Where were you when Bethesda killed modding (again)?

>Log onto the Nexus to download some mods for Fallout: New Vegas
>See this

Other urls found in this thread:


What's got his pooper in a drooper?

What mod, I honestly doubt it was anything of importance. Stealing mods is shitty, but throwing an assfit like this just makes you look retarded.

>I'm not making money from the Nexus, so I am throwing a shitfit until I can give Valve 75% of my profits.

Nexusmods has drama, more news at 11.

Long story short consolefags are crying and demanding all mods be available for Fallout 4 on XBONE.

The crying itself is a nuisance however people are now downloading mods, enabling the ability to play it on XBONE, then reuploading them. Since these mods weren't designed for XBONE they are bricking consoles and its causing a huge amount of problems.

Its alot like Pic related

That's a whole lot of implications there my friend

Nothing important thank god, but still pissed me off

Why are modders such attwhoring crybabies?

If only you used the workshop, so much simpler.

He's overreacting but he made the damn mod so I'd say he can do what he wants with it.

>Since these mods weren't designed for XBONE they are bricking consoles

eh, I kind of liked it but the horrible grammar in the mod really turned me off.

Not bricking like a red ring of death or anything, but people are complaining already about save files being ruined because they installed a mod that someone just stole and uploaded as Xbox ready, but it really wasn't.

Consoles are not being bricked, the mods just won't load

>using mods on your main save file without backups
These retards are asking for it.

people (console kids) are literally crying about
And generally don't realize that certain mods like CBBE can't be ported to console because of legal restrictions etc.

first part is true about some babies stealing mods but you cant brink an xbone with mods (you can render fo4 unbootable until you delete your mod cache however)

it automatically backsup your save but people are retarded so yeah

>backing up saves
>on consoles

>Not bricking like a red ring of death or anything, but people are complaining already about save files being ruined because they installed a mod that someone just stole and uploaded as Xbox ready, but it really wasn't.
oh ok, that was expected, I thought you meant it was bricking consoles

thats what pcucks would like you to believe

That's just what i read like 2 weeks ago, maybe it wasn't true, i dunno. Just shedding some light on the situation for OP

He is bitching about people stealing his work you fucking idiots. Read,

You probably just saw Bethesda and automatically assumed it had something to do with Skyrim's relaunch for consoles.

my fucking sides

Anyone got the screencap where one idiot who stole a pc mod and reuploaded it for xbox then blames the original author for corrupted saves and calls him a pcelitist

The game automatically creates a new save when you try to load up a save with mods

So these people are somehow managing to break the game and go into their vanilla save with mods active

Consoles don't have ability to have separate save files or something? Genuine question as I will never play Bethesda games on them.

These games barely run vanilla on trash consoles, what made anyone think mods would work on them?

Bethesda is doing ban waves for mod thieves already, the mods are being taken down but hes throwing a fit anyway

What the hell can Bethesda do about it. They're removing all mods that get reported for it.

Blame gamers for proving yet again to be entitled incompetent assholes.

fucking sucks cuz i use that mod, i think i still have it on for new vegas but still, i wanted to get his fallout 4 one after i bought it, this fucking sucks man

I'm not sure actually, I thought that was the issue with Skyrim and NV on PS3 that the saves got so bloated it wouldn't run anymore

they can, user was just speaking without knowledge again

Hey, you wouldn't mind uploading that to a dropbox or something would you? Kind of want to see it now.

There is no denying that some modders and a fucking lot of console and pc gamers are entitled asshats that have a general way of thinking that everyone and the world owes them but the way that you report mods on bethesda.net is still very fucking retarded.

>He is bitching about people stealing his work you fucking idiots.
You can't steal something that's free, faggot.

In this case it's not stealing, it's plagiarism.

Its a free modification of a video game that he received no money for.
If he cares that much about it, he need to get a fucking life.

Why don't modders do like us and sit back and relax and laugh at the kids fucking up their plastic boxes because of incompatible mods?

Bethseda pandered to consoles since Morriwind.

