Screw off, Josh
I don't like that it's a trucker hat, but other than that it's dope.
Everytime until you like it
What is this?
why is he mad at a video games
Because Cloud got in smash bros
The paleness is a bit creepy on the squids
That's all we get anymore isnt it?
R.I.P Samus.
Because his taste is so shit that he cant enjoy anything that doesnt appeal to his very specific needs and refuses to branch out his horizons.
Style over substance youtuber
Exactly this. He refuses to actually play Fire Emblem or Xenoblade Chronicles, but you can bet your ass he'll bitch about them being repped in Smash.
It's fan-made shit.
He also picks his splatoon and mario kart loadouts based on looks exclusively. Not to mention plays Smash with items/time. Then he wonders how he never gets better or wins.
Why do japs make their women turn their feet inward? Looks stupid and uncomfortable.
Holy shit thats some Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde kind of contrast against how he acts on youtube.
Haha wow what a fucking baby
People who refuses to accept FE is a classic Nintendo series are the worst, regardless of the quality of Fates
I've been subbed to Josh for a long time.
He's casual trash, but it makes me feel more hardcore. He's also pretty stylish.
How come these so called true fans of Nintendo are 100x more annoying than the 'blind Nintendo fanboys' they supposedly hate?
how embarrassing
Even then the problem with Fates is mainly the stupid story, the gameplay feels pretty fuckin' great. Definitely an improvement from Awakening's boring, empty, square maps and broken-ass pair-up system.
I really couldn't stand playing that game for long due to the unlikable cast and all the shit dialog.
>Not to mention plays Smash with items/time
That's the best way to play FFA.
You're not one of those guys who thinks Stock is the only way to play for FFA and camps people out on Temple, are you?
where are the videos of this guy jerking off
In a gamexplain discussion on updates splatoon that happened last winter were Josh was a guest, Andre relieved Josh ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to play games with ascetics that don't match the current season.
ie Josh won't play splatoon in the winter since its a "summer game".
How can one man be so autistic?
>midriff with coveralls
I didn't know I needed this until now
>that sleeveless female inkling link hoodie
>He also picks his splatoon and mario kart loadouts based on looks exclusively. Not to mention plays Smash with items/time.
I don't really see anything wrong with that. Are there really min-maxers in Mario Kart? That would be so boring.
Refusing to play games like Fire Emblem and Xenoblade is still inexcusable, though.
Splatoon and Mario Kart are filled to the brim with people that use stat calculators or only use specific clothes because of superior abilities that help you survive.
There ARE bad loadouts in Mario Kart and Splatoon if you solely want to look good.
Shut up, Josh. If you weren't kinda hot, I'd punch you
He misses Wii-era Nintendo games with "wacky" gameplay
What's the story on this? Is this real, or am I being memed?
Josh never adds anything worthwhile to discussions anyway whether theyre on gamexplain or with Roger.
>Everyone else is discussing gameplay mechanics and other series
>Josh talks about artstyle or one type of game
They might as well replace him with someone who actually is passionate about Nintendo like Chuggaaconroy or Johnny.
>people aren't allowed to dislike FE games
Nintendrones ladies and gentlemen