Why has every Mario game sucked after these two masterpieces?

Why has every Mario game sucked after these two masterpieces?

Set the bar too high. The new ones don't suck, but definitely aren't up to par on what these games are.

They literally poured every idea they had left for platforming into those games and Rosalina's storybook triggered Miyamoto's autism and drove him to ruin all of the RPGs

>3D World

Yes? And? Is there supposed to be a rebuttal or are you just going to write it off as memes because you're butthurt about it?

because they realized they can be lazy and anything with the mario name on it will sell

Not just the RPGs user, he sought to destroy Mario lore in EVERYTHING except Mario Kart because its lore is that sacred

It's actually pretty funny that MK8 was so amazing amidst the rest of the series turning to shit

For the same reason that SMG2 isn't a masterpiece.

SMG1 put in effort.

>SMG2 isn't a masterpiece.

It's level design is damn near perfect

2D Mario > 3D Mario

The problem is that where do you possibly go after Galaxy and Galaxy 2?

Almost. Except for the part where it either feels like a retread of the first game, a retread of itself, or lacked sufficient exploration.

The Grinders made for fucking amazing anticipation, however.

>lacked sufficient exploration

What needs exploring? You see a platform and jump on it

I really liked the ice flower. The fire flower sucked balls, and that motherfukcing spring somehow made it back in the sequel.

Galaxy 3

>tfw 100%'d SMG1 but never beat SMG2

He's only being as vague as you were with your reasons to dislike it. Can't expect people to write paragraphs of text explaining why it's well designed when the person they're replying to doesn't have anything to say about it other than some dismissive shlock.

Because those two "masterpieces" combined were outsold by a half-assed 2D Mario game on the Wii.

So instead of giving the 2D Mario games care and attention since they're obviously the Marios that people want to play, Nintendo instead tries to make 3D Mario games like 2D Mario to convert 2D Mario fans to 3D Mario.

>they're obviously the Marios that people want to play

3D Mario thoroughly outclasses 2D. Even Sunshine is better than most of the 2D games

It's just that normies are so brain-damaged that they actually can't handle proper 3D gameplay.

>Sold SMG2 but didn't beat the last level awhile ago
>Want to replay but don't want to rebuy
Fuck me I'll never sell a game again.

>caring about the lore in mainline Mario/platformers
>b-but Miyamoto!
what are you some autistic sperg?

You guys still play Mario? Everything after the ORIGINAL Super Mario World sucks, except the racing ones. Those are fun.

>3D Mario thoroughly outclasses 2D.
Except it doesn't. Not a single 3D Mario even approaches the quality of SMB1, 2, or 3.

Even the worst 2D Mario game is still better than the Best 3D Mario game.

i remember fapping that one week after playing SMG2, I was LITERALLY on cloud nine, I've never had my head so far up in the clouds before


Take the fucking blinders off

It was revolutionary at the time, but a platformer were you can't go backwards is fucking trash now

Sunshinefags are at it again

Nice meme.

softmod your wii ya dingus

>but a platformer were you can't go backwards is fucking trash now


>Even Sunshine

I hat Sunshine as a 3D MArio game. Still would play it over SMB3 though

>download Mario Galaxy 2 for $10 off e-shop on my Wii U
>realize I traded in my only nunchuck when I traded in the Wii years ago

>I hat Sunshine as a 3D MArio game
no you don't nigger

Because they haven't approved Sunshine 2 yet.

Salty 64 fag spotted. There are more 3D Marios without exploration than with. Face it, 64 and Sunshine were just the outliers. Mario has never been about exploration, but sheer platforming goodness.

>look ma! i can falseflag on 4chins!!!! XD

Yes, level design and structure are trash

>being this delusional


The top 5 best Mario games, in order.

I don't even think classic mario is that great but come the fuck on

SMB3 is not that fun. World, Land 2, and some of the NSMB games are much better

That's a funny picture of 64 and Sunshine, user.

My negro
Although I haven't played the original NSMB
Why people are so desperate to shit on 3DW always baffles me, as it's an amazing game.

>people want to play a mario game without exploration

what is this retardation

>Why has every Mario game sucked after these two masterpieces?

You grew up.

