Downgrade confirmed

Downgrade confirmed

I don't care about graphics, what disgusts me is the intrusive HUD.
I don't want to know the size of the bad guy's penis.
Also I can see pretty well on my own, no need to highlight literally every object on screen with borders.
>takedowns are still a thing
>now with autoaim ranged weapons


Playing on the hardest difficulty in HR removed all map markers. I think it will be the same in MD.

Let me know when the game's not designed for consoles anymore.

>four abilities only like the previous game

Put it in the fucking

>ps4 confirmed

>givng a shit about graphics
id rather uncharted 4 didnt run at 20 fps, it would have been a better game and more playable

I want Elias Toufexis to fuck me with his voice

I'm probably gonna buy this on PS4 or Xbox One based on which version looks and runs better, presumably PS4.

My video card is probably good enough for minimum but I don't know if it'll run well enough.

Did they replace the voice actor for Sarif?

>id rather uncharted 4 didnt run at 20 fps
Uncharted 4 didn't run at 20fps, it's one of the most stable 30fps games this generation.

I don't disagree about framerate > graphics though

dont buy any consoles til the new consoles with better hardware is out, youre just stupid if you do

Why when anyone starts one of these threads does the OP always post a blurry pic

I want to see the downgrade. Not your shitty internet service.

>pleb didnt watch performance video
>clearly shows fps plummeting from 30 to 15-20 during action scenes

it ran like shit
30 fps is shit
the fact that retards this generation just accept that "target performance" is fucking 30 fps is depressing as fuck

its because they are fucking plebs and dont understand the basics of even graphics and start doing real stupid fucking shit like relying on compression quality of youtube to demonstrate graphics

I already own the PS4 and Xbox One, I'm not buying any new hardware.

I did watch the digital foundry and NX gamer analysis, and I own the game. It did not have constant drops during action you lying fuck.

>console gameplay
how can people stand this

or you could sell your ps4 and xbone and get a better video card

1) I have zero interest in getting rid of them and going back to PC gaming exclusively
2) My computer is not upgradeable

If I really cared about PC gaming, I'd just build a whole new PC but I don't so I won't.

Why can't they just make it a third person shooter? First person is fucking shit

>how can people stand this

Because you dont eve get to play half of them. I rather play games at 30fps than 0fps catch my drift PC clown?

>only 4 abilities
confirmed for not watching the video


i think they meant active at a time. but even then it looks like 5. L1 plus dpad. maybe its only 5 "quick access."