Fuck this artificial difficulty bullshit. I'm a veteran of the Souls series (you know...

Fuck this artificial difficulty bullshit. I'm a veteran of the Souls series (you know, the game considered by many top gamers to be one of the, if not the most, difficult series in video gaming) and I can safely say this game is just unfair.

Healing takes WAY too long and leaves you extremely vulnerable. Your potions and supplies should refill once you rest in town and more than one boss shouldn't appear in the same zone.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw you can't get hyped for X because you're burned out on MonHun

>tfw no MonHun on vita

I don't have the infinite patience to start grinding another monster hunter game. I don't know how 13 year old me got to the 7 star quests in the original.

>I don't know when to heal
Stay mad

git gud bruh

Styles are a neat change of pace.

>that whole first sentence

Thanks bruh i needed that laugh

You're shit at the game and you need to return to your overwatch babby shit.
Fuck off and die.

I always love these thread openers.
>No G Rank
Why even bother

post your main weapon and your favorite monster
for me it's

Yeah, learn when to heal, und also learn to use dungbombs. Filthy casual.

>no G rank
This is what it's holding me, bur if feel like we're being extortioned here because I can sure you that if some MH game underperform CAPCOM'S standards we can kiss good bye to the series.

Cause multi varient bullshit

anyway to play this on pc?

>veteran of the Souls series (you know, the game considered by many top gamers
Ah you lost me there. Needs more build up and a more sparsely written brackets.

Its always best to start these threads with as much butthurt as humanly possible. that way you instantly weed out the LS users.

I want underwater fights to go away

You got here quick friend

So water fights are back or what?
Because I heard they weren't
Yet I'd seen videos of the first area of MHTri and thought "How the fuck is this gonna work?"

Why in the name of the fuck did they came back in first place? Goddamn CAPCOM do some feedback nobody wants to deal with that bullshit ever again.

>artificial difficulty
>considered by many top gamers to be one of the, if not the most, difficult series in video gaming
>this game is just unfair
>Healing takes WAY too long
>Your potions and supplies should refill

I use LS and GS

Underwater combat hasn't been a thing since 3U.
Stop pretending or get educated.

OP here, do people really not understand that this was supposed to be a MH thread? Anyone wanna hunt? Haven't played in months and want to get excited for X.

What's a vita? I never heard of a system called that.

>He fell for the artificial difficulty meme.

> Wants to play souls
> Plays not souls
> refuses to learn non souls
> Artificial difficulty out of stupidity

There are three types of replies.
>people that know it's how the threads are started
>people replying ironically
>legitimate idiots triggered by the post

>Your potions and supplies should refill once you rest in town

They do. It's called the Wyporium. He duplicates bugs, mushrooms and seeds (for Armorskins/Demondrugs etc.). Plus you can buy potions for cheap on-mass from any vendor.

>Healing takes WAY too long and leaves you extremely vulnerable

Exactly. I always hate that you have to flex a bit after taking a potion but it teaches you how to time your heals and space yourself from attacks. Plus, if you're playing online it's pretty normal to just leave the area, heal at the door and go back in to join your team.

>and more than one boss shouldn't appear in the same zone.

That's what Dung Bombs are for. They make one monster flee (usually).

Honestly, all of your issues have solutions in the game. They just aren't given to you. If you ARE a veteran of Souls games (which are not that hard, and are certainly not as difficult combat-wise as MonHun) then you should know the value of finding solutions for yourself. MH4U is objectively good, and these petty complains are practically completely unfounded.

Recently started Portable 3rd with a few friends. I have 700 hours in MH3U and they have no experience at all.

I was shitting my pants after the "WARNING!" sign popped up when I was doing the village Bulldrome quest. That fucking music and atmosphere when I had no clue what was going on.


>blabla dumb bait bullshit
Just say you want a monster hunter thread instead of being a fucking faggot

What are ya all niggas hunting

Another note on the Wypo Guy; he also duplicates Honey, which is retardedly valuable (Catalysts, mega Armorskins, Mega Potions etc.) After one day of guild quests with my friend and three 10-trip exchanges for Honey on the go constantly, I had over 270 Honey ready to use, and now I'm never below 300 Mega Potions or 60 Mega Nutrients.

whats the best weapon and why is it the gun lance


Also OP is bating you fags

Just got done with some Gogmazios online. I've been getting in to GS and want to upgrade Monument of Lament.

Was doing Chameleos earlier. That thing is a bitch, but the fade out effect on the weapons looks awesome, especially the Insect Glaive.


