"wtf happened to this channel" - youtube thread

> love informative gayming videos
> find out about "Game Theorists"
> pretty small channel, only around 2k subs
> like his stuff and the topics

> fast forward a few years
> now only clickbait videos
> several millions of subscribers
> everything went to shit

any other vidya related YT-channel that turned to shit over time?

here is another one
> Drift0r

Other urls found in this thread:


>They all got married and got a life except brad
>Brad gets married
>Still brad

growing up sucks


>youtube threads
>Sup Forums
pick one

youtube threads are still more vidya related then cosplay, LOL, and weeaboo threads

I feel sad about Game Theory. I subed way back in the day and really enjoyed it. These days is complete shit.

Tatsudoshi was my favorite for a long time, nothing has ever made me laugh more than those guys, usually only a few episodes but I havent laughed like that in years.
Tatsu's girlfriend married him for the money, cheated on him and then divorced. All their videos got deleted, he joins RT and now has a new channel.
His ex's brother is his best friend and he's still on the show, he has a new girlfriend. It's just not the same

At least SSoHPKC is back

>Used to watch Angry Vidya gaems nerd
>It's got boring as shit, only time he's actually interesting is when he explains shit
>Meanwhile his French counterpart is still making great shit with the help of people and actually put efforts in his videos youtube.com/watch?v=ohom31WJaZQ
>Also was literally French Ronnie until his waifu told him to drop weight or bust

James should have drop the forced dog shit talking, he can explain shit, but he just doesn't cut it when it's come to entertaining people

>Used to do real LP's and not shill for companies or try to be like pewdiepie
>Not even enjoyable on Versus anymore

Angry centaur gaming is the best vidya channel

Hiroshima still didn't banned youtube shit?

One of my favorite YouTubers became a really disgusting tranny.

Holy shit I came into this thread to bring up 4pp.
>tfw you see their popular videos with views averaging in the hundred thousands
>nowadays they barely get a couple hundred views

>that whole batman vs superman "theory" based on a false premise

Man that was a waste of my time

It hurts

AVGN was the first youtuber that i actually followed. it was sad seeing him digress over the years

every time i see this image it makes me tear up

that poor shark ;_;

Their streams went from a couple of 15-25 thousands to hundreds too.

Why are they sharks?

and I shit on those threads as well

Ecelebs aren't videogames

me too ;_;

>New gimmick, fast-cut clips to funny moments
>LP's begin while keeping the gimmick. Plenty of funny moments but dull lapses between
>LP's get staler and the gimmick is tired. Freindcast is launched with plenty of success
>LP's are rarely funny anymore, thus they begin playing iconic games to fill the lack of entertainment with good gameplay. Freindcast has found it's stride and is going comfortably each week
>Pushing any meme to the extreme for entertainment's sake, fanbase eats it up. Freindcast adopts gimmicks and memes as well
>Memes are made and killed in single episodes. gimmicks are short and annoying. Freindcast is just a chore to all but Woolie. The only passion left in the channel and freindcast is fighting games


>The only passion left in the channel and freindcast is fighting games

I started to hate the friendcast and they have already lost their passion for fighting games. In fact they didn't have any since how they don't even know some mechanics where they claimed to play the games all the time