Now the dust has settled, what is Sup Forums's opinion?

Now the dust has settled, what is Sup Forums's opinion?

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Less content than SFV


Possibly GOTY


Forbes said so


+Fun with friends (but really what isn't?)

-casual to the point of insulting

not worth 40 bucks


Nice nose

it's TF2 all over again. but not like pubbing in TF2 but as if you were always playing 6v6 ESL matches.
what i mean by that is that your team gets fucked if you pick the wrong class.
what i also want to say that you get that same feeling of:
>pick a class
>see yourself improving with that class
>get good with that character
i'm havin a great time.
but if you are looking for 12v12, 2fort 24/7 Team Fortress 2.5 then you gonna be dissappointed.

well music is nice
and for pixelshit the animations looks pretty good
in the sense that I can at least tell whats going on at least

Why does everyone seem to have the tumblr flu though?


Can be OK but too few good maps, no server browser and stuck with 6v6 makes it stale fast

+everything i like about ASSFAGGOTS without all of the things i hate
+fun to play with friends
+overall characters are fairly balanced
+looks nice
+lots of kekworthy memes and fapworthy porn
-too few game modes and maps
-boring, frustrating if playing solo
-gets repetitive after an hour or so even with friends
-no trading/exchanging shit you don't want for currency

i give it a generous 7.5

It's okay, but it's lacking content. Also, I doubt that it has staying power. The essential problem is that the single player has a hard time standing out and if you're up against a competent team there's little you can do to win. In a game like Counter-Strike, even if you lose, you can be the leading player in your team, be always the guy who survives last, who may win a round on his own, etc. - a competent player can defuse any situation by shooting exceptionally well. In Overwatch this is barely possible due to characters that are counters to yours being disproportionately advantaged. Also, Overwatch only knows team wins or team losses; individual performance isn't rewarded enough. This will make the game boring to competent players, and those are what keeps a game alive.

This. It needs to be finished and polished up. The game as it stands now is a really fun proof of concept, but without more maps and modes it's flaws are going to be more and more obvious.

Also, I know this is a meme, but it's really unbalanced. That picture that showed the spread of competitive characters is really telling.

my opinion is why does this game lag so fucking bad randomly. anywhere else I get like 20 ping but on this it just randomly shoots to 200-700

wall ride/10

Shallow and boring. Stopped playing already.

It's fun, with a few more maps and a mode or two more it'll be great.

It's pretty good

There's two big reasons it's better than TF2.

Conceptually, I think it's pretty good, but it has some serious flaws.

>Map designs is samey (IE: 90% choke points and every payload map ends with the goal RIGHT OUTSIDE the enemy spawn making contesting the point as easy as walking an inch and stalling forever)
>Ults cause the game to snowball because teams that are losing lose even harder when the enemy gets their ability to kill everyone everywhere three times as fast as you
>Hitbox dissonance is REAL
>20 ticks

It has potential, and I don't think it will have these problems forever, but at the moment I'm disappointed.

Lame reason.

it's good. Not goty, but so far I've sunk in more hours in this than anything else this year, and DaS3 and SFV already have 100+ hours in them

got around to buying it a few days ago, haven't put it down since. I can see that wearing off quickly, but theyre adding two new heros by the end of this month. if they keep it up, they could be incentive to play every once in a while.

as of now tho, it needs serious balancing.

goddamn mccree is the only one getting potgs

Most overhyped game of 2016.
Fun with friends but honestly every game is fun with friends.
Not at at all worth 40$.
Nice booty.
As casual as it gets.

20 ticks and hitbox dissonance is probably never gonna change. It lets people with shit hardware and internet stay competitive, which is probably a huge part of its appeal.

But yeah, maps are BUSTED and the game needs serious balancing.

>Buff Mercy (overcharge health and improve her gun)
>Buff Lucio (faster out of speed mode/make his balls hurt more/make wall climbing faster and useful)
>Buff Widowmaker (change her mine/cut her Batman hook cool down to 8s)
>Buff Reinhardt (longer range/harder hits/faster shockwave)
>Buff/Nerf Mei (Faster movement speed, but reduce the strength of her icicle spikes)
>Nerf Hanzo (moonspeak attack needs clearer hotboxes/.3s longer charge time before OHKO arrows)
>Buff Symmetra (change her gun to a pulse rifle, think Samus/give 50 shields instead of 25)
>Nerf McREE (everything. Mainly fan-the-hammer to pocket sand combo)
>Buff Zarya (slightly longer shields and grenade range)
>Buff Tracer (faster warp jumps)
>Nerf Torb (gun, turret aimbot hax)
>Buff Reaper (too slow to be useful, spread is abysmal)
>Buff Zen (everything)
>Buff/nerf (tighten spread on her guns, nerf "nerf this")

And so on. Anyone I omitted is probably fine. What would you guys change?


