He is trying "new thing". cry souls babies

He is trying "new thing". cry souls babies

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I hope so.

He is trying "new thing"? I find great. Hope see E3.

OP retard

Why would anyone cry? 3 was a perfect send off, the formulas been getting a little stale.

literally who

Thank god, DS3 barely had anything new.

FROM needs new ideas and creativity badly

I want to touch his chin.

only after the 10th game

Cool, can't wait to see what he does next.

souls + armored core


Armored Souls imminent

>myiazaki has neckbeard
cant unsee

>that literal neckbeard

It looks like he has a fungus on his throat

Neckbeard mind

Dark Souls is done anyway. They couldn't even be bothered to wrap up the plot in 3, just loosely continue the pointless fight against entropy and the heat death of the universe.

It's gonna be ps4 exclusive :)

Wew lad alredy announced to be on all platform and PSVR

Kojima tried new thing too. Poor souls bros. You're welcome to come cry in mgs threads with us.

not trying to start a console war here bro but don't they owe sony one more game?

From's new franchise: Black Spirits

Those were just rumors if I'm not mistaken. also you can check the video out on their channel

Nope its called The Lost Child

No it wasn't.

>soulsfags praise souls for being unique
>now they're crying because From wants to try other things instead of rehashing the same game forever


kojima threw away the series finale on a nostalgia trip of the 80s



> implying MGSV wasn't the beat finale the series could've hoped for

How the fuck are they putting out so many games frequently? They've been releasing games non-stop for a while now.

The end of the video implies that they want to develop for those platforms and that the company is entering a new 'era' now. Not that there's some PSVR game coming out in 2017.

I knew you would post this. It's a recruitment video recapping their output history and their outlook for 2017 onward.
Says nothing specific, just that they will be developing for those platforms.

>there were two Souls and a Bloodborn game since Mighty No. 9 got funded

Why would I cry?
Bloodborne was "new thing" and it was awesome.

Loved Darksouls 1 and 3.
Have yet to play Bloodborne but when I get a PS4 it's definitely the first game I'm playing.
Can't wait for Bloodborne 2 and whatever new soulslike ip we get in the future.

From Soft has always churned out games like crazy. Look at the release dates of Souls and Armored Core from 2006 until now.
The magic of low budget and several small teams.

highly doubt anyone is crying