Fuck this map

Fuck this map

Every single capture points map is biased towards defence. It's just shit design.

I would fuck those statues

git gud

Every map in this game is complete garbage. I don't see why everyone is crying for nerfs/buffs to heroes when the maps are the biggest issue with the game right now. Blizzard needs to hire a map designer, right now it feels like the maps are designed by their artists since they heavily favor style over substance.

every map is easier to attack than defend. other than that I don't see a problem and if competitive makes it that if you win and lose attack/defend it goes to control when I'm okay with it

buy an ad spot you fucking cuck

>have heroes that specialize in flanking
>most flanking spots are so blatantly obvious and to top it off flanking can be entirely shut down with infravision and sonic arrow


I always hate the first three minutes on attack on Route 66 or whatever that fucking map is called.

Fuck off shill, not clicking that shit.

I don't mind sonic arrows because the cooldown is so long and aoe not that big. Widowmakers ult is pure bullshit though, and she gets it so fucking often if she gets a lot of kills.

Honestly just remove ults from the game, they're not fun at all.

King's Row


Everything else

>Widowmaker vs Widowmaker
no flanks at all whoever peeks first loses 10/10

>every map is easier to attack than defend
Payload maps are easier. A lot of the defense maps have chokepoints that make defense way easier, especially when playing with pubs

Fuck off. My team skips Illios to the point where our newest member hasn't played Illios even once. (They have 15 hours recorded on their main)

Widow + Winston/Dva/Rhein > Widow

Widow supports the team by picking off healers. Her team supports her by peeling and putting pressure on the other sniper. It's much easier to win a sniper duel and then rain hell uncontested for fifteen seconds or so when your team is getting up in the other widow's shit. Sniper duels are stupid.

>no poopboy69

I just hate any map that has you right next to the enemies fucking spawnpoint.

That last push isn't even fun most of the time.

>watchpoint gibralator
>they literally walk two feet outside spawn to contest the point
>have gone up against a team of Mei that just boxed themselves in

>Appears deeps in enemy territory in plain sight

Every single map is like this.

Anubis was crazy hard to attack in the beta. Not sure if they opened some chokepoints up a bit or if people are just better but it feels easier to attack the second point now.

A competent team can still hold it easier than nearly any other point in the game, but its not nearly impossible to crack if they have a bastion and torbjorn anymore.

I want to mod Dustbowl into Overwatch just out of morbid curiosity

>attacking anubis
>supplies supplies, a premade team doing gay shit at the chokepoint
>reinhardt shielding bastion on the bridge, a widowmaker on the platform next to it picking people off, a torberlone turret to the left, and a mcree hiding the the right, with a mercy making her rounds
>might as well go afk on this one boys
>oh wait
>our d.va somehow managed to kill the bastion
>they are all falling apart now
>we managed to cap the point holy christ I can't believe we are gonna do it, it only took us a minute and a half
>now we got like 8 minutes to take b, yet get fucked faggot defenders
>we go for 8 minutes and lose because anubis b is a broken piece of shit
still mad about it

not if you are attacking, that first point is annoying as absolute fuck, payload part is fine
should add route 66 to fun tier, only map I enjoy playing on both sides

Reminder that if you think defense is easier than offense you are literally confirmed as shit tier mmr and bad at the game and your opinion is essentially meaningless

>tfw u figure out the maps are poorly designed to keep the game pace high. I.e. Rounds that last 5 to 10 minutes

I met a Reaper with the screen name, Blood

Is that why attackers have a 60% win rate if they have over 100 hours played?

>Kings Row
>Volskaya Industries
I don't hate them but getting them almost a dozen times in a row is ridiculous.

The map rotation really sucks in this game. I've played about 5 hours of it and I'm still seeing new maps since the game prefers to replay the same two over and over.