How to fuck a blind LP: The LP

How to fuck a blind LP: The LP

>pats retarded
matt should have taken control.


Then we would have had 3 parts and it would have ended or 300 parts and Matt would be the only one in the video for 99% of it.

No fucking thanks.

>Expected a shitshow
>Got a shitshow

Nothing of value was lost

E celeb shit reported

I don't watch best-friends-whatever but from these threads it seems like every lp is a shitshow

>Woolie backseat games nonstop throughout

Does he always do this and I just haven't noticed?

no more ecelebs soon

I know this is probably so trivial but I keep losing my shit every time Pat misses an item THAT'S RIGHT NEXT/IN FRONT OF HIM. I mean I get the "tunnel vision" bullshit he said a few eps ago but god fuck how can someone be this blind.

He' still the best of the four
Also Matt isn't anywhere near as bad as people say he is

Yes. Just sometimes it is a shit show you wanted and sometimes is just terrible and a waste of time.

>tfw you hate pat now


Is everything Matt says a reference?

This is why you don't LP brand new games that you highly anticipate playing yourself.

>e-celeb trash

Go back to the fucking youtube comment section, faggots.

He at least helped Pat the Blindest see some items and ladders.

>e-celeb garbage
thankfully it will end soon

where were you when Sup Forums was saved?

I'm watching this now since I can't run the game on my toaster
Game looks cool and all, and the weapon animations and arts are great, combat seems better than ever
But where is the fucking enemy hp in this game? Every enemy even bosses seem so low hp compared to previous games

perfect callibrated tv

After FFX I never want Matt on controls ever again

it's because Pat grinded 1000 levels offscreen. he had softcapped dex and full upgraded weapon in like the second area of the game

Where is all this coming from?
If it getting banned or is it getting a board all it's own?

What is changing to stop these threads?

Everything dies quickly in this LP because pat overleveled himself to shit very early on

Woolie was only backseat gaming because Pat wanted him to. It first started with Pat giving Woolie a guide to read aloud so that Pat can get a specific ending he heard about, and that just gave way to Woolie pulling out the guide whenever Pat cries about being lost or something. Even so, Pat's still the one who did the most damage to the "blind" LP by reading goddamn everything on the internet and not giving a fuck about spoiling himself between recordings.

And the backseat gaming would've been worse if Woolie was the one playing with Pat as the wingman. Pat would never allow for Woolie to discover anything for himself, as evidenced by the DeS streams.

A blind Souls LP is straight-up impossible as long as Pat's involved.

At this point I'd rather Liam being Woolie's wingman for a DaS1 lp. Matt will be there for whatever the fuck reason. Maybe he's in all the videos to keep the others in check and keep them from saying things to offend the "fans". That rape horse thing comes to mind.


God I wish Matt would just fuck off. I can't stand his nasally voice spewing memes and movies / capeshit every two minutes.

I find him endearing, he just needs a strong co host to offset his personality. I think Woolie's the actual worst.

keep this e-celeb shit on

It's about the same as other games, except later Bloodborne bosses where they're endurance tests balanced around the player being able to heal their full health bar 8 times. In Dark Souls, if you aren't killing nearly all regular enemies in 2 (maybe 3) hits then you're doing something wrong.

There was a stick a day ago made by Hiro where he asked for suggestions in regards of how to improve Sup Forums and most people said to ban eceleb discussions amongs other good suggestions

>Noticed the final episode was on my Recommended Feed on YT

>It's the final episode, even though I skipped out on the last three or four

Whatever, who cares.

As a former fan of theirs, I can tell you that their worst mistake was doing full LPs in general. Their Machinma shit was great, edited down perfectly, had funny jokes in it and characterization, and you could tell some serious effort went into them.

Now, they've gotten fat and lazy. They get a shit ton of money for little effort, and it just turns to shit.

An example of some shitshowness from them:

>Super Mario RPG: During a break, Pat looks up a walkthrough and finds the secret ultra weapon as early as physically possible, and then openly mocks the fans for saying the game was hard later on.
>Pushed about 100 episodes or so out that were trying to push "funny" memes like "fartgas" and simpsons references
>"Friendship" almost came to a complete deadstill because they did an LP on that shitty streets of rage side-game and they started getting hostile towards each other
>Countless episodes where they say shit that they were supposed to edit out but never did. This bit them in the ass when receiving free shit from fans, they thought the camera was off and then started shit talking the fans who gave them the free stuff.

To boot, all of them have shitty personalities that bleed through their episodes.

>Woolie is hyper competitive and tries to sell too much hype
>Matt is so phoned out of it that he shouldn't even bother anymore
>Liam plays devil's advocate unironically at every chance he can get, such as defending Mighty No. 9's shady practices
>Pat openly admits that he cheats at every game he plays, and also bases ALL of his opinions of NPC's/Characters on the first 2 minutes of interaction with them. See: Kenny from Walking Dead, or Junpei from Persona 3 Portable

Honestly, I don't know why I stayed with them for so long. I don't even know why I still click on these threads. I need to stop.

>>"Friendship" almost came to a complete deadstill because they did an LP on that shitty streets of rage side-game and they started getting hostile towards each other
Say what?

Woolie likes acting like a know it all, and here's his chance to lecture Pat on a Souls game

Matt and Pat were doing a full LP of some shitty PS2 Streets of Rage game that was REALLY shitty. They couldn't figure out one of the mechanics for a particular move, and Matt kept suggesting something to Pat, who was dealing with the place being on fire, so Pat got pissy, and then there was a really awkward 2 episodes where you could feel how much they hated each other at that moment. I swear, I actually thought that the show was going to come to and end when it happened.

>listen to this weeks podcast today
>Matt's nostrils are completely blocked for the entirety of the podcast

Oh you're your talking about the Final Fight Revenge LP That shit was pretty fucking funny, but I never got that vibe from it.

I thought perhaps it was a video with Liam or something because he's the one that will argue Streets of Rage being better than Final Fight all day with Matt. Woolie and Pat probably couldn't give to fucks about either.

That wasnt even so bad in comparison to Homecoming where Matt just threw the controller and went mute. Pat played it then with really awkward commentation.

Do you mean Final Fight Streetwise? Because if you thought that was the end of any friendship you must not have many friends. Although I agree with your other points.