>I never played the galaxy games

They have secret stars and comet medals to look for

>people want to play a mario game WITH exploration
Leave exploration for your Zeldas, Mario games are for platforming not backtracking and wandering about worlds.

Because it's not exploration based. People wanted another game like 64. 3DW is the exact opposite end of the spectrum from 64.

I was talking about 2D mario
What is this retardation

3D Mario has been better since stopping with the exploration meme. Compare 64 and Sunshine to masterpieces like the Galaxy games and 3DW.

Just because 3DLand was shit doesn't mean the rest aren't 10/10 platformers.

Those games's were shit

3DW wasn't a full budget Mario game, it was just a 3D spinoff of NSMB

The Mario game that the Wii U should have gotten was pushed to NX, we should get news of it when the NX is unveiled

World was good your nigger
Nsmbu is also good

this, desu senpai.
SMB3 is such a shit game compared to SMW.
>no yoshi(s)
>cape is superior to tanooki
>smw has a better overworld and secrets

How dare you talk about 3DW and Galaxy as if they have anything in common

>should get
No, 3D World was amazing. Fuck you if you didn't like it, go back and replay your shitty collect-a-thons. 3D courses are so much better.

The galaxy games have the perfect blend of platforming and exploration

3D world is just platforming

I liked it, it's just not that ground breaking Mario experience you expect every Nintendo console to have. NES had one, SNES had one, N64 had one, GC had one, Wii had one. Wii U did not have one.

SMW is such a shit game compared to SMB3
>Cape is inferior to Tanooki Suit/Raccoon Leaf
>SMB3 has better overworlds and secrets

They do. Absolutely amazing linear level design. Linear doesn't mean bad, and the Galaxy games and 3D World proved that.

The worst levels in Galaxy are the ones that are the most open ended. Beach Bowl, Honey Hive, etc.

Fucking flawless taste. Though I think NSMBU/Luigi U is better than NSMB.

Why do people want another 64? I thought fans didn't like rehashes. Plus, as an adaptation of mario into 3D, 3D World actually makes more sense than any other 3D Mario installments.

The last good mario game was sunshine.

>Mario has never been about exploration, but sheer platforming goodness.
this logic can apply to the fact every Mario game that sidescrolls or move off one frame screen outside the Arcade DK originals/Mario Bros./DK '94/MvDK/aren't real Mario, aren't even true to Hiroshi Yamauchi Mario games

I rank NSMB higher because of the extra side content and freshness. NSMB wasn't getting stale at the time, but from a quality standpoint, NSMBWii U definitely had a better main game. If NSMB2 wasn't a thing, it would be held in much higher regard.

Wow, you have terrible taste
We need to be able to brand people like you

The ground-breaking aspect of D World was by having the best multiplayer I've ever played in any platformer, that and being the most faithful adaptation of Mario into 3D.

>shit: the post

It's true. Beach Bowl is nowhere near as good as the linear Bowser Generators, for example. I mean, Beach Bowl isn't a gimmick level like the spring mushroom levels, the manta riding, or the ball, but those are shit for different reasons.

>I rank NSMB higher because of the extra side content and freshness.
That's fair. Most of my love for the original NSMB comes from the bosses. Such variety, and almost all of them were new enemies.

>he liked Honey Shit and Beach Bore

if people are universally okay with having another Galaxy rehash after 2, i want mines.

>X is one person

>the most faithful adaptation of Mario into 3D.
If you love 2D Mario so much why not play a 2D Mario? 3D Mario should not be "2D Mario with 3D graphics". It's its own thing, as has been established by the 64/Sunshine/Galaxy main series

That's another thing I preferred, how original the bosses and levels were. Everything just felt so unique, it was the first time we'd seen anything like it in over 10 years. NSMBWii U reused a lot of bosses, stages, and gimmicks, though it heavily improved on them all.

I just think the originality, release date, and extra content on the NSMB cartridge makes it overall better in my eyes. If I ranked them all based off of only the singleplayer, my list would be a little different. SM3DW just isn't the same without a bunch of friends. I'd probably rank it at 4th place instead of tied for first if it were singleplayer only.

3D World is a natural evolution of the Galaxy games. Thanks for proving his point.

3DW is NSMB in 3D

I think you misunderstood, when I say adaptation I don't literally mean the 2D games in a 3D environment. If you'd actually played 3D World, you'd know it mixes a lot of design elements from SMG int there too.

