I wonder how hard the writer at Rockstar beat his stubby little dick while writing Trevor

I wonder how hard the writer at Rockstar beat his stubby little dick while writing Trevor.


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He's the only honest character in the entire game

>tfw dan houser will continue to write gta games until the end of time


GTAV was shit.

Stale shitty pasta.

Trevor is trash in his own unique way. Every last character in V is greatly unlikable, unnoticeable, or underdeveloped or any combination of the three.

>mfw somebody tells me RDR is well written vidyakino

It's not even the vidya game equivalent of a flick.

Stop posting the exact same fucking thread again and again. We got it, you don't like Trevor. Now fuck off.

IV excelled in characters. I find Niko to be the best GTA protagonist,

>Russian immigrant that's pro gay marriage

Totes makes sense

Anybody that says GTA games are well written are idiots.

It's already been done better decades ago anyways.

Niko was fucking Serbian. Also the whole gay thing was just a fun side note. Remember that gay marriage wasn't as big of a deal in 2008, so the context is very different from today.

I have a love-hate relationship with this character.

There are instances where he's clearly trying too hard to be edgy, like on his car ride with Michael for the scouting for the third/fourth heist but he also isn't all talk and actually does do some seriously abhorrent shit like raping Floyd to sleep every night.

He's alright.

Doomguy: the ideal man and a caretaker of the environment. truly the greatest vidya hero.

What gun is he holding?

2008 is when California voted to legalize gay marriage or not. I remember because I had a job interview that I was almost late for because of some faggot activists holding up signs in the road.

Assault rifle, I guess.

GTA VI should be Chicago 70's about a crooked cop


>guns in 90s games
>actual guns that are identifiable beyond "assault riffle" and "shotgun"
pick one

>I find Niko to be the best GTA protagonist,
>I want is to leave war and shooting behind but commit crime I do. I stop makings crime now. Oh no another committing of crime! So conflicted.

GTAIV a shit and the plot and characters are trash.

He didn't want to go to war


Hell just 70s anywhere would be nice.

>no faggy cell phone interface to mess with
>race around in old shitboxes
>parody the tensions of a cold war society
I want it.

I always liked the 70s muscle cars the best. I'm so sick of all the flashy sports and super cars that gets dumped on us in modern GTA

Rockstar cant write games although Bully was kinda decent

I didnt like how he suddenly knew words a redneck like him shouldnt know just so the writer could express freely their marxist views.

Its like wow where did you learn that word trevor? And why would youfucking care about torture?

Then a fucking manifest about how torture is useless...but torture is useful inthe same mision

Liberals wrote it, they don't know their ass from first base. It's no wonder it's a complete mess.

probably as hard as you beat your dick everytime you post this thread

I killed him at the end

Isn't that exactly what Driver is?

He's psychotic, thats relatable.

Or that he was cannibal and murderer, but talk about illegal immigration and he will kill you.

Trevor was just inconsistently written as fuck, first he was cwazy Joker type, then at the end of the game he was whining to Michael like a bored,normal housewife for betraying him.
Oh well, you can always say he was just "randum".

Imagine if they made a GTA game set in 1970's New York.

you clearly don't know enough unstable people.

Clinging to specific people (i.e. a friend,partner etc.) isn't that odd

Liberals only think you can be a good person if you have modern liberal views

That warriors game was amazing

>Be OP
> suck dicks for a living
> gets mad at Trevor for being 'lol ramdum'
>still runs over hookers for lols in GTA

tfw Dan Houser also wrote Red Dead Redemption

he's ok

But Trevor is the citizen Kane of video games.

Trevor is just comedic relief and is the least edgy of the three characters. Michael is the one who truly makes me cringe

No I actually play GTA for the unparalleled breath taking world.From the vast well design AI,and flexible game unparalleled to anyother.I am not like you unintelligent ruffians who gets a few kick by going pew pew and run over hookers for a past play.Now go away you troglodyte and leave GTA for intelligent sophisticated gamers

At least 3 of those look like women.

This is bait.

IV's characters are in that weird area where they're not exaggerated enough to be funny, but not toned down enough to be believable

As far as memorable characters go, San Andreas is the best

Michael was insufferable

>least edgy
I think maybe you perhaps might not quite know the meaning of the word edgy probably.

Please please please, go back to Sup Forums
Well, he DID leave Russia. Also, Russians aren't some hive mind that agree on everything. That's like assuming all Americans believe in the right to bear arms.

Name a character from GTAV that's as memorable as Big Smoke.

You can't

He's not, he's over the top and silly. Michael is the go to character for fedora tippers and katana wielders

holy shit you're right

Lamar "Ni~gga~" Davis

More like killyaselfino

I know and they have some patterns. Trevor is just randum and he act certain way only to fit the story.