Its high poon...

meh, could be worse, could be better. Middle of the road with some decent character designs. Not all, just some.

>buff all the characters i like
>nerf all the characters i dont

glad you're not a blizz dev jesus fuck

They did say they have a Mcree nerf and a Dva buff in the works

I play as everyone pretty evenly outside of Junkrat and Winston. These are my observations. Why am I wrong?

And if I was a drone, went would I suggest buffs AND nerfs for some characters? Reading comprehension/10

thats fucking awesome, cause dva is pretty damn good already.

plus waifu

Roadhog is best husbando.

flavor of the month/10

>mfw people talk seriously about advantages in babbies first arena shooter

for all the people you said buff, you just gotta git gud

for all the people you said nerf, you just gotta counter them better

except mcREE, fuck him

Who givss a shit

For a start, asking for a nerf to D.Va's ult is fucking stupid. It's the weakest Ult in the game.

Casual, but really really fun with friends.

It will live for a long time because of blizzard drones.

Way too generic and boring, a fps needs some sort of skill ceiling if it's a pvp game. Sucks that it sold so well because of fake hype and blizzdrones

Fun, but holy shit i hate playing with shitter random pubs now. Moreso then in tf2.

Gay as shit and one of the reasons Blizzard fucked up WoW.

I relgiously played quake arena and still play tribes ascend, and I'm a MGE in csgo

i gotta say, overwatch is a refreshing change. its much more casual, but i need that from time to time.

is it as competitive? no

will it ever be as competitve? no

does it require skill? not really

that doesnt mean its not fun or not worthy of being balanced

If anything, Mercy's ult should charge slower. You can have her ult up within 30 seconds of the game.

lots of fun
do wish teams were more communicative though

Depends on if Blizz is going for Smash Bros balance or something closer to DOTA2 balance. I'm gud with who I play as primarily, but I think every character should be viable. Just look at how busted Bastion is now that he's countered. That's not balance, that's just sad.

Glad we agree on mcREEEEEE though.

Thanks based Quakefriend.

That's a good suggestion. That should be nerfed too.

10/10 GOTY
Ive never had such a big fun on a FPS

Fun shooter.
Needs more content though.


It's really fun with the right people and really unfun with the wrong people - more so than any other game I've ever played.

>Nerf McREE
If anything he needs a buff.
His stun isn't long enough for me to E FtH Shift FtH before the Roadhog hooks and one-shots me. And if I run into multiple enemies I'm fucked.

a shamelss tf2 ripoff for autistic cucks

>Wall climbing
>not useful
Spot the shitter

I think everyone can agree on this. I was blown away seeing the game doesn't even have a server browser.
Also, it could use a LOT less fanfare when ending matches. It just takes way too damn long for a match to end and a new one to start. So long in fact, people just leave and queue up again.


Eh? 6.5/10

This, Overwatch is literally the facebook shooter, look at me I got potg, I got a epic at end game, I got gold medal in this and that.

Beginning to hate the babbyshit ultimates in this game + mei... Vanilla tf2>>> overwatch

Fun when the rest of the team isn't pants on head retarded.

Incredibly frustrating when they are, or the other team is just flat out stomping you.

most fun I've had with a Blizz game since Wrath of the Lich King (before Grand Tournament), large variety of heroes keeps the gameplay fresh despite generally unimpressive game modes and maps

Really fucking casual though, also lacks dedicated servers and a good tickrate

>tfw playing really well with random team
>we decide to stick it out together for a few more rounds
>get matched up with Team Rape Factoria Blitzkreigz lead by Berserker Zodd Zarya™ and Killswitch You Can [Not] Live Reaper®
>the pounding advance never stops, kill sound chiming in every second like an 8-bit version of jingle bells
>match over in 1:08

Facebook tier TF2.

As in everything that Blizzard releases, is just another copy of a succesful game dumbed down for the casual audiences.

Modern shit tf2>>>>>garbage>>>>overwatch

>implying tf2 isn't for autistic cucks

This is why I always kinda laugh when I see people whinging about McCree. He has one gimmick and if it fails, he's basically dead. He's an assassin like Genji and Reaper. Meant to sneak up on you and blow you away before you get a chance to fight back. But people always cry when characters/classes do their job efficiently. Just look at Bastion. Idiots can't think to change to a Sniper or even Genji. Or fuck, maybe follow the Reinhardt and kill the Bastion while it's distracted.

forgot pic

>trying to solo tanks
Theres your problem

The sad part is that McCree can easily solo any character in the game, you just fucking suck

Fix the aiming and hotboxes pls.


