There are people on this board who think Joel did anything wrong

>there are people on this board who think Joel did anything wrong
How fucking stupid are you? In the extremely unlikely event that the Fireflies would have been able to manufacture a vaccine from Ellie, what would that accomplish? They don't have the resources to mass produce it. They sure as hell don't have the resources to distribute it. And what about all the other survivors? Do you think the military is going to let bygones be bygones and line up in neat little lines at Firefly hospitals to get their shots? Do you think the hunters and cannibals are just going to lay down their guns and call a truce? Fuck no. The vaccine would change nothing—it would literally just be a new resource for people to kill each other over. That's it.

And you retards want to kill one of the last genuinely good people left on Earth just to fulfill your bullshit, bleeding-heart pipe dream? Jesus Christ, never have kids.

Other urls found in this thread:

dont bother with these kids, op

they'll go away once summer ends

>mfw I got caught by the soilders and the death screen was in an endless blue area, most likely used in a beta
It took the immersion right away

Could Ellie give blowjobs?

whats this all about, eh? I've never played the last of us

Finally someone else who brings up the REAL issues. OP, you are not a faggot.

Seeing as how her and Joel probably get blood, sweat, and saliva on each other hundreds of times over the course of the journey and he comes out fine, I'd say yes.

Joel is Tenmyouji

He's trying to find happiness in a world that hates it and is playing with the card they were dealt.


Need of the many outweighs the need of the few. You must think you are mature with "never have kids" but it is more childishly inconsiderate not to sacrifice her.

Plus it's easier for you to make this decision because you are behind the tv screen and not in their shitty world.


Okay, faggot. Would you sacrifice, say, your wife, to save the life of 10 strangers you've never met in you life?

>yes, yes I would, because the need of many outweighs the need of the few

Kill yourself

People on Sup Forums cant relate to other human beings, autism not even once.

People who think Joel did the wrong thing didn't hear the recording.

Fireflies were massive fuckups, Ellie's sacrifice would've been no different.

are there retards who think that what joel did was wrong?


But killing her would have just wound up getting more people killed as they die fighting for control of the vaccine, which wouldn't have done much good, if any. That was literally the point of my post. Utilitarianism doesn't work in your favor.


>samefagging this hard

Only autists who don't understand human emotion and relationships think Joel was wrong.
So easy for them to say what is right or wrong without putting themselves on Joel's shoes

Honestly those "many" you're talking about would just be the fags located at that firefly outpost. So no I wouldn't let my kid die for a couple of asshats.

How could they even mass produce the vaccine? How could they even distribute it? They couldn't and on top of that the firefly movement got so fucked that they'd probably try to use it in a power play.


Not him, but you can mix and match scenarios and numbers all you want, it's still irrelevant, and you're still a moron.

We're talking about the possible extintion of mankind, for the life of a girl he barely knew before playing courier.

He had one job, and managed to get many people killed in the process and STILL fail to do his job.

I appriciate the ending for what it was, and love the game, but no, the life of a prepubescent girl is not worth sacrificing humanity.

> inb4 user's edge-filled response


what is this a bethesda game

First off, Absolutely exquisite counter argument, retard.

A wife is very different from a little girl you known for less than a year. Are you trying to say Ellie is one of your waifu's? Would explain a lot.

It was never a sure thing a vaccine would come from her death anyways.

>dodging the question

Nice job invalidating yourself, faggot.
Read and fuck off, autist.

It's only the edgy teenaged fucks who say that, OP.

According to them, they'd throw their own mother under a bus just to "save humanity"

Oh yeah, except you missed the part where Ellie became the most important person in Joel's life

But yeah, y'know, she's just a random teenager girl to him. She should have died no problem.

When I was leaving the hospital, I thought it was a scripted experience and didn't bother running from the soldiers. I didn't die though so it might as well have been a cutscene.

It's not even just about that, you literally only need to use logic.

There is proof that Ellie wasn't the first immune person taken there so they could try to make a cure, and everyone else died without a vaccine being developed, so why the fuck would Joel or anyone else for that matter believe that it would be different with Ellie? Even if they did make a vaccine, there's no chance they would just produce and distribute it to everyone all willy nilly. It's beyond retarded to think Joel was wrong.

>no game has ever had bugs or glitches, ever, in the history of the world

It's not a sacrifice one, save 10. It's sacrifice one, and if successful, end the literal worldwide terror of the outbreak. Easy answer is to be selfish and he had every reason to be. I don't think Ellie even knew her life was on the line. Otherwise she might not have given consent.

