We have no beginning. We have no end. We are infinite...

>We have no beginning. We have no end. We are infinite. Millions of years after your civilization has been eradicated and forgotten, we will endure.

Other urls found in this thread:


>mass effect 1
>reapers are lovecraftian god monsters that humans can't understand

>mass effect 3
>reapers can get killed by space worms

Killing all life to stop it from killing itself is an incomprehensible motive.

They're AI. They see the logic behind it but cant see the fallacy of it.

>lovecraftian god monster
>literally blown the fuck out by three ground troops and a shitty stealth ship that doesn't have anywhere near the firepower of most capital ships

Are you talking about Sovereign? Shepard killed Sovereign's AI which was in Saren, which then lowered the ships shields, afterwhich the combined force of the Council, Turian, and Human fleet fired everything they had at it to take it down. The Normandy simply dealt the final blow by flying through the ship.

>literally blown the fuck out by three ground troops and a shitty stealth ship that doesn't have anywhere near the firepower of most capital ships
It was literally like cthulhu and boat, but instead of boat there was galactic fleet
And if he didn't posses Saren he would still wreck everyone easily

I'm putting an end to this thread before it begins.

The original story for Mass Effect 3 was the reapers were killing all life because their use of biotics and the mass relays were speeding up entropy and were killing the galaxy at an unprecedented rate. This is why in Mass Effect 2 there was a star that was dying too quickly in its lifespan and no one knew why. The original endings for Mass Effect 3 would of been a difficult choice as to whether or not the reapers had it right or if there was another solution to be found. Instead it was deemed too hard for the mainstream audience to comprehend so we got the infamous 3 color ending instead. Some remnants of the original design can be seen in this ending however where all the relays were destroyed.

On a side note, originally each reaper was supposed to be unique as they were made from sacrificing an entire species. That's why in Mass Effect 2 you fight the human reaper at the end. But once again, it was deemed too complicated for Mass Effect 3 and instead this idea was retconned and each reaper became a lobster.

Goddamn fuck Nu-Bioware so hard. Give me deep games goddamnit.

It was worse in the ME2
>I will assume control and taunt you personally!

Incomprehensibly stupid.

I'm playing through the first game for the first time since I originally completed it and I'm amazed by how great it is. I had forgotten how good it was. Peak 15 and the Rachni was a great area to play through and the fifth fleet assignments are all enjoyable.

My nigga. ME1 will forever be my favorite.

How would you like Mass Effect if you replace the Reapers with Oldcrons?

This is wrong.

That was one of the story ideas thrown around along with the organic and synthetic stuff.

The "deemed to complicated" is total bullshit on your part. Why they went with organic vs synthetic is unknown, but that's the story they went with.

Not like the dark energy one is really any better. You would have the same issues with the ending you have now.

Also, I'm tired of people saying the reaper plan was kill life to save life. This is oversimplification at its best. They kill advanced life so primitive life can flourish. You don't have to like it, or think it's a good ending, but don't mis represent it to make a point.

Really? I thought the whole of Noveria was the worst part of the game.

I would rather they had just made it simple: an extremely advanced civilisation once had AI and they wiped them out. Fast forward a billion years and these AI have taken the from of the reapers who wipe out galactic civilisation before it becomes a threat to their existence.
I don't know, I'm not a writer. Anything other than the "synthetics r bad n kill peepl"

I've only completed Feros and Noveria so far in terms of the main story but I'm around level 35 from sidequests. I didn't like Noveria at first, the entire place made me feel uneasy as it was so far removed from the Citadel which I'd grown familiar with but once I got to Peak 15 I started to really enjoy it. Now that I think of it was like Aliens. The one thing I hated was the puzzle to turn on the VI, fuck that shit.
Feros has been the worst part of the game so far for me. It was uninteresting at best and the Thorian was just weird. At least they shed some light on corporate activities in the Mass Effect universe during that arc.

So I never played Mass Effect 2 or 3
Do they ever explain how Cerberus goes from a small splinter group of scientists researching taboo tech to space nazis with the might to rival all other galactic civilization?

Something something ILLUSIVE. No.


