ITT games that inexplicably trigger Sup Forums's autism

ITT games that inexplicably trigger Sup Forums's autism

>criticize moviegames
>Hate MGSV cuz it's not a moviegame

>Love MGS2 for its metaplot about the nature of video games and relationship between player and avatar
>Hate MGSV for doing something similar because NOT MUH BIG BOSS

Other urls found in this thread:

MGSV sucked because it wasn't complete

>MGSV sucked because it wasn't complete
>MGS2 also had huge chunk of cut content.
>whole plant chapter screams development deadlines, starting for complete lack of textures to very basic environment design, gets significantly worse in the end when you get to arsenal
>diffidence is even more drastic when you compare it with incredibly detailed tanker chapter
>Kojima used unfinished nature of the game in the metaplot of the game just like in MGSV

>starting from

>criticize walking simulators
>criticize mechanically shallow games
>hate RE6 cuz it's not a mechanically shallow walking simulator
>cry to no end about how series suppose to dumb itself down and return to it's shallow walking simulator roots


>scream and cry about how big AAA titles are all simplistic, casualized and have zero depth gameplay, small amount of content, 5 hour campaigns and cut content for DLC
>the only big AAA release that had vast amounts of content, gameplay with depth that respects skilled players, no cut content for DLC and a very long campaign are hated with passion by Sup Forums

No, MGSV disappointed you because it wasn't complete

Your opinion isn't fact no matter how hard you will it

it did it worse than mgs2, and it didn't need to be done again anyway.

Other M

>bawww it's not more haloid bawwww

my face when you apologists shitters see kojima admits he made the game as shitty as possible for the sake of lerusexd can't be contained by a reaction image

this game is only good for one thing - quiets tits, and nothing you say will ever change this. it is the worst game in the fucking series.

I sure do love my action games with awful controls, and my metroid games with no exploration

Why can't I stop playing?

I thought it was really good myself. I liked the open world approach and it let me tackle the same areas in completely different ways as I got better or got new equipment.

Personally I just think it's the most fun one to play, even if the other stuff like the plot wasn't exactly up to snuff.

The parallels and contrast with MGS2 was my favorite part about that game and really makes me want to like it, but it's fucking boring and lazy (in regards to plot AND gameplay) and you should accept that.
Wholeheartedly agree with this though, I was as much of a PS1babby as the next guy but pre-4 RE is overrated as fuck.

>awful controls
No auto-correct to guide a poor baby's moves? God help if you ever play one those real arcade games.

Other M is more like halo than Prime ever will be though.

Sup Forums is one of the few places where people actively like and defend this game

It deserves it too, game was fun as fuck

I sure do love my FPS games with tank movement, and my metroid games with fanfic lore

80% of people hate this game because of a combination of "it's popular so it sucks now" and "well if Tumblr likes it then I sure as fuck shouldn't!"

Hell, most of the people have just decided to hate it without even playing the game. And then you're going to spout memes in response to this because you just saw the picture and didn't bother reading the post.

Because it's literally the korean grinder of the series?

>but it's fucking boring and lazy (in regards to plot AND gameplay) and you should accept that.
It's not. And i will not accept that. Honestly if you didn't liked MGSV and didn't had fun with it you probably have a depression or something. Maybe ADHD.

Nah, MGSV sucked because it didn't feel like a Metal Gear game in any shape or form; it's devoid of the charisma, tone, and quirks of the series. Adding more to it wouldn't fix it for me.

> made the game as shitty as possible

It literally has the best gameplay of the MGS series and of almost every game to come out that year. How hard did he try to make it shitty, do you think?

>YFW people got extremely butthurt when undertale's review scores topped MGSV
Justice was done.

You must have browsed the different Sup Forums than me then. I remember so many RE threads where people hate on RE6 to no end with so many bullshit reasons.

What could you possibly be doing in there?

