What is truly the best game to be a mage?

What is truly the best game to be a mage?


Modded Morrowind.


Arx Fatalis

Skyrim with Colorful Magic mod

what mods and why modded instead of vanilla

Two Worlds II

What are things that a good mage game needs?
For me it's:
>strong and varied spells that allow for creative use while also looking visually impressive
>character customization that allows you to be an old wrinkly piece of shit with a giant beard
>some amount of political influence
>a good mage headquarters, ideally a tower

World of Warcraft

Cause TES


games where you can press a key and instakill any enemy/boss by end-game.

well pretty much what you said, but I want your status as a wizard to be something that comes up during gameplay in non-combat situations as well. I'm thinking from an RPG perspective so forgive me.

Havbe you played morrowind yet? I know someone else already mentioned it, but especially if you're a telvanni there's political shit out the wazoo. And if you use the "Building up Uverith's Grave" mod you can grow yourself a mushroom tower for yourself.

Rise of House Telvanni, Uvirith's Legacy. Any magic-tweaking mods you want, things like better magicka-regen and a mod that changes the passive reflect ability to something else or removes it.
>why not vanilla
You'll rely more on enchanted items and alchemy than your own abilities as a mage, also most enemies will end up resisting your spells later on or reflect them back at you so you'll end up having to go melee.

age of wonders 2

I had fun with this.

dragon dogma

Dragons dogma.

>Playing Dragon Age
>Get opportunities to threaten people, (such as brigands,) with the fact I use magic
>"Oh shit, maybe we shouldn't fuck with him, he's a mage" etc
>Bomb the everloving fuck out of people who ignore the warning

Mage playestyle is pretty boring. Oh look at me I'm firing disco colored orbs out of my ass. Totally no homo.

Mystics are where it's at.

Rage of Mages

Dragons Dogma

>tfw wanted to build myself a wizard tower in terraria
>couldn't figure out what to actually put in it
>googling wizard towers gets you kinda shit results as far as interiors are concerned
>finally find a pic of a cross-section illustration of a tower's interior
Neat. Might go kill a few hours trying to build a tower based on this.

This one was actually pretty fun. I liked to fuck about with a magic missile type spell with splitting homing web projectiles that could pass through walls, a simple teleport spell and a robe that would let me float in mid-air.

>tfw DD is fucking fantastic but has barely any replay-value
I want to keep playing it but there's no reason to.

what are you even saying

Dragon Age Origins had pretty good mages, even when leaving out the overpowered mage warriors

only good part of replaying ng+ is your first character becomes the final boss

Also more portcrystals, but that's about it.
Enemies not scaling up with ng+ is a bit of a downer. I recently tried playing again and remembered there was nothing left to do and nothing else I wanted to do, and I didn't want to restart either. Shit was depressing.

I'd say dragons dogma but that game got too popular on Sup Forums so the contrarian lords will probably disagree.

Dragons Dogma.

Dark Souls 2 was actually pretty cool, though more for pvp than pve. Pve was mostly throwing whatever the enemies or bosses were weak against them constantly. Pvp was all about misdirection and forcing the opponent to roll until their stamina ran out. There were enough spells with plenty of variety between them to go full int/fth/att pure caster, mix all spell types together and get some wins out of it. Too bad DS3 fucked that right up beyond repair.

>old wrinkly piece of shit with a giant beard
I've never liked playing that kind of mage. It's one of the reasons I like Sorcerers better than Wizards.