Haha funny, the towers of Hanoi puzzle is the only thing I look forward to when I hit Noveria. Have you had the last boss fight on Noveria yet? It's realllly bad, like the cinematics and audio was synced by bio wares D TEAM

I hope they do necron style ennemy in Andromeda. It seems they were talking about ancient artifacts hidden in the planets which you will awaken, so it could be

Yeah I stayed up all night on Monday doing Noveria, the Benezia boss fight was awful but it was redeemed by the rachni queen. One weird thing is that you don't get to go back to the survivors. Do they make it out or are they all kill from the neutron purge? That made no sense.

The Prothean race will be called the Remnant.

Should I beat ME3?

German Shepard never finished her mission.

I went with whatever option was best for humanity, too bad the choices in game didn't reflect that

Yeah but we only read shit about protheans and only saw one in 3. I'd like to explore a Remnant crypt just to see them awaken from their sleep like necrons

I hope they don't do another "they're extinct but they're not really extinct" asspull. I don't want to feel like I'm trespassing when I'm looting their ruins.

I'm still pissed that they went absolutely fucking nowhere with the dark energy angle and instead focused on stupid organic vs synthetic shit.

Not him but Noveria is my favorite part of the game.

I ALWAYS omni gel that puzzle Jesus

shit series. why are they continuing it?

Fair enough.

Opinions man. Crazy shit.

leave them to me

I'm him, I liked Noveria because it showed that the utopian citadel and darker science fiction could coexist if the writers aren't shit.

>towers of Hanoi puzzle
I think that is a perfectly fine puzzle and I have used it in my games with great success, but I have yet to see it used effectively in any videogame. The puzzle is never integrated into the setting well enough and often times there is never an alternate choice; you either complete the puzzle or lose.

Don't make excuses for the writers, their job is to consistently write well

That makes no sense.

Noveria did what Illium was supposed to do without the characters having to come out an explicitly condemn it.


Black & White had the same puzzle but with parts of a temple you had to move because of the tide coming in or something, it's been a while.
Either way, it's the same puzzle and I guess there's not much you can do with it except change the presentation.

They don't kill all life, only advanced life which evolved with their technology. Still retarded though because they only do that to prevent organics from being wiped out by synthetics who would risk to really exterminate all life, according to them.

They should just have let the reapers be superior planes inhabitants who just want to reap life as their cycle of reproduction. Nothing more. It would let them stay ultra intimidating without fallacious logic

This is Bioware we're talking about; complication = depth apparently
They can write but they can't deliver.

Yeah but that's regretful. More mystery = more threat.

>Nu- is now a thing

Presentation is all you need, but the puzzle should really only be used for some minor task, its not challenging enough for a center stage event. I only use it if a player wants to manually change the cooling disks in a space freighter if the automatic cooling system has crashed and they don't feel like waiting around for the repair or risk burning out the reactor. Its just another option for the players, but they don't get stonewalled if they don't complete it.

You have a game? Can I play it..?
Sounds like a good way to implement it, giving the player a choice of resources/skill, I like the sound of that

That's why lovecraft is still popular today despite not being a strong writer. He was smart enough to realize that the most interesting shit was what went unsaid and developed in the readers mind.

>tfw you know about all the retarded shit on the series
>tfw you still love it and played more than 6 times

What the cuck is that?

it's the neo-neo

etc. neo-neo-Sup Forums

Sorry, not a video game, just my local traveller group (P&P RPG).

Why wouldn't the reapers then destroy the mass relays as opposed to everything else that isn't a mass relay?

Damn, that's a nice touch. I wouldn't have thought to incorporate anything like that in P&P

The first game is so fucking good, doing the same my man.

I never played the early ME games but wasn't the original motivation of the Reapers something about the Mass Relays using dark energy that kept fucking up the galaxy and the Reapers just killed races that used the relays to preserve the universe? Makes a lot more sense than "synthetics that kill organics to prevent synthetics from killing organics".

>They should just have let the reapers be superior planes inhabitants who just want to reap life as their cycle of reproduction
This also works, but at this point almost ANYTHING would have been better than what we got.

