally just took 420 by macintosh plus and put it over the trailer.
>Make some vaguely racist post about the black main character
>Newfags immediately begin whining about Sup Forums
Fishing has never been easier.
>thinking watch dogs: we wuz hackers will have anything remotely to do with actual hacking.
it's just an excuse for game mechanics. you know that right?
You can't change characters while chased by the police...