Since wolfenstein and doom got good remakes , it would make logical sense that quake will be next .
What would you like to see in the quake remake ?
Since wolfenstein and doom got good remakes , it would make logical sense that quake will be next
If they were to make another Quake game, they would make its abotu Strogg again but mostly because they don't seem to understand the original game's setting since one of its inspirations was Lovecraft
Don't call it 'QUAKE'
Also D44M and TNO aren't remakes but sequels.
"QUAKE V" and the logo is like the first but the curvy line is replaced with a V to resemble a five.
I want a small bit of text or dialog or something confirming the ID canon theory
A small text log or a one off mentioning of argent energy ect
You have the camp that wants original Q1 Lovecraftian dark style stuff and then the ones who want nothing but multiplayer and bunnyhopping. I don't think Q5 could possibly satisfy either camp.
How hard is it to do both? it's not like the original game didn't have multiplayer.
How do you get that game to play the music holy shit
Yes I downloaded it separately and put it in the correct folder, it still doesnt play
id should do the SP and hire Grey Matter and Nerve Software for the MP.
pls no
just let it stay ded
doom 2 is still the best doom game, and rtcw is still the best wolfenstein game
Buy the rights to Duke Nukem, make the most muh soggy knees game of all time, and watch the controversy dollaz roll in
>doom 2 is still the best doom game
I'm both of those camps.
The camp you worry about splitting the base is the Q2/Q4 camp.
I thought Q4 was a better Doom 3 than Doom 3.
I wonder what the reaction to the multiplayer would be like (assuming it's well made and faithful to the original )
Most kids , hell, most teenagers and young adults weren't around or were babies when quake 1 was around, and they have grown up with halo and CoD
As long as they drop the Strogg plot, it can be about anything and still be okay
I don't think anyone actually likes or cares about the Strogg setting, but you certainly have plenty of people who don't care about the Q1 setting at all and just an arena shooter which plays like Quake.
how is he wrong?
Abysmal level design and every other room is a monster closet.
What none of you faggots seem to understand is that id Software never really had a rhyme or reason why they named their games what they did. They were all sequels to each other.
In modern times, there is no reason to make a new Quake game when they could easily just fold in the Lovecraftian shit into Doom. It's not like Quake has the marketing power Doom has.
The only way I see the series surviving is in MP form as some sort of sequel to Q3A/Quake Live
>It's not like Quake has the marketing power Doom has.
Are you fucking mental
Name which one of the two influenced the Columbine shooters.
>how is he wrong?
Let me count the ways:
>Unfocused and uneven level design
>Final Boss is literally a fucking wall
>Replaced Thrash OST of Original with shitty Grunge garbage for the most part
>Lack of glorious Techbase
>No progress map at end of lvls
Also no episode format and no bosses besides the Icon Of Sin
Finish the idea the original game started.
>not QVAKE
I don't know, man.
Has id ever made a good final boss? You couldn't even do damage to Quake's final boss.
>No progress map at end of lvls
This bothered me more than it should. I fucking loved those illustrated maps in Doom 1 and Heretic.
Most of their bosses are more about the appeal rather than the actual fight, which is why Mecha Hitler is the most iconic.
Then there's the fact that old school FPS were about the journey rather than the destination or something.
If I had a clearer recollection of all of the bosses in Wolf3D I'd be more confident in giving an answer.
>Are you fucking mental
Are you? Doom 3 sold over 3.5 Million copies on PC alone and is one of the best selling PC games of all time. Take Quake IV that came out a year later... barely reached 1 Million.
Please explain how Quake has anything close to the marketing power of Doom these days.
id is dead, user.
>not liking Alice in Chains
What the fuck, man.
Also, Reznor will be in for a Quake 5, right?
Good violent combat, a bit slower than nu-Doom with a nice 90s industrial art style and some story.
That's pretty much it. They have proven to methey can revive franchises. Basically make QVake perfectly balanced between Doom and Wolfenstein in gameplay, story, and look.
Quake 4 was a single player Raven game that no one asked for.
No fucking "press X to awesome" goddamn cutscenes interrupting combat.
