In the '80s/'90s, did you enjoy Nintendo more or Sega more?

In the '80s/'90s, did you enjoy Nintendo more or Sega more?

I was alot more exposed to Nintendo in the 90s and preferred them but didn't hate Sega and really liked Sonic games whenever I got a chance to play them.

Nintendo but Sonic was cool too, I think Sonic R was the first Sega game I played.

I liked both but Sega games just appealed to me more.

Splatterhouse 2, Altered Beast and worms were probably my favourites, Nintendo had Unirally though

>tfw your best friend had a Genesis so you could enjoy all the games


Sega fans are what Sony fans are now. Casuals.

>Streets of Rage gives you UNLIMITED CONTINUES HOLY SHIT
>Sonic trilogy are sub par compared to any one of Nintendo's flagship platforming series
>Third party games on SNES were better in general. Contra, Castlevania, etc.

You know why Ecco is beloved so much? It's pretty much the only game that Nintendo didn't blatantly do better, at least not until Endless Ocean came out.

The only good Genesis game was Gunstar heroes.

Sonic > Mario

I would so far as to say Super Mario World ALONE is a more worthwhile experience than all of the Sonic games on Genesis. That game truly never gets old.

both? i had a genesis but never a NES/SNES. i had a N64 but never a Saturn or Dreamcast

Sonic 3 & Knuckles absolutely kills Super Mario World.

Nintendo always but i was ALWAYS jealous of nights and house of the dead. I dont even like how nights plays so much but the setting and world is the best ive ever seen in a game.


>there are nintendrones that really think this

I was an idort back in the day and liked them both the same for different reasons. If you didn't have access to the consoles of one you just missed out on so many quality titles.

N64 > Saturn

I was a Nintendo kid, but I liked Sonic, Shinobi, Streets of Rage and Phantasy Star.

It got old to me after I beat it for the first time, and while I don't think Sonic 1 and 2 are better, Sonic 3 & Knuckles was.

SMB3 on the other hand never got old, it's still my favorite platformer.

I was and still am a PC master race, so neither.

I owned a NES, SNES, and Genesis along with Sega collection on PC. Hard to say, both had many good things

NES had more good games but the best games on SMS were better than the best games on NES.

SNES = Mega Drive

N64 < Saturn


>implying IBM PC wasn't garbage in the '80s
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I was a Sega kid but only because I didn't have a Nintendo console until the GameCube. My only console was the Genesis until the PlayStation came out.

Laughing at you m8

I liked Sonic better than Mario back then even though I was a Nintendo kid, and to be honest I still have more fun with Sonic 2 or 3 than I do with Super Mario World.

But DKC2 was better than any Mario or Sonic game.

Laugh all you want. I owned all systems when they were new and still own about 350 original games across these platforms. I know what I'm talking about.

>all these IPs that none of these companies will explore anymore

Fuck Nintendo and SEGA equally.

i wound up with a genesis when it was relevant, and a snes at the end of its life, something i hate myself for.

looking back, sonic was never cool, but sometimes music i dig shows up in the soundtracks.

streets of rage was cool though.

IP A is a million seller, always guaranteed to make some money

IP B is ancient and no one cares about it, nor is the original team intact to make a real sequel to it, very shaky project, could be underfunded, a real danger if it flops

I forgot corporations at your mercy and need your permission to lose money. Cuck

>DKC2 was better than any Mario or Sonic game

Fuck yeah

>Nintendo is the only dedicated game company left in the hardware business
RIP Sega.

I had both but played on Sega consoles more. Once Playstation came out I stopped Nintendo though. I just don't like the N64 so I went with Saturn and PlayStation.

Not at all. I mean I had and liked quite a few of Sega's games, but I was always playing the Nintendo and Playstation games.
I remember how I always wanted a Dreamcast though since it looked amazing and my consoles feel inferior, but I could never afford it because I kept buying N64 games and to a lesser degree Playstation games. And then the Gamecube and the PS2 happened and forgot all about the Dreamcast and to an extent Sega as a whole.

>I'd rather play a game from the franchise that's been overplayed to nth time than a game that should have a sequel
>I'm all for corporations to be safe instead of taking risks
>Also, I think corporations would make a huge risk at losing money despite how big they are already

>people want Nintendo to die
>when they're the last games developer left
I'll never understand this meme.

If early 90s I'd vote for Nintendo because I cannot stand the Sega Genesis soundchip. If late 90s I'd vote for Sega because I preferred the Dreamcast to the N64.

Also, I think I prefer Sonic over Mario.

>I cannot stand the Sega Genesis soundchip.
Get a load of THIS pleb. I bet you don't like retro arcade games either.

I think Nintendo games are more fun than Sega games, but I owned a genesis tho

Sega VS Nintendo was the best time, because it made a rivalry between the two. They both wanted to make better games.

But then Microsoft and Sony fucked it all up, I never liked the idea of companies that don't make video games making consoles.

Aerosmith fucking sucks. Just admit it.

Your opinion isn't bad in the slightest but, I disagree with you because I like Mario World better.

I've never seen a real life Sega console.

You mean Sonic 2. Sonic 3 is utter trash no matter how tall you make that tower.