ITT: we talk about how D...

ITT: we talk about how is a pretty under powered hero in most situation and give other mech bros tips on how to best utilize her abilities

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I don't understand how anyone says she's Underpowered.

She is absolutely fine. You need map awareness and hit and run tactics.

Also, for some reason, her "shitty gun" outside of her meka does a good amount of damage. Half of my kills during my games are done with that pistol. Just aim where the person is moving, not over them.

>50 hours
>only play
>4.39 KDR

I know the game isn't about KDR, but she's fine, gameplay wise. Only thing I would say she should get is the notification on how long her shield stays up.

I'll start.
On maps like Ilios, I like to use Lshift to knock people off of the map when they bunch up on the edge.

D.Va art is more important than her gameplay, post D.Va art.

I meant more along the lines of interesting situational uses that you wouldn't normally think of.

Agreed, this thread now had dual purpose.

75% speed reduction during weapon use
critbox is pathetically easy to hit
ult gets 0 kills in high MMR and delays areas for less time than High Noon is a sham tank

I'll continue this post.

Use her boost to knock people around.

Hit and run from the sides.

Her boost lets her get airborne too, so she can harass turrets/snipers up high

Dont underestimate her out of meka pistol

While not in suit, if surrounded, jump around enemies, try to run between them and shoot them. If you do enough damage, you'll get your Meka back, and since you are so small, it'll be hard to hit you.

t. 15 kills 2 deaths Average per game, sometimes 0 deaths

Sometimes I feel like running away once you're out of mech and using your pistol to harass at range is an equally good option.

>everyone learns how to avoid at high MMR

Okay, but if you do what i do you'll get kills guaranteed.

>Boost straight up
>Jump out
>the meka falls and explodes instead of shooting past everyone
>the meka falls on the payload / point instead of away from it

Also, not sure how many people know this, but you can still do your ult if you're in the process of jumping out of your Meka.

>Korean weaboo notification pops up
>Press Q

it still goes off, the ult still works.

nigga like the loudest voice line in the game and the GIANT NOTIFICATION isn't a big hint that the main path is fucked for 5 seconds regardless of exactly how you put it into the air

>when you favorite character becomes the biggest mascot for MLG shit posting

I hate and love this

If you're worried about KDR, you're probably doing it wrong. Dva is meant to be played extremely aggressively. She's got amazing mobility with the boosters, so her natural habitat should be ramming into enemy widows and torb turrets and fucking their day up.

Flanking around defenders and causing hell on the point behind the defensive line, taking pressure off the main offensive.

Pair up with a tracer and you're going to be an absolute terror. Tracer's back line counters are widow and torb, which are what dva is strongest against. Similarly, tracer's best against high mobility squishies like mercy and lucio, which dva has a hard time sticking to with if they disengage.

Pls post the one where she walks in on Mercy and Pharah, stating that she wants McDonalds.

>highest win rate in the game


where are you getting these numbers from???


If you play with any amount of coordination, has the potential to be a god tier disruptor.

She's actually only 4th highest.

But i already said here that I know KDR is irrelevant in this game, because it's a team based objective game. I know this is not cawwadoody.

however I cannot help the fact that I have 4.39 KDR just by playing the game. I always push the payload. I always cap points. I get mad when my 1 alive teammate doesn't throw themselves onto the point during overtime just to reset the timer.

im just proving my point by saying that you CAN win with her, and she is NOT underpowered.


Regular or Gremlin?

>Be at spawn
>Press H
>Select anyone other than D.Va
Congratulations you're utilizing her in the best way possible!



Both, you already know this thread is for appreciation and justification against Winston elitist the dance never gets old


Such delicious feet

She has her place, and can contribute to the team, but within her role, she's slightly underpowered.

Part of this is the huge critbox that completely negates the huge amount of armor she's got. Part of this is the lackluster ult. Part of this is the huge mobility hit she takes when shooting which means she's wide open in the primary engagement, and can't stick to anyone who really wants to get away. Plus, her self-sustain of calling a new mech is pretty much useless in higher mmr games where even making it out of the mech alive is 50/50, let alone staying alive long enough to charge a new calldown.


She's perfectly capable.

HOWEVER, I do think she needs her crit hitbox shrunk a lot.

I would support 100 less armor, but fully removing the crit box.

This is the biggest problem, it's the only ultimate that puts a notification in your screen, while other equally devastating ults like Junkrat's wheel or Hanzo's dragon don't. They need to remove that shit so you can actually rely on the element of surprise. Otherwise evading the explosion is as easy as standing behind a lamppost or something just as nonsensical


>Character who's good at hit run
>Make her slow down when firing


More incentive to hit n run

>her handgun is less powerful than god damn mercy's

ahahahah fucking dva is a joke. Might as well just throw yourself off a cliff or run into the enemy team once your mech is dead. Odds are respawning and flying back to where you were will be faster then generating a new mech with your nerf gun.