>buff Widow
holy fuck you're a retard if this isn't bait

fun waifu shooter with friends

don't even bother to play solo queue

Shitty game sold in a shiny package. you remove the waifus and what is left? fucking nothing. I'm glad I didn't fall for the meme.

>McCree needs a buff
>stun isn't long enough

Yeah go fuck yourself.

>but if you are looking for 12v12, 2fort 24/7 Team Fortress 2.5 then you gonna be dissappointed

i do kind of miss this. not necessarily because it was all that fun, i'd be bored and quit out after like ten minutes, but it was nice to just have some constant action where nobody gives a shit about winning. overwatch is very try hard right now since there is no ranked mode, closest thing to what i'm looking for is skirmish, but the maps are too big to enjoy that in the same way as 2fort

>He's an assassin like Genji and Reaper. Meant to sneak up on you and blow you away before you get a chance to fight back.
Why should anyone be able to beat a stealth roaming McRee 1v1? Without that, he's nothing.

deffo GOTY for me

You're supposed to be lined up against players of your skill level but it really doesn't mean anything. When the freight trains lose enough, they'll inevitably get matched up against Thomas the Friends.

Thats because once you hit somewhere between 50-60% winrates you get paired up with a team much better than yours.
Literally every character is within those ranges.

How is this not suspicious to people

probably the best MP game I have played in a while

fuck you blizzard i fucking hate you

Thomas and Friends*

Better than Battleborn, even though I still own that as well.

Baby-tier shooter. You take HOTS, you put it in 3D, you add guns and you basically have overwatch. The game becomes already boring after 5 fucking days.

It's already confirmed McCree's getting nerfed, apparently his fan the hammer will do less damage to tanks. Him and D.Va are being internally tested right now



Lucio is fast enough you shitter.
Widowmaker does not need additional mobility.
Reinhardt does not need more range, and his shockwave should be dodgeable.
Mei does not need to move faster, her ice gun is already a death sentence to anyone without mobility.
Hanzo does not need a nerf.
Zarya's fine,
Tracer does NOT need to be any faster,
Torbjorn's gun is FINE
Reaper is FINE
Zenyatta needs a tiny bit more health
Tighetning D.Va's spread will accomplish nothing.

I'm glad your ass doesn't design videogames.

>"we don't want our underage fanbase to miss their shots and stop buying L$$T Crates!"

It feels painfully F2P right now. Some easy things they could do to mitigate that is put in some fucking particle effects, a little blood, better lights and shadows and just overall ballsier sounds for the guns.

Also, more maps and game modes, I'm actually kind of hoping they wouldn't add more heroes.


yeah, really wish there was a rest from the 6v6
that's really what the game is missing
i feel like the weekly brawl is the closest thing

hopefully blizzard implements something, as of now the game has no chill

I got bored of it in less than a week.

Shit man. I really wanted to play Overwatch but this is just terrible.

>that second shot

blizzard is fucking trash

>it's a 'after >90 hours played still get sorted into teams of shitters who don't care about composition or strategy and get curb-stomped as a result' episode


thicc mei
12pm guy
saving grace is the mercy threads
/overwatch/ outta 10 needs more thicc

>tfw rank 27
>get a rank 3 Roadhog on my team

fuck solo queue

meme machine

The game is fun for 3-4 days. after that it suffers from that usual Neo-Blizzard control obsession that demands you play the game exactly as they wanted with little room to differ. It makes the game become bland and boring very fast. That and the incredibly low skillcap.

Nobody knows how to play Junkrat correctly.
>How do I deal with Torb Turrets and Bastion/ Reinhardt/ Mercy bunkers?
>nobody ever says Junkrat
>people actually think Widowmaker is a better bunker buster than Junkrat
>his only direct counter is Pharah
>Can flank just as effectively as any Tracer or Genji

real talk tell me a scenario and I'll tell you how a skilled Junkrat will get past and probably turn it to his advantage, other than Pharah
inb4 meifags who think their wall does anything bit give him the high ground or the perfect sliver of space to shove grenades

Take a deep breath.

Think back to your games, and realize there was a common factor in all of them.

You. You are the common factor for your games. You are with these shitters because you, yourself, are a shitter. You're in MMRHell because you ARE MMRhell.

It's alright.
Way too broken to be taken seriously.
You can get maybe 20 hours out of it before things get stale.

Also gets pretty boring after a couple rounds.
If you buy lootboxes, feel free to kill yourself.