It's more like Mario Galaxy, but actually in the Mario World.

>that and being the most faithful adaptation of Mario into 3D.
Yet it wasn't fun, just like how 3D Land wasn't fun. It was better than 3D Land, but that's not an accomplishment.

2D Mario and 3D Mario do different things, and trying to make one like the other just ends up making a game that's not as good as either.

Threads like these always remind me of that one review I read online when Mario 64 was new and the guy thought it was a neat game, but a lousy Mario game. It was more of a Zelda game to him.

>Yet it wasn't fun
What makes you say that?

Also see

>Yet it wasn't fun, just like how 3D Land wasn't fun.
Sweet baseless opinions, broski.

Because you're a GCbabby with no sense of taste.

3DW is better than Galaxy 2.

>3D World is Galaxy-lite meme

>What makes you say that?
The fact that I didn't enjoy a single second of the time I spent playing it going from world 1 to world 8.

At least it didn't piss me off like 3D Land did.

They remind me that Sup Forums doesn't play games, especially those that are the most negative about them. I mean jeez the empty reasoning people give for disliking certain games in the series never ceases to amaze me.

But why didn't you enjoy it?

Not him, but 3D World really does have a lot in common with Galaxy, it has a few levels dedicated to SMG, complete with music from SMG to match, not to mention playable Rosalina.

Even these aren't amazing, they're mostly good as audiovisual spectacles and they lose their luster on repeated playthroughs.

The Mario series went downhill because everyone who had vision and inspiration stopped trying, and were replaced by those perfectly content to follow the road already traveled.

we've asked that since the beginning, it was visionaries like Miyamoto who saw the way. There's nobody left with that kind of creativity.

>The Mario series went downhill because everyone who had vision and inspiration stopped trying, and were replaced by those perfectly content to follow the road already traveled.
This is literally false though, 3D World for example has the same game designer behind it as the SMG series.

It wasn't fun to play. The controls and physics weren't satisfying, only serviceable. I could do generally what I wanted to do, but the levels threw nothing at me that I found engaging to overcome. It's a very by-the-numbers game and the Captain Toad levels were a refershing change of pace from the monotony of the rest of the game.

Could you give an example of what you mean regarding the controls and levels as described?

i wasn't OP.

>it has a few levels dedicated to SMG, complete with music from SMG to match, not to mention playable Rosalina.
that's your excuse?

Galaxy had homage levels to Whomp's Fortress, one of Sunshine's secrets, similar physics to 64 Mario, and even orchestrated music from past games.

yet the entire game isn't just some extension to Sunshine's secrets or 64 with linear courses only+gravity gimmick

fuck off with your Galaxy-lite meme.

>you just haven't played it
I love this meme, the implication being that the Wii U sold so poorly that it's impossible anyone could actually be expected to have both played 3DW and not thought it was the best game ever

To the contrary, I think it's the people who played it who deserve the most to be upset because they own a Wii U and they were deprived a proper Mario game because the system didn't sell well enough to warrant releasing one on the platform

God this has taken me 10 minutes. I hate you fucking faggots with a passion. It sold 12 million units, why is it so unbelievable people own the god damn thing. ESPECIALLY on Sup Forums, the only place people even talk about the thing. I shouldn't have to constantly prove I own a Wii U, "You don't own one" is the biggest copout argument

>tfw playing through Galaxy and the Luigi run doesn't seem worth it

Can't give you a specific example because it's been like a year and a half since I played the game and the whole game is pretty much a blur with nothing standing out.

All I remember is that I didn't find it interesting to play and that I breezed through the content without incident.

>implying that meticulously and mathematically planned platforms exist in a naturally occurring world

See the above.

>naturally occurring

SM3DW has homages to SMB3 and classic Mario, jazzed-up Mario music, and a mix of physics from the 2D and 3D games that I felt was balanced perfectly, especially so for multiplayer. I don't even get what your babbling about being extensions to the series is about, as 3D World stands on its own (it's barely alike even to it's technically predecessor, 3D Land).

Honestly, you've either played little of it or just have shit taste and limited yourself to 3D Marios instead of enjoying what makes both 2D Mario amd 3D Mario great.