The dark energy thing was probably a draft idea but we never saw it. But the question is why do the reapers do nothing about the relays ? Even in 2 they control the omega 4 relay which shows they use the system themselves so I don't know

the dark energy plot was strongly hinted at in ME2 when you go pick up Tali

I like puzzles, but some of the players have had bad past experiences so I try to dress them up and dangle them as a extra option. Sometimes I get a bite and it always seems to work out fine.

The Reaper that was taken out by the space worm was 8% as big as a "Sovereign class" Reaper. Destroyers are relatively tiny user, only about as tall as the SR-2 is long.

The 'space worm' was giant for its species (the even larger bodies never leave the ground, the 'heads' are just appendages), eats radiation and metal all day everyday, and spits acid. To top it all off, shields in Mass Effect don't stop large 'slow' moving objects so the Destroyer was basically defenseless against the thresher.

There's enough wrong with ME3 and its reapers that you don't need examples like this.

>The original story for Mass Effect 3 was the reapers were killing all life because their use of biotics and the mass relays were speeding up entropy and were killing the galaxy at an unprecedented rate.
Nice fanfiction user, but this has been debunked already. It was an option they could have gone in, but it was never "the original story for mass effect 3."

What's wrong with psychological warfare, especially when the enemy is organics? Doesn't exploiting their emotions make sense? That was most of the point of husks.

Another thing - do the Reapers themselves use the relays, or do they just invade the galaxy real SLOOOOW without them and just go "we'll get all you fags eventually"? Because if it's the latter then I have no fucking idea how Earth got sneak-attacked at the beginning of ME3, you'd think they could see this coming.

>The Reaper that was taken out by the space worm was 8% as big as a "Sovereign class" Reaper. Destroyers are relatively tiny user, only about as tall as the SR-2 is long.
>The 'space worm' was giant for its species (the even larger bodies never leave the ground, the 'heads' are just appendages), eats radiation and metal all day everyday, and spits acid. To top it all off, shields in Mass Effect don't stop large 'slow' moving objects so the Destroyer was basically defenseless against the thresher.
>There's enough wrong with ME3 and its reapers that you don't need examples like this.
I think his point was that it undermined how overwhelmingly terrifying the Reapers had been until that point.

>Do they ever explain how Cerberus goes from a small splinter group of scientists researching taboo tech
Are you sure you played the first game?
They could murder admirals and just get away with it. I mean the one they murdered was legitimately worried by what Cerberus could do to him.

And one of the big things about their portrayal in ME1 was that you didn't have access to the entire picture yet, ME1 sets them up to be bigger than just what you see of them.


Maybe they use a different form of FTL.

>Meeting Leviathans at the bottom of the ocean in the ME3 DLC
Shit was one of the most intense horror moments in a non horror game ever

The whole point of eezo is that it's the only way to achieve FTL.

The only part of ME3 I enjoyed sans Rannoch(Legion still didn't need to an hero that was retarded)

>But the question is why do the reapers do nothing about the relays ? Even in 2 they control the omega 4 relay which shows they use the system themselves so I don't know
And my point is that it's not a "Reaper" or just a "space worm" like user is trying to frame them as.

I'm not opposed to the point, but how user is trying to make it is fallacious.

It's also mentioned by the cop from Noveria who shows up in an illium sidequest

The Space Boost and Space Combination can defeat them.

>do the Reapers themselves use the relays

The Omega 4 relay isn't controlled by the Citadel like the rest. Shutting off the relay network means they need to control the Citadel, which is what you prevent in ME1.

Why did it become so human centrist in the last two games? Hard to believe humans are relatively newly space fairing.

Well Quarins are scum who need to die Turians are asshole and asari are whores what else is there besides three galaxy citizens?

user please don't play the second one. I'm begging you.

Just take ME1 for what it is and enjoy it, and when you're done enjoying the neato story and cool characters let it go. Just leave that memory untainted.

Humans = U.S.
Young, but growing fast and taking over. This is why just about every species says humans are growing too fast.

Also regardless of your choices, humans not being a part of the Citadel fleet means they lost fewer ships than the Council species in ME1 so the stage is set for them to take up more military responsibility.

