Do you guys think I need more bridges?
Do you guys think I need more bridges?
Other urls found in this thread:
>grid shit
fuck outta here
Fuck it user, just dam up either end and add the valley to the city.
Just fuck it man.
I think you need to play SC4.
>imagine all that toll money
What's wrong with grid?
Warning: spoilers.
>cbg is dead still
You need more curved roads.
Is there any advantage of 6 lane roads over 4 lane avenues assuming money isn't an issue? They take the same amount of space.
>hurr durr it's just ignorant haters
>it's got absolutely nothing to do with the fact that grids are extremely inefficient for dense traffic
Get on this man's level
Gridding as tightly together as OP did is inefficient. It's fine with less intersections.
>yfw someone is developing a magnasanti for SC4 or Cities Skylines right now
Other than the potential for gridlock, grids themselves aren't inefficient. The pattern offers the most choice to motorists and have the fewest choke points.
>expecting people to reach for godhood.
One has to set his goals high, but having a pipe dream isn't something good as well.
Not every man can achieve those levels of autismo and only the truly talented ones will reach godhood.
No you fucking asshole. If you actually knew anything about traffic planning, and I mean absolutely anything, like complete elementary basics, you wouldn't need more than two street brides in addition to the highway.
Your street planning is literally just throwing down a bunch of fucking squares. And then you wonder why you get problems.
Grids are not traffic planning. Planning traffic requires making a route from point A to point B. A grid has no functional purpose in terms of directing traffic. It only serves as an access to local neighborhood houses. If you get out of the neighborhood and are still in the same grid, your city traffic management isn't doing their job right.
>tfw never played a city sim before because they never interested me
>picked up City Skylines
>suck mighty cock at traffic planning but having fun regardless
im surprised im enjoying it this much. i can just tell from looking at it that my city is inefficient as fuck but hey, im the green, so whoopie
The problem with grids is they're fucking boring to look at at least post the traffic heat map with it.
It's as if Pannenkoek2012 was evil
he's lawful evil
>mfw I just use a huge roundabouts.
are there is any good traffic guides?
one thing that destroys me is traffic
>such is life on the highway
Why does this piece of shit game not have train roundabouts?
>And then you wonder why you get problems.
Citation needed
Traffic planning:
Highway connects to Primary streets.
Primary streets connect to Secondary streets.
Secondary streets connect to Main roads or Neighborhood roads.
Main roads are roads inside a Neighborhood.
Neighborhoods can be grid, spaghetti or any unique shapes. It doesn't matter. It makes no functional difference what it looks like.
What matters is the planning of roads that form long distance travel routes. Connecting a Neighborhood directly to a Highway, and making multiple on- and off-ramps means a complete and utter fail.
In order for the Primary and Secondary streets to function, their access to Neighborhoods must be limited, either by physically blocking the access, making connecting streets one way that do not enter into the Primary and Secondary streets, or using traffic signs such as Stop and Yield which give way to traffic on the more important streets.
Yeah, you're right. There is no need for traffic planning. Just make grids everywhere and let drives drive what ever route they want. Having to stop for intersections every 20-100 meters doesn't cause any problems whatsoever. Driving at walking speed is good also.
Two words: public transport
I don't think real life has train roundabouts either.
Public transport in a city with unplanned traffic. Genius!
I want to read a dystopian novel based on this shit. Holy fuck.
I think you've gone...
A Bridge Too Far
>Every intersection has a traffic light
Enjoy your endless gridlocks OP
>I never had a city with over 40k pop
that's a turntable
thats not what a roundabout is
This was actually my attempt at highway roundabouts by funneling large development areas into one crossing point. You can kind of see the initial elevated circle in the middle, but I had to modify it so much it became the frankenmess. Later attempts were cleaner, but still glorious clusterfucks.
I'm no good at with traffic at all.
Dam both ends of that channel and you won't need bridges m8
>he doesn't like making gommie blocs
How are people even supposed to get on the ship like that? Isn't the water level a bit too low?
Here's my money shot btw.
What game
that doesn't matter either. In real life, it would, but CS' AI is so fucked it will always take the shortest route. Therefore, certain routes will be overused due to right hand turns/grid cornering will provide the shortest route to destination.
Get a good running start and jump.
Cities Skylines, made by some girls from finland
literally hitler
Any good ?
Have you never fucking jumped before?
Commies didn't build grids. It's more of a North American thing.
Get the abridged version.
Hitler wishes his puny autobahn could handle this volume of traffic without congestion.
it's a pretty decent modern sim city type game
miles better than the last couple of sim city games
not my proudest fap...
what's your population?
Grappling hooks
>Not putting bridges between the bridges
I meant in numbers, faggot.
There is no such as a roundabout because trains are too long. That's a turntable.
what the fuck was the original idea here?
Same way they got on. Flying leap. It's to discourage people from taking too much luggage.
beautiful, more more MORE!!!
Just Cause 5 Cruise Ship Mayhem
you need more highway access
>it's user uses a mod and claims credit for it post
are the DLCs worth getting or are they just flavor?
Rate muh town
Dunno. I haven't played that city in forever. There's been a ton of patches and shit since, and they've reworked the traffic model a couple times to be more forgiving. Mostly it was just fucking around with funneling massive traffic volume into a few checkpoints and seeing if I could make it work.
paradox faggot detected.
You already know the answer.
In retrospect a wall would've been a better investment.
its beautifully realistic
unfortunately the game doens't work that way
shame man that's some A+ roadworks right turr
>really love simcity 2000
What would you recommend if I love that game's style?
3/10 - traffic management
the absolute st8 of ur roads m8
>implying grids can't look good and be
Just need enough highway connections and some variety in there.
>and they've reworked the traffic model a couple times to be more forgiving.
Source? I still get fucked by traffic.
>paradox faggot
you caught me, so i guess i do
*and be efficient
If only I had a practical reason for fuck-hueg piles of monster roads. They're fun all the same.
looks like china though, with that yellow tint.
I need you to look up the definition of grid. Otherwise, that's a good layup.
that fucking loop around the railroad
>Hot Dam
I giggled.
Advice for making my cities actually look like cities? I just end up with a bunch of looped districts that link up to the highway. There's no cohesiveness to them like and and development always stalls once I hit a certain population with no where to build new districts or no way to expand the old without throwing everything out of whack.
Earlier development shot from a thread where I was explaining how one-way flow is supposed to work.
Four large, self-contained urban blocks with no way to get between them except for mass transit, pedestrian paths, or highways.
I laid out the highway system first, and then "filled" the urban areas, with the idea that any of the 8 ways "in" could get to any of the 8 "exits" without having to exit to one of the urban blocks. I figured I'd just slap an elevated ring around where the two main highways crossed, and everything would just feed into and out of that, but of course that didn't work perfectly because of congestion, so I had to modify it. Then modify it more. Then modify it more. Eventually it ended up being the tangled mess that got meme'd.
The ancient Chinese city of Chang'an had a functional grid system.
Luke's so fucking ugly
How do I make Cities Skylines use less RAM.
I have 16GB of RAM in my build and Cities alone can use over 10GB. Between Firefox and just general processes I have running on my PC it can and does periodically crash because it ran out of available RAM. Total usage for all processes is usually about 15GB when Cities is running.
It does use less with no mods but I don't want to have to run the game completely un-modded in order for it to just be playable.
You should alternate the one way roads to make it like a big U turn.
buy more RAM