Let the player go fast by jumping around like a grasshopper with ADHD
Secret areas
Someone didn't play the mission packs.
Most people didn't. It's ok. They're forgettable for the most part but for their time had some incredible levels, including a clock tower with a clock that chimed when it hit "midnight."
Q2 was gay nigger aids and Q4 wasn't quake.
Q3A was godlike tho.
You're retarded
I fucking love the missions packs, one of them had new weapons while the other had additional themes like egyptian, roman and azter like Hexen 2 did.
If anything, the missions packs are essential after you're done with the original game.
I know I'm going to catch shit for saying this, but Quake 1 was pretty much a brown DooM with a third dimension. That would be fine except for that fact that D44M is DooM with a third dimension. What I would like to see is a real story like the original concepts they had laid out.
A return to solid and fast movement physics.
The original Quake engine had probably the best, most responsive and most organic player movement of any FPS ever.
I hope to dear god that if another one ever comes out it won't be replaced by the standard "keyboard as shitty joystick" bullshit most PC ports have now. Just let us bunnyhop, for christ's sake.
Glad to hear it, I played em for the first time this year and I loved em too.
The alt ammo was cool but they could have used some alt ammo for the shotguns.
You'd need to incorporate racial purity, segregation, an end to immigration, and a complete 0 fucks given about the feelings of women and GLBTQIAWTFBBQs.
Sup Forums will of course disregard your game because there are no Jews and the main enemy wasn't a Bank or a Copyright lawyer or the AIPAC/ADL or a Communist mastermind.
But the normies will get REEE about it and give you free press.
Like that would effect sales that much. You give the average pleb way too much credit. They see Quake and id Software on the box, and that's probably as deep as it goes. As a brand name, Doom is much much stronger than Quake.
Shove a damn trackball in a controller and they work fine. They only suck because the position of the joystick controls how fast you rotate, rather than where you're aiming.
>What I would like to see is a real story like the original concepts they had laid out.
I'd like to see this as well, but only with the original team spearheaded by the Johns, and without Romero fagging it up.
Tell me the name of the conference id holds every year, user.
Wasn't quake's 'final boss' just 3 Vore's teleporting around while you just have to grab a key? Or am I forgetting one other episode?
Always run.
None of the founding members remain, remind me how id is not dead?
oh my gosh someone actually told me to return to reddit. After all this time I thought nobody would ever do it.
You are the first person EVER to tell me to return to reddit, sir! GOOD CONGRATULATIONS!
You're confused it seems.
The last boss is telefragging shubby.
Quake's boss was Shub-Niggurath, which you killed by telefragging, when the destination point moved inside of it.
So when are Activision going to make a modern Hexen game?
why though
with the exception of the setting how would their version of a new quake really be that different from their version of doom?
>hurr durr only these few individuals can make good games at a studio XD
bahahaha get fucked
Bloodfags: BTFO
Hexenfags: BTFO
Strifefags: BTFO
Shit so I guess I never did beat Quake 1 and there was an extra episode? or when you entered the teleporter at the end you 'kill' him?
So your point is, the Lan Party id Software throw every year is named after one of their games therefore it is just as marketable as their most popular game? If Blizcon was called BlackthorneCon would that mean Blackthorne is somehow just as strong of a brand as Warcraft?
>when you entered the teleporter at the end you 'kill' him?
Yes. You telefrag shubby. Literally.
>there was an extra episode?
I believe there's 4 + shubby's mosh pit.
Also, play the mission packs. They're outsourced but surprisingly good.
Don't fuck with my emotions like that
Shub Niggurath is female.
Can you fuck it?
I doubt it, but I think it's possible. UT was dead until UT4 hit development.
Sadly, when you get inside her she explodes.
The japs made her into an animu grill now so I guess so.
Have faith, mortal, it'll happen.
Then again, maybe not.
UT is still dead. :^)
Fuck UT, where's Unreal 3?
>good remakes
>what is Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>what is Metroid: Zero Mission
>what is REmake
It's going to happen, it's the most logical next step. The question is; what do they keep from Doom 2016?