>We're talking about the possible extintion of mankind
Humanity was already fucked beyond repair. A vaccine would have done nothing.

>ITT people who don't realize the entire game is assholes trying to get theirs

Except maybe Ellie....OK and Joel's brother and his encampment.

post-pubescent, no doubt.

ITT: samefagging retard calling everyone autists to convince himself he is a normalfag with emotions.

Not that user but just by seeing how they were handling the situation I would've at the very least stopped the surgery and told them to get their shit together. Instead of having her under observation, running tests and trying to get sorted out they just decided to kill her for a possibility of a cure.

Who in their right mind will just jump right into a biopsy without stopping to consider that this is the most rare thing on earth? Shit these dumbass doctors were if anything ruining the chance for a cure.

Did... did you miss the part of the game where the two of them bonded and she became a surrogate daughter to him? Did you go to the bathroom for twelve hours while your friend was playing and come back right at the hospital scene? Are you literally retarded?

Only autists who lack empathy can't understand why saving Ellie and screwing mankind was a good thing for Joel.

You can fail that section, you know.

Humanity doesn't deserve a fucking cure. The entirety of TLoU trying to go from point A to B while slowly discovering the only people worth saving are already turned or dead

user are you retarded?

This thread is obviously too complex for you, son. You might want to consider hopping into the next pokemon or Overwatch thread that will eventually pop up.

But Ellie is Lesbian

I wasn't dodging the question.

I was providing completely objective input, which addresses the question.

In no way did I invalidate myself, edge-non.

Also, thank you for your unhealpful, edge-filled response.

But we're discussing morals, ethics and intentions here.

It's more ethically feasible, morally correct and has good intentions behind it, despite the ramifications.

Calm down, pedanon.

I don't get this "it was unlikely they would've succeeded anyway!" rebuttal. They stated outright that the odds were high enough to try. That's how science works, shit heel.

I actually thought that part was really cool because it was like "Joel has just had it with everyone and even the threat of death isn't enough to scare him" but then I saw my friend playing it running away and I felt like a super retard.

Seeing how there were cannibals and thugs everywhere I don't think humanity is worth saving.

>sacrificing an immune girl to create a vaccine that may or may not work
>not just letting her reproduce to create more immune humans
The fireflies are the real villains who are stopping humanity from evolving.

>why, yes, I'd gladly shoot my wife on the head if that meant saving the lives of 10 people I've never met because that's the morally correct thing to do.

Wouldn't humans be able to reclaim areas via gas masks and flame throwers?
Joel didn't seem to have a problem getting all the way across America, the infected aren't that tough.

Nice edge there, champ. You still don't seem to understand what survival is though. Joel is just about as bad as every other man he killed on the way to the Fire Flies.

are you ?

The fireflies were desperate it could have been less than 1% and they would have still hacked Ellie to chunks to say they at least tried. The odds of success weren't factored into their decision

It would be sympathy.

It is a sympathetic moment to share, not an empathetic.

Do your study before dropping big words, kiddo.

There are audio logs that prove the Fireflies already tried the same thing with immune people just like Ellie and it failed every single time.


well seeing as I can look at the counter on the bottom right and see there are 27 different people posting I don't think I am.

>People will disagree with OP's statement

Why are you still putting little 14 year old girls in the same category of a wife? Why do you keep bringing this up as if it's some strong argument when it's not?

See, trolling or not, you're doing what you're doing wrong.

Also, nice image from 2004.

Try a Pepe next time, kid.

It's not edgy during the journey you found assholes who want to kill you for your clothes, bandits who want to kill and rape a settlement of survivors who rediscovered electricity as opposed to integrating, an entire community of cannibals who kill indiscriminately, and a paramilitary organization who was willing to butcher a child for a possible cure. Only one town was worth saving and I still don't say the sacrifice is worth it

>why are you putting the most important person in someone's life in the same category of a most important person in someone's life


>Why are you still putting little 14 year old girls in the same category of a wife?
Why aren't you?

In any case, your argument falls apart if you replace "wife" with "daughter", adopted or otherwise.

