Well done on making it this far, Sup Forums. If you give up and join my side...

Well done on making it this far, Sup Forums. If you give up and join my side, I promise you that I'll give you half of the world.


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which half of the world do we get?

The one that contains China

>>nintendo RPG


>>game over

well shit

Turn me into a dragon so I can devour cute boys and it's a deal.

The southern hemisphere

Dragonlord, I will be at your side if Dragon Quest games come out in the west regularly for the rest of time

Half of the world of darkness.
Wa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

on the one hand we get the side with pajeet

on the other hand we're stuck with half of africa, aussies and huehuehuehue

>tfw it was worth it

I will gladly sacrifice myself to darkness if it means we get all the DQ games in the west.

30 years later they thought up a game from that choice.

Now if only we get Rocket Slime 3DS and Joker 3 god damn it.

Fuck you dragon lord, I only slay evil, I could give two shits about anything else.

Fuck you Dragonlord Garland is better

Very worth it.

Too bad Shadow Queen Peach didn't become a recurring thing.

I think her flat paper model gave me a boner back in the day.

Dragonlord would make a cute girl

Good, good, then join and they will be released in the west.



I would get the half of the wolrd with Japan on it, then I would force Horii to make the best Dragon quest game ever and shill it to hell and back on japan, only to release it on a Nintendo console outside of Japan.

That would teach them.

That's the benefit of Dragon Quest having its creator still working on the series. He still remembers everything and knows exactly how to appeal to fans. Unlike how the youngest person who works on Final Fantasy started on FFIV. And even he is being pushed aside.

As long as I get it.
Honestly I might prefer it since they don't go insane with the accents

You think so?

I know so, I'm pretty much a prophet when it comes to things like these

Who dis?

Shut up and join my monster team, you fucking cunt.
I got a DarkDrium with your name on it.

I don't understand your offer

Nintendo of America has done some stupid things to their own IPs. But when it comes to translating third party games, they have been pretty decent. At this point, I couldn't see them doing a worse job than SquareEnix did on DQ Swords, IV, V and IX. They might even restore DQVIII to a Teen rating. That is, if its official that they're translating it. So far all the previous games Nintendo published and distributed were still translated by Squeenix.

Get out and kill yourself.


I know Scarlette is watching over me from the other side! I KNOW it, old boy! If I don't send this queen packing, my girl will be most displeased, hm?

Mario! Let's send this shady demon back to the darkness!

Can you prophesize how happy this game will make your dick?

Still one of my favorite little hentai games of all time.

>Choose Yes
>This happens

Fuck off and give me bombette.
I like my nukes to actually deal DAMAGE.

I'm actually shocked Dragon Quest hasn't been in Smash yet. I can see them putting in Slime as a fighter for fun. Final being him in a tank.

I forsee it giving my dick a satisfactory amount of pleasure, I worry about the gameplay. I also see visions of various artists galleries spawning more tapestries depicting such beautiful creatures

Would definitely be loto
>III most famous game in series
>first appearance on famicom, later got two remakes on nintendo consoles
>hero is well loved by fans

>People still reference that dorky comic I made years ago

I think I may openly weep.

It's more that they're referencing the fact that it's actually a thing.

Nobody cares that you found that comic and claim that you made it years ago.

Yeah but Slime is one of the most well known symbols in Japan. Would make sense having it over other DQ character.

I honestly expected the Hero from Dragon Quest X to be in Smash 4. Since it was a Nintendo exclusive at the time. But most likely SquareEnix shot down the idea in favor of Cloud. And because they want to deny Dragon Quest X in the west. So can't put any reference to it in a game that does get released in the west.

And a Moogle or a Chocobo would be more representative of the Final Fantasy franchise as a whole than Cloud, guess what happened there?

see tis a shame, that nintendo is shitting the bed with its series

Gameplay isn't half bad actually, lots of customization options for your dragonfutalolilord and the difficultly ramps up as you go. Just make sure to bop bitches with your staff if you want to get any otherwise you'll just end up nuking them to death.

>spoonfeeding this hard
Jesus fuck.

>Bombette's Mega Bomb damage: 7
>Bobbery's Bob-ombast damage: 8


But Mario and friends can still play along side Alena and Slime in a rousing game of fun party times. And the stock market. I wish I made that last part up.

>no online anymore so have to deal with cheating cunt AI

>tfw no slime plushies

not spoonfeeding if its in the same thread, m8

>That cheating cunt waluigi manages to land on your cheapest land, buys it out, and then refuses to take ANY amount of trade for it

I now understand why he's not in any other Nintendo games.

