>tfw classicfags, adventurefags and boostfags are constantly at each other's throats
Can't we all just get along?
Tfw classicfags, adventurefags and boostfags are constantly at each other's throats
I like all classic, adventure and boost. What I don't like is how there's so much fucking Sonic threads since last month
To be fair, his 25th anniversary's coming in a few weeks and we've been getting hints that Sonic Team has a new Sonic game in the works.
Classicfags jump at EVERYONEs throat that doesnt agree S3K is the best game in the series
Adventure fags only care about chao gardens and are autistic
Boost fags only care about speed
>1 to 3 consistent sonic threads every few days
>At least 10 overwatch threads everyday
Agreed about liking all three gameplay styles though. Unfortunately, only one of them never really peaked. Not saying I dislike the Adventure games, as I like them more than boost, but the gameplay never got quite the refinement it needed.
fuck why is this true
Amy pictures. Now.
hi everyone
I like all of them so I'll be fine with whatever style the 25 year game takes
That's what happens when they make so many wildly different games over two decades trying to attract so many different people. The fanbase becomes so fragmented that every individual person has a different idea of what the franchise should be, and feel that they aren't getting what they want.
>chao gardens and are autistic
Why is liking cute things autistic?
Because every other alternate gameplay in sonic can actually be speedran and has gameplay. Whether it be shooting, emerald hunting, or werehog brawling and platforming. Holding glowing sticks in front of a baby and watching its stats go up and watching it automatically run itself in a race isnt gameplay and is just about the furthest thing away from sonic.
>classicfags, adventurefags and boostfags are constantly at each other's throats
Why? Are they competing about which sucks the most?
>Adventure fags only care about chao gardens
I don't fuck the chao gardens
Youre in the minority then family
>Combining those three things into one game wouldnt be the most amazing Sonic game
I hate sonic and knuckles (actually just not a big fan of 2D sonic at all), the chao garden, and boost games dont have enough levels because of the speed they move at. I dont mind padding in a boost game but everyone else does.
It will never work user, it is not meant to be
>Can't we all just get along?
Nope, every faction of this fanbase claims that their shit doesn't stink
Sure, the classic era had some crap but it was consistently more good than what's going right now
>classic fanboy at work trying to disguse his own shit
Self fulfilling prophecy
Unless it's with underages and casuals this isn't the case. Fans typically reserve their preference on what they want for Sonic. Honestly, any Sonic is good Sonic.