They could've taken measures, explicitly told their console audience to not be assholes, but they didn't.

It's the same thing as art theft. When you put time and effort into making something for a community for free and then people start lifting it and using it elsewhere under their names without asking you, it's a slap in the face and the creator is well within their rights to remove it. He's being a little bitch though since he apparently never had his shit stolen and he's taking stuff down as more of a boycott which is retarded. But still.

t. plagiarist

Who was "plagiarizing"? Console peasants?

I don't think anyone here knows enough to make sense of this tantrum.

>TIP: Don't be an asshole

But your dad stole your virginity.

I guess I've never really thought about it before, but how good do you have to be at programming to get into modding?

Lol, are you stupid. Of course you can steal someone's work, regardless of if its free or not. Giving credit where its due.

To be honest though, all he should do is make is so the mod loads and has his watermark built into it if hes so sensitive about it. Most mods now a days have an options menu, so adding a simple "Author: (insert name here)" shouldn't be so difficult.

But to able to stop someone from stealing your mods and uploading it on a different site, good luck with that with a free mod bro.

We have 70 dollar games that are usually uploaded on pirate bay within the hour of their release, sometimes even before its released in other countries.

Stopping a free mod from being "illegally distributed" is not going to happen.

What kind of modding?

For a Bethesda game?
Not very good.

>eh, I kind of liked it but the horrible grammar in the mod really turned me off.
There's a mod to fix a mod's shitty writing.

>To be honest though, all he should do is make is so the mod loads and has his watermark built into it
Christ no. Can you imagine? Modders putting in watermarks and every single watermark showing up for every mod you have running?

>implying you need to receive money for your work to be proud of it and not want people to claim it as their own
next you will say that modders do not actually own their mods, and we will go through the rest of the thread explaining how copyright works and how you're retarded

Are you retarded?
>Guy A makes mod for Fallout 4 hosted on Nexus, it only works on PC
>Guy B takes mod, uploads it on Bethesda.net as his own and checks Xbox compatibility.
>Console users download mod thinking it will work
>it fucks up their saves
>Guy A gets a shit ton of spam from said users crying about their save files.

for a bethesda game? Can you use a keyboard? Can you read? If you answered yes to those questions you're good to go.

That depends on the kind of mod, you don't really need to know anything about programming for something like a retexture, but making things like script extenders and those big complex mods? Those probably do require a bit of coding knowledge.

They are banning people who are stealing mods like crazy and because your bethesda account is linked to your gamertag they are removing their ability to use mods in general, what more could you want?

>and we will go through the rest of the thread explaining how copyright works
Modders are NOT copyrighting their mods, you fuck wad.
I doubt they even could.

Here's a solution:

>ban users permanently if they complain about the mod bricking their save because thy should know better than to haphazardly download software without first checking for compatibility

Problem solved.

So its all just
>muh endorsements

I can see your point, but from what I'd read, someone who stole one of dude's mod & re-uploaded (without giving credit), only decided to acknowledge the original guy by shit-talking him when the mod winds up not working on xbone.

I think the guy's being overreactive, but it's incredibly shitty to not give credit for the original modder, then only do so in a backhanded way by blaming them when the mod doesn't work on xbone.

>You can't steal something that's free, faggot.

what are you smoking m8? people aren't "stealing" the mod itself, they're stealing his authorship. it's the difference between downloading a .pdf of a free book, like Frankenstein or Don Quixote (public domain), and putting your name on that work as the author

i guess a better comparison would be fan fiction (considering fan fiction & mods both work off already-existing content), but the same concept of "stealing" authorship applies, however small or shitty or unimportant the item(s) may be

I'm saying if it has an options menu.

Like if you go into the "mods" section on the game menu with all the values you can set for the mod. Just adding a simple portion at the bottom where it says who its made by.

Listen you fucking twat, modders own their mods as described by Copyright law, regardless of if they actually file a copyright. Kill yourself.