Do they keep the glory kill and weapon upgrades? I don't think glory killing fits into Quake, it never gained the image of "rip and tear" like Doom did.
As for weapon upgrades, Quake 1 did have multiple ammo types, if they could expand upon that, it could be interesting.
Unreal 2 was a pile of shit. Not really anything to build on.
Ignore Unreal 2 and have it take place wherever Prisoner 849 ended up after escaping in RtNP.
I'm playing the first mission pack, At first I was bummed out about it since the first 3 levels were factory levels but once it got back to the gothic castle levels I liked it. Only complaint so far is that I miss the atmospheric spooky music from regular Quake.
I just want an hd remake of the quake 3 desu
That might have been exciting years ago, but Raven has been doing nothing but churning out CoD stuff for like 6 years.
Wolf 2009 and Singularity were good. They're very buddy-buddy with id so I imagine they'd take a few cues from Doom 4.
It was a pretty decent fight. Not "final boss" worthy though.
I wanted (and was fully expecting right up until the screen went black) to fight Samuel Hayden as the final boss. A fight against a humanoid of roughly similar size and using similar mobility and weapons as you would have been great.
> large open areana with multiplayer layers of verticality
> jump pads, teleporters ect....
> Hayden has a weapon similar to Plasma Rifle on one hand
> shotgun on the other
> shoulder mounted rocket launchers, one fires at you, other rains down a hail of rockets over the arena
> can cause AOE laser blasts from his legs that need to be jumped or crouched under
> Jet boots which allow him to fly around and close the distance quickly.
> Health bar doesn't move, but after a certain amount of damage he staggers and you can glory kill ONE weapon on his body which removes 1/6 of his health and removes that weapon/ability from his arsenal
> after 1 successful "glory kill" a new red health bar appears under the blue one that takes 1/6 damage from all weapons
> replaces his lost ability with demonic powers that forfill a similar role by channeling the power of the sword
> Weapons get replaced by Hell Engery blasts, jet boots get replaced with the ability to just hover and fly like Summoners etc...
> cycle continues, destroy a weapon, gets replaced by hell powers, Red Health Bar takes an additional 1/6 damage
> when red Bar is depleted (whether or not you removed all the weapons) he collapses and his head flashes for a glory kill
> Rip (and tear) it off his damages body, crack it open and prepare to Stab his brain with the Crucible Sword
> gives his whole speech he gives you in the actual game
> sends you away just before you can kill him
Cliffhanger endings are fine, but don't cheat me out of a proper final boss that tests my skill at all the game mechanics I've been honing all game.
I'm not sure why Bethesda would want to have the 3 classic id games all getting modern sequels. Doom and Wolfenstein are already fairly similar, so Quake following the same pattern would just be like the other two but with strogg stuff or lovecraft stuff
True, I enjoyed both of those.
They were years ago though. Are they still close with id anymore? Damn it, I don't want to get my hopes up.
Because it could make money?
they help activision studios with call of duty grunt work
>people dislike quake 2
What's that all about?
I think most people were just peeved that Quake 1 was all lovecraftian stuff and then Quake 2 is just generic visceral sci-fi, it just seemed a bit boring in comparison
>People hate Quake 2
They have to, otherwise it blows up the "id was shit after Romero" narrative.
How are nuDoom and nuWolfenstein fairly similar, other than being FPS with upgrade elements?
>good remakes
Please don't release a new Quake. It was bad enough seeing Thief, Doom and to some extent Wolfenstein, I can't see my favourite raped.
Seriously, please. I'm genuinely begging if any zenimax cunts are reading./spoiler]
Are the guy that gets upset no matter what?
I want this
Im sure we will get to fight Hadyen in the sequel or atleast see him get killed by the demons because he fucking asked for it
Is killed the right word? He is a cyberman esentually , a brain stuffed into a robot body
Destroyed ?
Unlikely, it's the first time I've posted on Sup Forums in at least a year. I play games instead of talking about them
If it bleeds we can kill it, etc...
Doomguy could Supershotgun his faceplate off and rip the organic brain out from its shell and squish it in his fist then wipe the chunky remains on his leg.