Show me where he admitted to explicitly making the game intentionally bad

Call me an apologist all you want, I'm happy to admit TPP was a flawed and incomplete game, but you ebin vee hates gaems faggots need to learn that your own salt over not getting the amazing fanfic you'd built up in your head isn't an objective appraisal of what the game is

Well mgs2 did it better, the story in mgs5 just doesn't jive and connect with the same impact and strength 2 had.

They are different games, it shouldn't get a free pass for doing a similar thing

>action game
>3D levels
>dpad only controls
Irredeemable shit

I still love MGSV, but it's painful how close to perfect it is whilst still falling short. People need to stop blaming Konami for Kojima's incompetence, he had plenty of time and money to realase a finished product. Everything in the game was shown in demos and trailers well before release so I'd love to know what Kojima spent the last 18 months or so doing.

>korean grinder
What kind of fucked up thought process have lead you to that conclusion?


There is plenty of 3d games with d-pad controls, user.

Fuck prime. It doesn't mean Other shit is a good game. Where are the 2D metroid games?

having fun

Probably the research and base building that takes hours/days/weeks to finish and the fact that base building is all about gathering more resources to build your base to gather more resources to build your base to gather more resources. It's a bigger time sink than some MMOs.

I liked it for awhile but the uninspired mission design killed my interest about halfway through.

The part where you literally have to get inhuman amounts of resources to max your FOBs
You need S++ soldiers across the board to get grade 8-9 equipment

stupid apologists never playing the goddamn game

>Sup Forums is one person
MGSV is a bad game. You're either an idiot or haven't actually played it.

and those are all bad too. You just don't do that

If its an action game released in fucking 2010, its shit.

>Well mgs2 did it better, the story in mgs5 just doesn't jive and connect with the same impact and strength 2 had.
It's like everyone who played MGS2 in 2001 instantly connected with it's story and called it genius. Totally not like it took many years of plot analysis for the general masses to asses how actually good the story is, yeah. Many people hated MGS2, that's a fact.

Anyone who says MGSV is a bad game has no fucking clue what a bad game actually is.

MGSV is a disappointing game. It is not a bad game.

oh no

an excuse to continue playing the game

Am I the only one who thinks that the phantom boss plot twist couldve been actually a great thing with alot of potential. It makes sense if we had to think about it with MG 1 and MG 2 in mind, but it didnt work as because there was no time givin left to finish the story or to develop some potential good character development for Venom.

Unless its a slow paced horror or adventure game, its bad.

You don't need grade 8 to complete the game though. It's a very good and thought out system that rewards players who like the game and want more incentive to play.

Two problems with mgs5: it's unfinished and the open world is boring.

you really think years from now people are gonna look back and think MGSV was a masterpiece like they did with 2?

It would have worked if there was more to the story than what we saw in the trailer. Instead we get a cutscene every now and then of BB standing around like an autist whilst Kaz gets pissed over nothing then suddenly LOL I TROLL U with absolutely no build up or reason.

Since Sup Forums is so autistic about this game, I have no choice but to spoiler it. Open at your own peril.

There is though, the story of your own PF as it grows and squares off against the internet

Holy shit, the neo Sup Forums is real. To all you babies out there: d-pad is a very precise form of control and you can easily build a good 3d game around it. If it's universally used method of control does not mean it's bad. What matters is the design of the game and how good it is. The could be hard to control on purpose and still be fun. If you build you game around universally accepted control layouts you'll end up with homogenized garbage, see: the modern western AAA market.

The greatest, highest quality, most original and unique JRPG of the generation and it gets unfair amounts of hate from Sonyggers, Nintendo haters and SJWs.

Support Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE on Twitter today by helping to get #OperationKOWASHITAI trending!

MGSV is everything wrong with video games now, and Kojimadrones praise it as the best game in recent years.

Yes. New people who will play MGSV many years from now won't have the insane hype and pumped up expectations clouding their heads, they will be able to judge the game for what it is. Just like with MGS2.