THIS is the thing I find incredibly aggravating about her design.

yeah, but does mercy have a second life?

Hear me out. Alt loadout of heroes. gets a punch happy meka and uses a beam sword while on foot. Also while on foot she gets a helmet that goes with her suit.

One of the things you have to remember is that her rocket boost does damage when you run into people.

It's not a ton but it can help you finish off low heath targets when they try to run.

That's what I'm saying though,'s second wind is a dumb useless gimmick. out of her mech is objectively the worst character in the game and you were better off being dead with your mech then being alive and useless running around with a fucking maverick.

She's HIT and RUN, not Hit and Linger. Faster strafing speed while shooting means you more like to stay and think you can get greedy when you should be breaking for it once your main target is done

I honestly think in your desperation to make a joke, you've somehow missed the point.



>It's a "D.Va's really good in this insanely large pool of shitty players with no aiming skills, map awareness, counterpicking, or cooldown management" thread.

This is the bizarro equal of "Bastion is OP".

Yes but he means make it a moving hit box, so you have a moving hit box that is harder to react to. It starts off not even on the screen, proceeds to turn yellow, and then turns red. Makes a hell of a difference if you use it in the air or away from the opponent to shorten the response time.

That doesn't disprove any of what i said and like a good deal your problem are solved by knowing when to hold the trigger or not .

As a main who also thinks you can do fine I think the idea of being underpowered isn't the same as saying she is ineffective but that the work one has to put in to get the same level of "effect" is not on par with other heroes.

You can do well with and she be underpowered in comparison to other heroes its not mutually exclusive.

>once your main target is done
This is the primary problem. It's very hard to keep anyone close enough for the range on the auto shotguns. People can typically escape at a standard backpedal.

I request a gremlin version of all overwatch characters

But the people complaining about dva's don't understand that buffing her in the slightest means her potential would overpower everyone else potential rather easily, when and if she gets buffed then you're gonna have people bitching how op she got.

you won't even have time to finish your main target when anybody who has half decent aim can crit you within a second of you showing up.
and with the damage drop-off of her lclick, anybody who breaks to disengage with other teammates around will almost guarantee that your "hit and run" turns into a "get hit then run" if not worse.

Actually curious which part is rate of fire, damage, and the accuracy. I never payed attention between mercy and D.VA.

I'd give D.Va a tip

can the boost damage people more than once?

like if im pursuing some guy should i boost at him and try bump him multiple times or bump him once then cancel it and melee or some shit

from left to right it's ammo capacity, fire-rate, damage, does the weapon crit on headshot, healing done(which neither have because they're guns), and reload time

>Her boost lets her get airborne too

I played like 20 matches as D.Va before I realized this, I might need a doctor

So she's just winston with armor and more damage at less range?

>highest win rate
>least popularity


>you're gonna have people bitching how op she got.

you're gonna have people bitching no matter what

Only use her during arcade and she's good.


Not a lot of people are saying she is really good. It is mainly fine or good. I think she is fine, but if they want to buff my most played character whatever.

This phenononm can be attributed to two factors...

1) Because symm's such a retarded and obscure hero none of the beaners know how to effectively play against her.


2) The only people who can be bothered to play her are hipstershit faggots who have gotten autisticly good with her.

Additionally, there are some maps that heavily favour her choke point and tight space fortification playstyle. I don't remember the last time I played on temple of anubis and the defending team didn't have a symm.

I hate this fucking "Dad 76" shit that tumblr's run with

>tfw you rarely get to rock the speed boost and wallride all over


Ya lost me Jo

Yeah she is the least picked because most of the maps she does nothing but die over and over on. She has a high win rate because the maps you do want her on are so incredibly effective that she can be a huge benefit.

It's really not that hard but it's also why you can't just look at win/loss, k/d, and points to know if someone is balanced or not. Team comp is a huge part of overwatch and even the best heroes have some counters.

What makes people like mccree op is that he is too good in too many situations that he is better than he should be. Not that picking him means that you automatically win.


We'll get to ride the walls one day, user.

oh let's break it DOWN

press "H"

If you only play D.Va, how can you say she's not underpowered?

>hit and run tactics.
This seems to be the thing critics of seem to be failing to accomplish. Her boost is there for a reason, and that's not to fly around and have fun. I primarily use it to chase people down when they try to run away, but it's also great for getting into the mix, hitting a few targets, or one that other team mates have whittled down, and then getting out before you get hit with a big counter attack.