Is that a DLC monster?

have you guys never played a MH without g rank? high rank difficulty is scaled up to make up for it. I haven't played X though so it might be piss easy for all i know


Newfag has been spotted

I will always have a tender spot in my heart for Rathalos, I struggled so much with him in Monster Hunter Freedom that once I beat him for the first time I completely fell in love with the series.
Favorite weapon is Greatsword, Longsword a close second.

OP, your bait is weak. If you want a MonHun thread just say so.

That's why I've been waiting for the western release before I play it, even though my 3DS is cfw'd already

>completely ignored the tutorial in 3U
>first game so no background knowledge
>ended up going to port tanzia with my shitty starting weapons and hunting azuros with no supplies besides whats in the supplies box and what I find in the wild
My favorite hunt, it would be easy for me now but back then I sucked hard.

I started the series with 4u
Wish I could get my friends into it, but they've got pretty normie taste.

My only major gripe with the series other than it being mostly on handhelds is having to chase monsters around the map. It makes difficult hunts that much more of a tedious chore. Even if you know where the monster is because you tagged it, you still have to travel there.


It's always fun when people play Dark Souls and think it's hard as balls, then they decide to give Monster Hunter a try.

As a "veteran" of the Monster Hunter series, Dark Souls was so fucking boring that I didn't even bother to keep playing after ending it the first time.

How would you compare the difficulty?

Kek look at this new fag

>claims to be a Souls veteran
>somehow doesn't understand the basics of timing, observation, and opportunity

Now I know you're full of shit.

Not if he summoned his way through the Souls games

I think the idea there is that you gather stuff as you go. Especially in High and G-Rank, mining/catching bugs and farming for actually decent talismans (Handicraft +7, I'm looking at you) is a big part of making great armor sets and weapons with useful effects for your playstyle.

My first Souls game was Bloodborne and I had no issues with the bosses besides the Daughter of the Cosmos or whatever. I then blew through Demon Souls and Dark Souls 3. I haven't bothered to go play DS1 or DS2.

Consistently having a pissed off Rajang trying to pummel you for as long as they stay in the zone was much more anxiety inducing than any shit in Dark Souls.

Return to reddit, newfriend.

Not that poster, but I don't think it really is comparable. DS is about blocking and attacking at the right time, and the combat can be as fast or slow as you want it to be depending upon how hard you're turtling, or how agressive you choose to be.

Monster Hunter is more about positioning, prior preparation and reading the monster and predicting what attack you'll need. I know a guy who can face a charging Rath with a hammer, and while it's running at him swing the hammer around and essentially whiff a bunch of hits - by the time the monster reaches him the last big hit twats it in the head and stuns it. You don't really do those kinds of reads in DS, it's more reactionary.

Damn, Lavasioth's getting all the attention lately

DaS is a dungeon exploring game while MH is a boss rush game. Should've stopped here.

>responded to obvious bait

Depends. Dark Souls is a lot more about being careful, but most things won't 2-3 shot you like in MH unless you spend zero points in Vit or something. Difficulty depends a ton on the monster or the boss.

You can still compare the bosses somewhat since they operate under similar core mechanics.

You're aware there's already a Monhun thread up, right?

Bosses in DaS is a mere 5% of the game.

Je suis monte!

That's the style of the games and what the main gameplay loops consist of, yeah I agree, but he was asking about comparative difficulty. In that case it mostly comes down to comparisons in combat, which was what I attempted to give him.

No DaS's main "difficulty" comes from the level design

I'd say the bosses are harder unless you blunder blindly around every corner and eat shit from every single trap and ambush.

Arguably yes, but I think people struggle more with, and have an easier time explaining, boss difficulty, which can be compared to monsters in MonHun.

And again, fighting monsters in DS is more about reacting; waiting, letting them whiff a hit or rolling into them and counter hitting once or twice. In MonHun you have to set things up for yourself since turtling is going to get you nowhere, or even steamrolled against an aggressive monster. Traps, dung bombs, poisoned meat, IG mounts, sonic bombs, blunt weapon stuns, tail cuts for exhaustion etc. all mean that you're being pro-active in finding ways to chip the monster down and provide ways for your team to have a solid 8 seconds of whaling on it. The difficulty is different.

> artificial difficulty
> souls veteran
Is this a new pasta? This is some gay as fuck shit your saying op. Go do what you do best and suck someones dick thata lubricated by your tears. Bitch nigga

>He doesn't know the tradition of making MH threads


I think mon hun's base evasion should have more i frames. Too often you'll find yourself in a position where you can't do anything.

there's already evasion+3 for noobs

There is one thing you can do.

Get Evade ya pussy.

Even the defensive weapons like Lance are more about using your different methods of mobility and defense (backhops/sidehops, guard advances, counters) to get in a monster's face and fucking stay there at all costs.