You can do Online Play with Dolphin, user.

Yeah but Square side milks FF7 more than anything. While Enix loves all its games.

If you lived in Japan you'd be swimming in them

Check SE store. They are selling that and She-Slimes (red/orange) ones.

>tfw no Robotrek 2

>tfw got a slime plushie for pre ordering both DQVI and Heroes
Pre order the next DQ game.

If I was a worker in that store, I guarantee every single one of those slimes at some point would be rubbed up against my balls.

Once we have a fucking date for 7, 8, and Builders.

I had an idea where all heroes shared a moveset/slot like the koopalings, but if I had to choose one it would be the DQ3 hero.

>mfw want a Great Dragon
>the plush for it is ugly as hell
Guess I'll have to settle for an Angel Slime.

>I had an idea where all heroes shared a moveset/slot like the koopalings
Descendant doesn't know lightning magic and Lorasia's dumbass doesn't know ANY magic.

Yeah, cause LOGIC really stopped Ness and Lucas from having PK Starstorm in their arsenal.

Ness doesn't know PK Fire/Thunder. What of it?

Yeah and that was a real PK blunder


I wish they release the Vita Builders limited edition here but I know it would be impossible

However Wada is no more and we can see its result so...who knows?

>Wada left
>Heroes is announced and released
>Next year 3 DQ games
Best thing to happen to that company in a decade.

Not only Dragon Quest, user
>I am Setsuna was approved
>FFXV looks actually good
>Toriyama got BTFO too
>Romance Saga remake coming to West
>Seiken Densetsu remake comin to West

What a great time to be alive

>I am Setsuna was approved
Too bad it's shit.
>Romance Saga remake coming to West
Mobile only
>Seiken Densetsu remake comin to West
Mobile only. And it sucks.

>b-b-but user they said the vita version will-
SE says a bunch of bullshit.

>We got Cloud instead
It's okay I'm a meleefag anyways.


It really doesn't matter. They aren't trying to be the "Final Fantasy" company anymore and that's good

So unfortunate that we had to sacrifice another 10 DQ games and Dragon Quest X to get rid of him.


>mfw they use sales figures for Builders to determine if they'll release XI in the US

if only there was a major video game conference in less than a week...

I receltly bought Heroes, I thought it was going to be just another shitty musou but the freaking game is fun as hell, you have to grind your ass off but is great.

And I'm actually considdering buying a Vita just for Builders.

the female MC in that game has honestly grown on me to be one of my favorite DQ girls

Alena and Nera are great as well

>tfw no DQ5 characters in Heroes 2 outside of multiplayer

Why the fuck would I want to rule the world? That's a lot of work and I'd probably just make it worse anyway.

Heroes 2 MC seems like the "nothing personnel kid"kind of shitter, I hope being wrong, also that roaming world made me erect.

>Not wanting to turn cute boys into your cock sleeves
God vorefags have no fucking vision or taste.

you can keep the whole world if you turn me into a cute dragon

if mercury IRL poisons humans then why don't liquid metal slimes poison when they physically attack you? normal bubble slimes poison you

>Backstab him 10 minutes later
>Steal that cool staff and rule the whole world

I hope it comes this year

I'm more interested in World of Final Fantasy. Seem the most interesting thing they did with FF in a LONG time.
Trust me I'm pissed off too. But right now I'm just trying to be positive with how SE is acting now.

>Tfw huge Slime plush and Slime plush from DQ6 pre-order, as well as the Slime hat from the DQ9 pre-order


It's better than using Heroes. Which is only for DQ fans and no one else. Builders at least has a much broader audience.

You got a huge one? I just got a small one. Man, how inconsistent are people with these pre order bonuses.

The small Slime in that picture was the pre-order bonus for Dragon Quest 6. The huge Slime I got by itself because it's a large Slime plush.

I hope DQ7/8 get preorder bonuses. It's been ages since I've preordered anything.

I hope so too. First we need some FUCKING RELEASE DATES.

Oh, okay. Makes more sense.


2016 :^) don't make me change my mind you little shit

In streets of rage, 2 player, if you pick yes and other player picks no, you are fired to battle each other to the death

DQX is so cute. English release when?

Half past invisible.

Can I backstab him later and then give my now entire portion of the world to someone stupid?

Only half? What are you, a Jew?

Is it in english?