People also need to learn to utilize her defense matrix. One of the biggest criticisms I see is that her crit hitbox is too big. Well, you know what negates that entirely? Defensive matrix. Pop your matrix and you can walk into a wall of enemy fire completely unscathed. It can be a critical tool for advancing your team. I can't count how many times I've managed to push through a well-defended point and get my team further down the map just by using the defensive matrix. It might not last long, but the few seconds its active can cause a lot of disruption for the enemy team.

The last tip I have is get fancy with her ult. Sure, you can just drop it if you're getting swarmed, but you can toss it by boosting and hitting Q while you're moving. This also applies to moving in the air. You can throw the thing over walls, in windows, over shields, behind turrets, whatever you need to do. Get creative, it makes her ult a lot more effective if you can get it to a place where the enemy team isn't expecting.

>tfw I get 300 ping almost every match

It's a living nightmare

Symmetra is really, really fucking easy to play. The only thing you need to know to play her is map layouts so you can put the turrets in good places. And even then, you can be insanely effective with her even if your turrets aren't well placed because when people are in a firefight you can rush in and murder countless people with your primary fire because often times before they even realize what's going on it's too late and you're doing way too much damage for them to respond.

The teleporters are also a big reason why they have such a high win-rate. Having a teleporter up consistently means that defending first points becomes a shit ton easier.

Her actual gameplay is simple as fuck though and she's insanely easy to use, but she's just not too useful under some circumstances and because of her rare use in pubs a lot of pubs don't realize how to easily deal with her or her teleporter.

> out of her mech is objectively the worst character in the game
Her pistol is surprisingly effective. I've gone head to head with Edgelords and walked away with a kill. It has crazy range and hits pretty hard, and it has a pretty good magazine size. Use her quickness to get around behind people and unload on them, people drop quick with multiple hits from that thing.

> out of her mech is objectively the worst character in the game

her fucking pistols wrecks shit at such long range she might as well be a sniper

I also just spam M2 charged attacks at the attacking team at the start because it goes through shields

literally the only character I ever run into trouble against is Mei. Hands down I have more deaths to that chubby slut than anyone else.

Mei fucks me up bad as D.Va, I hate how clearly I can see the smug bitches face as my mech turns to ice

It's just that "super mobile projectile mitigating tank" is handled by Winston much much better

She suffers from the exact same counters as Winston (reaper, mccree, mei, roadhog, potentially ranged if your E isn't available), so it's not like there's an edge case where you pick her to do something winston can't

>that agonizing pause as she aims the headshot just right


the problem with mei vs is that's firing already slows you down and you do so little damage from range that you need to get close to actually kill her, which makes it easier for her to slow you down further and freeze you.

Basically, if you run into a mei as a you should just boost away.

yeah but if you play as Dva you don't need to play as a nigger, so that's a huge bonus

KDR really isn't a good indicator for effectiveness when destroying her mech doesn't count as a death.

>Basically, if you run into a mei as a you should just boost away.
This. It took me a stupid amount of time to finally accept that running from Mei is really the best solution. Every character has a counter, and Mei definitely seems to be's.

in all seriousness, I cant play Winston, its just way too goofy for me

Yeah I just let my teammates deal with her by providing support while they fight her. Screw 1v1 with her.

>Try out the weeky rumble which supposedly gives you a random hero
>Constant get Mei, Zarya and Zen

So basically they are just trying to force people to play as these guys because they have low pick rates?

yeah, same here. Even among characters I'm not comfortable with, he just feels weird to play.

that's something a lot of people haven't learned in this game in general. A lot of people refuse to run from a hard counter because the usual reaction in shooters is just to go "Well, I'll just outskill them"

One of's problems is that she can be way too easy to avoid.

I think part of the general reluctance to run from Mei is that when you're in the mech she looks so fucking small and non-threatening that it doesn't seem possible for her to completely wreck your shit. Even when you've run into her a few times it still feels like you should be able to overpower her because you're just so much bigger. I think once people get past that they'll be more willing to accept retreat as the way to handle her.

You should be able to kill Mei before she can freeze your meka. Just get better at aiming and go for headshots.

1v1, Dva should win every time.

yeah, it's good for pushing points and moving through choke holds, but the problem is that you cant deal damage and have the defense matrix active at the same time.

I just want to get her cute spray but I can never kill anyone with her bomb

I can see that being part of it. She's a lot more durable than she looks too with 250 hp + ice block

This, people try to play her as a straight up tank, her massive crit box/hit box makes her bad at standing around soaking damage.

Fly into a flanking position, get some shots off, pop your APM shield when you start taking too much damage, when thats about to drop, zoom off for more HP and repeat from a new position.

Tl;dr, flank, harrass, distract, retreat, repair, reposition, repeat.