Get Evade +1/2/3 and Evade Extender
The panic dive (run away from the monster with your weapon away and hit dodge) is invincible for the entire longass animation. There's even a skill that lets you panic dive TOWARDS monsters.

desu apex monsters were a chore (didn't get lucky enough with your wystones? leave the area and wait for a cooldown cause you literally can't hit the monster now WOW SO FUN)

also guild quest weapons completely breaking game progression and making builds even more luck-based (as if charms with random stats weren't enough)

remove randomized charms and guild weapons, and apex monsters, in short. They are overly grindy and unfun.

>one of the, if not the most, difficult series in video gaming

Dude. Any simple roguelike or even some roguelites on steam can tell this sentence to fuck right off.

[you caught a newfag]

We call the panic dive the Superman Jump.

Supermanning through a laser or Gogmazio's goop vomit and coming out unscathed is such a satisfying feeling.

Apex is gone in X/Generations I believe. Now there's outraged monsters that are stronger on certain attacks.

Superman Dives always have some wacky reactions when you're caught between a monster and a wall.

My personal favorite one was in FU where I dove in such a way that it looked like I took one step of a Blango, then jumped off of Blangonga's back for an extra long dive because they had both jammed me against a wall.

Sorry, my friends always called it a panic dive, they're the ones that got me into MH. It's hard to shake what you're used to calling shit sometimes.

Really, as long as it has "Dive" somewhere in the name, or makes some connection between the action and the animation, it's all good.

Everyone has their own nomenclature for these things.

I think thats a really old windows OS user


Well, the subreddit universally calls it the superman dive and I'm comfortable with that.

Anyone looking to start a hunt today? New save, so HR6 currently.

>play any third gen game
>can completely shit on zinogre
>play any fourth gen game
>get completely shit on by any zinogre even if nothing changed, gold zinogre is literally fuck you

Since the Monument of Lament is literally a glowing war-monument on a stick, I can see this being accurate.

how did brachy become an olympic sprinter in the time between 3U and 4U?

So here's the deal.

Souls is hard. Monster Hunter is harder.

This is from a vet of both series (plat trophy on all souls, HR999 twice in MH4U).

The emphasis in MH is on learning attack patterns of bosses, and maximizng the risk/reward of getting greedy.

If you'll note, MH is balanced around multiplayer. Introduce a player 2 in Souls, and the boss battle gets severely trivialized. This is the key difference.

Also the emphasis in MH is fighting the monster/boss. In Souls, getting to a boss can be harder.

All in all, both games provide rule sets and you have to adapt. Souls is more forgiving. Monster Hunter is tougher.

Just wait until you clear GRank and start grinding lvl 140 GQs with randoms that can't handle Apex Zinogre. You'll understand then.

Also Zin.

It was also by the time I fought him that I realized my status as horny main.

DaS is harder because of PvP.

game needs less RNG and an actual endpoint (there's always DLC quests anyways, what the fuck, we don't need infinite randomized quests)

especially because capcom is just going to shell out another game in a year, they don't need to be 1000 hours long due to randomized drops.

>wanting to run apex GQs for eternity

literally delete them, they're so fucking tedious

I kind of agree with the idea of an end-point. I was so used to filling out all my quests with red ticks that I was really caught off-guard by the cycling quests at G-3 that you wouldn't always ''çomplete', and that wouldn't usually turn up again for a while. Really made it feel like you couldn't look through your quests and feel properly finished.

>MH is balanced around multiplayer
Not really. Yesterday in a room of 4 randoms we killed a azure rath in less then 2 minutes. Sure 140s might still be tricky but normal monsters don't stand a chance against a full party.

especially if they have broken GQ weapons from 140s

Lmao have you seen a 140 rajang or teostra?
5-20 minutes of sustained rape from all angles.

Uh no. It's not like you can get invaded during a boss battle (unless you count shit like Mirror Knight). Souls will never be harder. Mechanically it just doesn't apply. Also you have the option to play offline. The only option to not get owned by Apex Jho is to not fight it.

They're not that tedious unless you're hoping for loot. If you hunt for the thrill of the hunt and seek fun quests and not just double Rajang or Teostra, you'll enjoy it. Regular quests are too easy and you're not required to learn much about the monster attack patterns.

Why would anyone who has grinded 140s enough to get a freaking broken rare 10 relic go back to normal 4 men hunts and expect any challenge?

You could say it ends as soon as you get a top tier weapon.

Or you could just keep playing for hundreds of hours because what else do you have to do, faggot?

Apex are shit because of bouncing. Checkmate.