Holy shit nice hyperbole you massive faggot

>Faiah Emburem the Idolm@ster Weeb Musical
>The greatest, highest quality, most original and unique JRPG of the generation

and they'll be wrong

Here we go, the movie-game crowd have finally arrived!

You can't design the classic hand-holding storytelling experience in game with open-world structure where the player have a freedom of choice what he will do and when. That's why Assassin's Creed games suck: they try to emulate on rails story-telling in a fucking open world game. MGSV does it right.

Here's to (You)
Your love for shitty artists
And that retarded hack with his ruses and unfinished games for the sake of a stupid message

>If it's not universally used method of control does
late fix, fuck you mobile

>i like schizophrenic storytelling

>It's a dumb shitposter whose first mgs was v doesn't understand a single thing about why people disliked the game and goes on a rant so he can be part of what he thinks is the cool guys mgs club episode

you should keep playing the game because you're enjoying yourself, not because you're waiting for a progress bar to tick down

>I'm triggered by a good game because it's actually good, not on Playstation, and has cute girls
Bye retard

It had no build up and no climax. I didn't even realise that Sally was supposed to be the last boss and anything after was bonus. I just ran out of missions all of a sudden and was like, "wait, that's it?"


People look back on MGS2 so positively because:

>It was honestly revolutionary at the time, had technology out the ass. Had so many little details that even MGSV overlooked or ignored.

>It predicted how the internet age would end up; with mass surveillance and a subtle hand approach to media manipulation.

>All of the twists were actually twists, it was a true to form post-modern game. It wasn't Kojima lampooning his previous twists, it was Kojima lampooning his own game and series by going meta.

The only thing MGSV has going for it is the gameplay, which honestly gets stale because it's open world. When you spend years developing a HUGE world, you often forget to put meaningful things to do in it.


But what if the game is enjoyable but there is nothing to do anymore? That is also a bad design. MGSV is enjoyable and there is plenty of stuff to do. That good design.

Its a good game that was gutted by NoA, they've even said they completely changed the tone in some parts
hell they even had the jap VAs re-record some lines to be accurate with the censored subtitled dialogue

>I enjoyed MGSV and there is plenty of grind to do. I'm a stupid monkey.

the only good video games came out 2 decades ago.
only bad video games get released these days.

MGSV would be a lot better if it was 12-15 Camp Omega sized bases
The open world doesn't really add anything good to the game, just a lot of running around from base to base

What about Deus Ex? That came out less than 2 decades ago.

If Kojima were just making a game on Unreal 4 I would understand why people would think he was wasting time and money, but he literally made the entire game from scratch, engines aren't cheap

RE6 has solid combat mechanics and mercs is a blast but god that campaign really blows chunks. Too much handholdy corridors and scripted vehicle/turret segments

give it a few more years

>make a thread with retardedly wrong misinformation

He was being sarcastic, user.

I'm not so sure.

Grind is an incentive to play and enjoy the game more. In MGSV grind does not hamper your experience, it is happening slowly in the background while you play. You don't have to do something over and over. I could be replaying a mission trying to perfect my all objectives no traces run or i could just fuck around in the open world.

Basically there is a difference between "grind is the only reason i play this game i'm a stupid monkey" and "i really enjoy this game and grind provides me with more incentive to play".

>engines aren't cheap
And he had 80 mil to back him up.
The engine was done by 2012.
Either he made two completely lackluster yet rather wide maps in three years, or

MGSV's problem wasn't cut content, it's that the game was less than halfway done and the whole thing was rewritten a couple of weeks before release to only use the set pieces they'd already made.

The game was vastly underpopulated, even if the levels were very fun.

>Kojima used unfinished nature of the game in the metaplot of the game just like in MGSV
No he didn't. He was working on a completely different game for much of MGSV's development cycle.

>Too much handholdy corridors and scripted vehicle/turret segments
There is like 4 sections with vehicles or turrets in the whole 30 hour campaign holy shit. And they are also fun as fuck.

>handholdy corridors
What the fuck to even mean by this? RE6 is linear level based game so what do you expect, open world? Holy shit you are retard.

