Nuclear Throne

what's Sup Forums's opinion?
is it irrelevant?

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I love it

I love it but there's not much to discuss now that it stopped growing.

>is it irrelevant?

Unfortunately, time took its toll.
It's pretty irrelevant, now, but still good.

Yeah, there's nothing to talk about at this point.
It's just a good game, and that's that.

Fun, would reccomend. Melee Eyes da best

Its pretty damn good, OP

>30 fps
So this... is the power... of PC...

Best roguelite out there.

It's a lot like a classic arcade game.

Also Vlam completely fucked the game.

I think the devs have gone on record saying they regret 30 fps and just didn't think it through from the start.

That said, it doesn't really feel like it impacts gameplay too much. 60'd be better but it's not like 30 makes it unplayable.

Do NT players enjoy Enter the Gungeon too? I've been meaning to pick that up after my grad school exams.

Fuck yourself.

Reminder that one of the devs sent Star_ a 60fps build of the game.
Turns out that it's not just as simple as changing the frame lock, the game completely breaks when you set it to 60fps.

Enter the Gungeon is fucking fantastic.

Enter the Gungeon is fucking garbage

More content =/= better.
It's slower and most of the guns are shitty reskins with shitty gimmicks.

Pretty good game from some pretty cunt devs.
>remember when Ster did TF2?

I really wanted to enjoy Gungeon but I just couldn't, the game is really stingy with the guns and even then they are not particularly fun or good. In NT you blaze through the first area, get weapons in a matter of seconds and your standard revolver is enough to get the job done.

Like pottery.

>image very fucking related

the game is finished

Just barely.


All games are irrelevant unless they contain prime waifus.

Why were you expecting a game that came out later?

In this modern age, people expect games to be updated forever

The entire time I played Gungeon I was thinking about how much better Nuclear Throne is.
Gungeon is slower and much less fun.
Also unlocking the shortcuts is complete bullshit.

>Do NT players enjoy Enter the Gungeon too?
Yeah, Gungeon is a hell of a lot better.

>implying NT doesn't have waifus

so is it never going to update again?

>In this modern age, people expect games to be updated forever
Right. That's gotta be it.

I don't know, did Vlambeer announce that they're working on anything else?

Pff, maybe sometime after bombs hit.

Fish can roll

foreal though, I stopped giving a shit about the game when Ster stopped streaming it

I hate this fucking game, because I unlocked Melting. I have not beaten the game ONCE, because I have too much fun exploding bodies to play as any other character.

Melting is TOO MUCH FUN to play as other characters, BUT TOO FUCKING EASY TO KILL. I don't use rhino skin b/c that's cheating. Furtherst I've gotten is 5-3.

>shitty muh pc inclusive culturally diverse character
>not even a mutant
>shittiest character gameplaywise

>not picking either the superior chicken or crystal

shit taste. I bet she wouldn't even watch shitty old kung-fu movies with you.

>everyone always plays games in the order they were released in.

I'm not a furfag and do expect me to fuck a rock?

>implying you wouldn't

At first it's just a huge slog though the first piss easy stages, then you have to brace yourself and pray to god, allah, and the goddesses to not spawn in a bad spot because you can get instagib
It's more annoying than fun, not to mention it gets repetitive as fuck fast. But I guess autistic people and grandpas like that arcade-ish feeling. I don't blame them lad.

I can't beat it.

The palace always fucks me up. Too much shit going on.

It's not even arcadeish. I don't understand why people clam it is. It must be from underage B&s that never went to an Arcade. Metal Slug is an arcade game. NT isn't even close.

By arcadeish I meant that you restart from zero after you die and have to go through it all again.
Not the most appropriate word, I admit, but the closest I could find.

>By arcadeish I meant that you restart from zero after you die and have to go through it all again.
That's not how arcade games work.

If you haven't unlocked Steroids you haven't met the funnest character.

Early ones worked that way

its a twin stick shooter and plays like one
level randomization is hardly noticeable and doesnt matter
each level has a set of enemies locked to it so the enemies it spawns dont really seem random or procedural
the draw of the game are guns but all the cool ones use up too much ammo to be viable. theyre also not as interesting as isaacs passive upgrads

its a twin stick shooter buy it if you really dont want to play crimsonland