And the Mars archive the humans had pre-contact was one of the most complete Prothean data caches, probably only exceeded by the one the Asari had.

For once it isn't just the 'humans are creative/unique/jack-of-all-trades' cliche, but something explained in the lore.



What the Reapers were based on

Would you fuck a Blue Bitch?

That's what I plan on doing, I'm playing it on the Xbone's backwards compatibility and even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to progress since 2 and 3 aren't backwards compatible. I've played them all but I barely remember them.

I much prefer the feel of ME1. After I'm done with my playthrough that's it, I'm going to lock it up tight, go grab the codex and cry myself to sleep over.

Who wouldn't?

Jews, gypsies, jellyfish, collapsed empire Klingons, Muslims, bugs, elephants, and lizards that serve the jellyfish. Oh and whatever the fuck Vorcha are, worm-baboons?

>Make a fuckable, actaully alien looking race
>Don't allow you to romance/fuck it

I'll buy Andromeda for $10 at the bargain bin if you let me romance a female turian

Their rats

Oh my god I hated this guy so much.
If ever you needed a personification of everything wrong with ME3, this is it

>Hi! I'm completely new to this game, but everyone acts like I've been around the entire time
>Also, I'm a super-advanced cyborg ninja that can dodge bullets, except if those bullets happen to be fired from Sheperd's gun, for whatever reason
>Also I'm SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT TO EVERYTHING, except I don't even show up in the last third of the game

Forgot pic

it's probably a brainless action shooter anyway.

Somebody post his message from "Asari High Command".

Why is it that Lovecraft gets a free pass for "unable for humans to comprehend"

From what I remember they don't use the Relays. Hell that was the point of Sovereign to wake everyone fucking up since the galaxies population was too advanced already.

That's why you see no Reapers till 3. I mean they are out there in deep deep deep space.

Then you see what Bioware did ot 3 and said

>fuck it let's make everything causal...lol they just arrive!

yes me3 is a good game, BAR the ending. Don't let that ending put you off playing it
>tfw the 3rd was your favorite in the series

Because he wrote the unknowable, unspeakable thing, and left it alone after a single story.

Having something be mysterious and unknowable is a cute idea that falls to shreds when you need to write sequels.

>looks like the bug is wearing a fucking mask

lol Bioware can't do shit right anymore

You must not be remembering ME1 or 2 user.

The entire point of Sovereign trying to take over the Citadel is that it's a mass relay to dark space that the reapers use to show up at the heart of galactic civilization.

Arrival in ME2 shows they clearly do need the relay network.

But hey, fuck remembering 1 and 2 right? Let's just shitpost about 3!

By having the mass relays there, they could force the new races to use the more efficient devices and have their growth be controlled. All races seem to discover the 'Mass Effect' and biotics, so this allows them to easily screen any sufficiently advanced species and know all the locations they could have fled to. Also it lets the Reapers shut the whole system down from the Citadel so that everyone is now isolated and controlled.

It works for most people who use it well not just Lovecraft. Anyone who fucks it up, usually by elaborating too much, will get called out.


>tfw the 3rd was your favorite in the series
I understand user.
I liked all the conclusions each character got and I liked that the main plot was "Shepard needs to broker deals between asshole aliens."
It has flaws like every ME game, but I liked that it resolved the Krogan and Quarian/Geth arcs, and that the game did it with your input.

The writing for Sovereign in ME1 was just as bad as the Reapers in ME3. It was the same exact shit. Too big and old and advanced for you to understand and it was lame and it sucked.

Because millions of years of evolution made us hardwired to fear what we don't understand.

>The original story for Mass Effect 3 was the reapers were killing all life because their use of biotics and the mass relays were speeding up entropy and were killing the galaxy at an unprecedented rate.

>"Your civilization is based on the technology of the mass relays. Our technology. By using it, your civilization develops along the paths we desire."

So, the Reapers created the mass relays to speed up entropy in the galaxy so they could prevent organics from using the mass relays to speed up entropy in the galaxy.


>play as a mass murdering asshole renegade shep who's entire family got slaughtered
>get ptsd from some random kid