Faggots like you deserve to be banned. You're shitting on a game you've obviously never played.

Oh nice, an expert who just knows how the game has developed. Love these types.

Audience: This is awesome! Can we get some more of this with backstory on Snake?
Kojima: Alright.

A: Whoa, a little more story than I was hoping for. Maybe develop the gameplay some more next time?
K: Alright.

A: Hrm. A little heavy on the gameplay micromanagement, Hideo. Let's tone it down a bit and get back to Snake's story please.
K: Alright

A: What the fuck man, that's way too much fucking story.
K: Alright.

K: *sudokus*

I think you might be mixing up MGSV's development nightmare with bioshock infinite. Literally nowhere has it been suggested that he rewrote MGSV shortly before release.

It's more this + it wasn't complete.

MGS was always rooted in a single mission usually in a large facility (Shadow Moses, The Big Shell, Groznygrad, even MGS4 had stuff isolated to each chapter) . So when you have this numerous tiny mission structure and you're constantly back and forth from Africa and Afghanistan it doesn't really work. You also don't have any real learning capability. You don't learn the layout of places, and there is like 1 true indoor environment.

I actually blame fulton for most of MGS5s problems. Fulton trivializes the game in terms of stealth and sneaking.

Surprisingly accurate "in a nut shell" post. Thanks, user.

Nice meme.

MGS has one of the most divided fanbases in gaming. I wish he would stop listening to those fags and just do what he wants to do.

Thinking about buying this because of Metal Gear Online, is it any fun? Or should I just pirate

MGSV had serious problems and deserved a low score. On the other hand, Undertale had absolutely nothing to warrant such high scores. There were no threads about how people hated Undertale for getting high scores, but every MGS thread for months had at least fifty posts about how we should have played Undertale instead.

This is a stupid argument anyway because MGSV was set to be a fairly long mission-based game that would hold our attention for a long time while Undertale is about an afternoon in length. Undertale was a movie, MGSV was a TV show. You can't compare them on these grounds.

>Hell, most of the people have just decided to hate it without even playing the game
>"well if Tumblr likes it then I sure as fuck shouldn't!"
Sup Forums made it popular on Tumblr. This argument doesn't even make any sense. I've met an awful lot of tumblrites who found the game hard or even impossible, and never completed it. Yes, all of the fanart and fanfiction is made by people who never actually played or beat the game. For many of them it was the only game they ever played, or tried to play.

The "fandom" or whatever you'd like to call it is actually a separate entity from the game. The only common ground they have is the characters, which have all been ritually sacrificed to the machine of tumblr as all popular indie games are.

People got sick of hearing about Undertale. Really sick of it.

>Hate MGSV for doing something similar
>something similar
Incorrect. The entire structure of MGS2 is built around the metanarrative. In TPP, it's a last-minute twist, it was predicted months ahead of time, contributes nothing to the story, and is actually IGNORED by the game so it can continue to be a dull endless sandbox.

TPP is not a story about the relationship between player and player-character, it's a story about vocal chord parasites.

And the two camps of its fanbase are salty children who can't cope with not getting what they expected and people who can almost blindly accept anything presented to them.

So it hasn't even been a year since V released, what's your point? I should let it sink in until 2020 when suddenly I see it's layered genius?

Who cares? If you're going to compare mgs2 and mgs V right now on June 8th or 2016, mgs2 did it themes, story, meta and ideas/views better than V

Or they spent the time refining the engine and gameplay

I urge you to replay V, because you are patently incorrect. Knowing the details of the twist changes everything that precedes it.

What makes you think these parts weren't simply removed before release? They re-recorded all of Snake's lines before release and early promo cutscenes ended up edited, at the end of the game.

Very little of the writing was completed or implemented and they ended up having to retroactively silence the main character in almost every scene. A lot of recorded cutscene lines ended up as optional tapes instead as they never animated the cutscenes and a bunch of plot threads were dropped.