The only reason why he did what he did was because he still wasn't over his daughter. In the sequel, we are gonna have a cutscene where Joel accidentally refers to Ellie as "Sarah"


not to mention that the fireflies are completely incompetent and failed in EVERYTHING they did

>Also, nice image from 2004.
Edgy as it's defined now didn't enter the Sup Forums vernacular until DmC

Im retarded because I don't put a "surrogate daughter", one person, on a higher pedestal than all of humanity? It's ironic that you call others retarded.

and there is more than 60 posts so ?

honestly I feel like Joel taking Ellie back from the fireflies is only questionably moral because Ellie wasn't given the decision to sacrifice herself, it was made for her by Marlene and her ilk

Let's see you sacrifice your best friend then. They're just one person too.

Once again, a thread like this pops up. You cannot defend the fireflies when you think about the shit they pull

-Destabilize QZs and cause riots. Case in point, Pittsburgh.
-Can't run a QZ when families and a crazy dude in a town can.
-Thought a cure would fix current infected, raiders, starvation, etc.
-Antagonize the military over trivial shit like getting first rations so the guards don't look like they just came out of Aushwitz,
-employing smugglers who risk bringing in infection.

The fireflies were idiots and Joel was justified, I wouldn't be surprised if they did a sequel and you find out the fireflies became some brutal raider gang or some shit like that.

>raiders resort to cannibalism.

What the fuck, did they drop a nuke or something? Why can't these fucks just grow crops or hunt/fish?

I mean they were just thugs in military fatigues who think they're right

None of that matters because it was Ellie's choice to make, not Joel's.

Ellie is not his daughter. You are letting your pathetic waifu instinct and desperation for friends blind you from what really matters. Pretty selfish, really. I don't even really feel like debating this with you idiots any longer because of it. Perfect example of why developers don't put much effort into plot or dumb it down.

>A terrorist group, who last remnants are being butchered by everyone, want to try for the xth time to create a vaccine, not a cure, that they then have to distribute against the army and other raiders, with a flimsy infrastructure and almost no members to do so.

>people, after all this time, are seriously saying you were playing the bad guy

There were 2 gangs that were cannibals, if I remember right. First were the "Hunters" who basically murdered anyone who came into their territory and scrounged up whatever they could.Other guys were a survivor group starving in the dead of winter. It is pretty retarded that in the QZs, safezones, etc, you never see a farm or ranch.

At the time of your posting there were about 37. with 3 of those posted by the same guy just being screenshots. 34 posts with 25 people doesn't equal samefagging son. Although I realize I just went full autist.

>trusting a teen girl to make reasonable decisions
Let me guess, you'd be OK with countries having a 14 year old as a leader?

Exactly. They fought for a meal now, rather than later.

Couldn't Ellie's immunity be hereditary anyway? Just give her the dick and see if any of the kids don't get infected.

Uh, yeah? 99% chance of being doomed is better than 100%.

I would if they wanted it that way. I'm not selfish.

I would not sacrifice my immediate family though.

A teen girl living in a world full of zombies and cannibals, who has seen some crazy shit and has done crazy shit.

It's possible, but you wouldn't produce more immune kids without inbreeding.


>Unless the sequel takes a nosedive into retard territory.
This is why I'm hoping it's a prequel starring new characters.

In game it's said her cordyceps strain mutated into a form that was benign/inert/symbiotic? its not clear. Its not even apparent if the mutation was due to Ellie having a unique genetic trait or if that strain mutated on it's own.

>waifu instinct
>Pretty selfish, really.
Humans are naturally selfish. Men in particular, will naturally want to protect women and girls.

Are you this detached from reality?
Maybe you're the one who missed the entire message of the game:
Being human is perfectly OK.

I left those two other fucks alone.

I had to kill the other faggot since he was coming at me with a scalpel.

Just stand there and hope he spares you. Good strategy.

I still think that The Last of Us would have made a better HBO series than a video game.

The message certainly was not white knighting women to the extreme of dooming humanity.

I'm baffled that anyone would want to help the fireflies after how they treat Joel. They're a collection of thugs who will undoubtedly use the vaccine, if they get one, as a power play to get more supplies and protection for their cunty little group.

If ND was trying to make that last level brutal, and to make you feel like Joel was a bad guy, they failed. I was laughing as I killed the faggot fireflies, and killing that condescending black twat was the most satisfying moment of the game.

You are still wrong and retarded. Get out of here. Go to Sup Forums. This isn't a medium for you. Fuck you. You make me so goddam angry I wish I could punch you in the face. Goddamit.


my nigga, now they can really call themselves FIREflies
