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I agree. It's meh.

HL1 had better weapons and level design

Good meme bruh XDDDD

>Xbox version
also yes, half-life 1 was better but half-life 2 spawned SMOD and empires which cannot be ignored.


That's not melodramatic Hideo Kojima nonsense. HL2 is overrated for what it is (i.e. a piss-poor, jarring "continuation" of Half-Life), but not as bad as the garbage that pours out of that man's head.

Let's have all the same weapons, just because! There's no reason for a crossbow, but it was in the first game, right? Guys! Let's also have set-pieces but with loads of infinite ammo crates! That's great design that pushes the envelope!

>Final Fantasy VII


Anyway, I agree. It's main draw were the graphics. Gunplay was still hot trash like the original game. No idea why people want 3 so badly.

last of use, bioshock (infinite), uncharted are way worse and way more overrated

there hasnt even been a better FPS since HL2


I can't imagine what this would be like on xbox huge


I agree, it's still pretty good though.

Stalker, Tribes, Shadow Warrior, Killing Floor, Payday and Underhell would like a word with you

Great game? Yes.
Overrated? Yes.

People who grew up playing Half-Life 2 are so violent when you point out its shortcomings. It is simply a worse game than HL1. Valve is full of hacks.

SMOD was just wannabee Counter-Life.

That's some fedora-core fps taste you have there. No Metro 2033 recommendation?

Metro is. I actually felt like I was playing HL3 with 2033. LL being HL 3.2.
Similarly TW3 is Fable 3 through 5.

I love videogames.

Oops, wrong pic.

As would Team Fortress 2, Halo 3, Rome Total War, Red Orchestra 2, Minecraft, All the Call of Dutys and Dawn of War

Metro was just Cowadooty: Stalker Edition

Here we go again with the autism of not knowing when a game is ACTUALLY good.
Undertale had an amazing athmospere and story.

I like that game, just posted what came to mind
what did he mean by this?

it's call of duty:1984

actual physics, puzzles, and character development edition

could be worse

Not even similar to cs retard.

Op, you retard. The game is not what is overrated, but the demand for hl3 is what is overrated (Not really overatted IMO, that ending was BS)

>amazing story

It's the awkward bolting-on of extra story that I can't get behind. Suddenly, the scientists have names and are important, and one of them has a daughter that leads you around that isn't just waifu pandering, honest! She's only perfect in every way, don't hit on her silly boys
At least the Lost Coast thing was billed as a tech demo. HL2 is like Crysis; a new engine with a game tacked on, that happens to be enjoyable sometimes.
But fuck Ravenholm. Why people rave about it is beyond me. It was boring as fuck, and felt so out of place in a supposed Half-Life game. Same for the vehicle sections. But again, it's a tech demo, and they didn't make their billions from HL2 did they? Source on the other hand...

Xbox was a fucking beast for the generation it was in. Decent ports of both Halflife 2 and Doom 3, where PS2 had Halflife 1 and could never dream of running Doom 3

Literally any popular videogame

It's pretty damn good. The graphics look kinda shit though and it's prone to crashing if the physics get too fucked.

>he thinks SMOD Redux is SMOD

That's because it was literally a PC with a custom OS.

This. It's most likely that they aren't making HL3 because they know it's going to sell like shit because Half Life sucks dicks



Yes it is

Wrong picture

this guy sounds like a giant faggot, thank god I want born with genes as shit as him

6 min in and i already like this guy. has some very good points

What's the problem with Xbox?

Although I also prefer HL1 over HL2, this kid is just an edgy retard. He gets buttpained about such small things.

>playing an FPS on a gamepad
besides that fundemental flaw its ok

Genes aside, he has some good points about HL2 and the ballwashing it has received over the last twelve years

this guy seems really bitter and spends far too much time nit picking on really un important points fuck me

you all fell for it

He just hates anything made after 1998 or so. His videos on older games are a lot more positive.

"amazing atmosphere and story"


weird because he sounds like someone born in 1998

Chapter 2 when.

What? Gamepads are better.


It's called a controller you dumb shits.

Why don't they make keyboards for consoles anymore?