Well the issue is that there isn't a way to check other than if the mod says it will work. Then they download it because it's listed as working on xbox, then save is borked

there is no "save bricking", whenever you install a mod it makes a backup folder for your nonmodded save

most of these people have literally never used mods in a game before

>mfw consolefats think reskins are mods

>people want validation for work they do

What a revolutionary concept

>what more could you want?
A community that isn't a huge piece of entitled shit kids in the first place?

>it's the difference between downloading a .pdf of a free book, like Frankenstein or Don Quixote (public domain), and putting your name on that work as the author
Unless they're going out of their way to say "I MADE THIS" I highly doubt they're "stealing his authorship".
What I assume is happening is that them uploading it to Bethesnet AT ALL makes it LOOK like they're taking credit, even though that'd be fucking stupid to assume.

>modders own their mods as described by Copyright law, regardless of if they actually file a copyright
So this is the power of PC Mustard race.

They are. Not very complex but it's still a mod.


>be on Nexus last night looking for an envoy for fallout NV
>See that there is a chat
>Enter the chat thing and pop out after fixing my curiosity
>Every page on nexus's domain has me banned
>"Your account has been permanently banned. Reason: your name is inappropriate, make a new account and choose a more suitable name"

My username was kickinthedick, I'm still trying to figure out if this was really necessary.

Fuck Nexus and fuck modders, everything is autistic.

>Oh no I see I am being retarded and have dug myself into a hole with my shitposting
>let's dig deeper and see where we go!

Technically you're right but retextures aren't really considered to be mods by most people. So really it's all about your definition of mods.

You realized we are humans in the year 2016 right? This is the "entitled" generation

>using nexus for anything but downloading the files

>it's a modder has a melodramatic fit episode

>Oh no, I see that I have been bested and have no counterargument
>better greentext

>site hosts pornographic mods with graphic rape capabilities
>won't let your account name have a bad word


Nobody is going to torrent mods. Mainly because nobody would care to host those mods in the first place.

because consoles only existed in 2016 and not before that. It's an issue that's not just 2016 it goes way back.

>Mod theft
Nigga who the FUCK cares.

>Bethesda modders expect people to pay for their mods
oh right, LOL

It's literally a modification. That's what "mod" stands for in case you happen to be illiterate.

You were the one who greentexted first you nigger and just acted like "So this is the Power of PC Mustard race." was an actually argument.

>You were the one who greentexted first you nigger
I quoted a post you dumb newfag

What's with modding and drama queens anyway?

Nobody is asking for cash, just the satisfaction from endorsements. If someone uploads their mod elsewhere, it hurts their pride. Which, considering they're Bethesda modders, probably wasn't that strong to begin with.

Console cucks are stealing mods and uploading them onto Betheshits fallout 4 mod website. They're also harassing modders into putting their mods on console, even though many of the mods can't function on the limited hardware.

Did I at any point question the meaning of the word modification?

are you dumb or just fucking dubm?

>Forcibly introducing money or legal restrictions in a previously passion-driven hobby that were one of the main reason people bought your game in the first plac
>It kills it
Good job Bethesda

>making your text green is not making your text green

>stealing games/anothers work through pirating is ok
>stealing mods which is also anothers work is not okay

Not so great when it happens to you PCucks?

brilliant user. greentexting is greentexting, stop acting retarded.

Making your ENTIRE POST in green text is green texting, you stupid little shit.

Why don't modders just pop up a dialog box every 30 seconds bitching about F4SE if you don't have it installed?

Same thing happens any time someone who does shit for free in a fanbase gets attention. Just look at popular fan artists who turn into huge douches and hide their images behind paywalls or only draw for commissions.

Mods are being killed because it threatens current market models, IE sell maps/characters/weapons later on. Blizzard learned this from DOTA, they had no copyright claim on it and missed out big.

Now they want to prevent mods to keep people from using them more instead of paid content

well technically yes, they don't own the mods, whoever owns the game owns the rights to the mods

Thanks todd!

Even worse there's assholes that fucking steal the shit, reupload it, and then ask for donations.

And you called me the newfag, back to r/Sup Forums with you

don't get me started you dumb nigger.