Well, the xbox port was pretty lame, the loading times were eternal.
It's still a miracle they were able to make it run with only 64MB of RAM, though.

Because they are shit for play.

I can't handle all this autism. I stopped after 2 minutes.

I called a controller joy pad once, my friends didn't understood me.

be more subtle

i almost stopped watching but got used to his autism. he says half life 2 is a really good game but a bad sequel. and after watchting 23 minutes i have to agree with him. thats what a review should look like(maybe a bit less autism)

But they're better for first person shooters.

Gamepad in the political correct term for a console controller

Mmmm no.

What are you talking about? Maps load in 8 seconds.

In PC (Master Race) 2 secondsm

i genuinely can't tell if this is b8



>I'm a huge contrarian faggot.

I like the Witcher 3

But it's overrated


Samefag or retard

>really insightful commentary
>8 year old voice
Ive paused and resumed like 20 times since starting and i cant keep going but i have to

Couldn't he have just microsoft sam'd it

>last half life game was 8 years ago
>ended has a fucking cliffhanger
>we will never know who is Gman
>we will never know what he wants
>we will never know if half life takes place before or during portal or what actually has to do with both storylines
>we will never know why nihilanth said shit like "truth, you can't know the truth" "You are man, he is not man" "There slaves, we are there slaves, we are. the last. I am the last"
>we will never know why Breen was talking to one of those giant worm things
>we will never know why gman talks only with gordon

Microsoft Sam is too sarcastic to narrate things that arent ironic

It all really revolves around the gman, and if Valve were to simply release a text file explaining him then I couldn't care less about the rest of the characters, honestly
It's strange. I only seem to give a small fuck when there's a Half-Life thread, otherwise I don't even think about it any more except occasionally playing the first game and fucking about with Goldsrc maps in Hammer
I've played HL2 a good few times all the way through, the episodes too, and I have no motivation to play them again because they're so rigidly linear and story-boarded there's no replay value
Pic half-related, some Hammer shenanigans in Goldsrc, it's relaxing to make comfy corridors and rooms

is this guy serious? is he right about anything? the jokes at the begining of the game maybe but to sit there and say these characters didnt exist in half life 1 is absolutely retarded especially when he claims he played half life 1 a dozen times, they literally straight up confirm eli vance is the black scientist he opens the retinal scanner and tells you to head to the surface after the resonance cascade

Not for shooters, objective fact.

>software rendering

oh god yes

I used to hate playing with OpenGL because the software water was god-tier

Thats not FF7 or Undertale...

Go back to Tumblr

ns was way better than empires.

>tfw more hl3 "leaks" tomorrow

Thanks valve

I thought everyone hated FF7 as soon as the remake was shown to be an arpg.

FF7 became hated when everyone realized it was both baby's first FF and a disgusting weeb magnet.

No Dark Souls is because it isn't innovative in the slightest

I guess you've never played OoT

There is nothing you can hate about ff7 other than saying "it's too easy" or nitpick story reasons you don't like.

It's a perfect game same with Crysis 1 and Half Life 2

>baby's first FF and a disgusting weeb magnet

Oddly enough I always got that impression from FF7AC as opposed to the actual game.

This is literally "babby's first video game: the game"

All Zelda's are shit except 1 and 2


ARPG is infinity better than ATB

Underage pls go.

I love how this gets posted all the time in these threads, it's so fucking retarded yet there's always a couple people that go "oh his voice sounds stupid but he makes a lot of good points".
Everyone already knows HL2 has a shit weapon selection, beyond that the only other thing the faggot has to say are nitpicks like "durr is this the Barney from HL1? I thought I fucking killed him lol how's he alive" He says nothing that hasn't been said already and does so with the voice of an 8 year old, stop posting.

I got bored with it very quickly.

> Crap vehicle controls
> Stilted jumping
> Awful UI
> Disembodied player
> Gimmick weapons
> Annoying puzzles

Literally who cares about ur opinion

It was okay but the physics puzzles were fucking irritating, and it didn't really get any good until those jumping skele-zombies showed up.

guys haven't we had this exact thread before

I swear to god this isn't deja vu

We've had this exact thread before.