>streamer doesn't use a mic
Streamer doesn't use a mic
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching any stream at any given point in time
>Putting up with the annoying ass voice of a streamer
Whom are you quoting?
>watching streams
they are implications, not quotes
>not watching creeks instead
If they were implications, why was the greater than sign used? I am confused as to whom is being quoted in this thread.
>Streamer uses a face came
>Subscribing to streamers
>I stream for first time
>Get viewer calling me a girl
>realize they are mistaking me for a girl
fuck off to reddit
Only redditors like streamers
celebrity streamers are cancer, people who watch them are losers.
No you faggot.
Pics plz.
What about watching sports then? I don't personally watch streams but isn't it the same?
neo-Sup Forums everybody
This. Only dipshits watch other people have fun instead of just playing the game themselves.
Twtich didn't even exit when old Sup Forums was a thing you dumb mobile shitposter
>watching a person play games, chatting and having a good time while you take a break from video games is "cancer"
>but flinging shit at anonymous posters and posting "dank maymays" on imageboards is not
>take a break from video games
>by watching someone else do it
Get another hobby my dude.
I barely even use Reddit now retard. I started going on here back in May because a friend showed me that this place had Pepe. Instead, this place is full of fucking autistic pedo weebs that jerk off to cartoon girls. I say again, this place would be better without that shit.
hello r.eddit
"But that's just a few losers!" I hear you yell with indignant anger.
"You can't judge the whole based on the posts of a few!" Yes I can. I can because the fact that these posts are
permitted to be displayed on your site, that they can be searched for, is proof enough that you CONDONE the works!
A respectable site would not allow anime pictures.
>sometimes when I'm not playing football I like to watch football
>said no one ever
>"But that's just a few losers!" I hear you yell with indignant anger
No one ever says this. If you don't like it then just leave. Reddit is a parasite that tries to make every site just like them.
I didn't know that streamers were professional athletes. No, DSP definitely does not count.
Athlete is irrelevant. If they're living off of the income they make through streaming then that is their current profession whether you like it or not.
>streamer has face cam that takes up an entire corner of the screen
And on the topic of cams
>gameplay footage on YouTube with a face cam
>watching some ugly fuck talk to himself while doing utterly casual gameplay
Why? You can do that yourself.
Is the same idea behind watching a friend play a game.
Only they're not your friends. In fact, most of them are pretty shitty people.
>twitch invented streaming video games
underage detected
More like a complete stranger
I was taking the piss with my post, it's a copy pasta. Nice job outing yourself.
I never said they were your friend, only that it has a similar reason as to why people choose to watch them.
>watching streams in 2016
>thinking every stream has to be the same bullshit with webcams and mics and donations
>treating non-vidya streams like mindless autopilot bullshit
Streaming is dead. Very few genuinely entertaining people are left in it because the normalfags ran all the good streamers off so they could beg for money and do the same shit over and over.
All the good people moved off to YouTube so they could just make videos and not deal with the endless torrent of whining that is the Twitch audience.
This. Streaming went to shit in 2014 or even earlier.
Reddit monetized the fuck out of a once fun hobby.
in other words, streams are for pathetic losers with nobody to vidya with
kinda and In my opinion, both are equally a waste of time
Yes because its watching someone doa thing you could be doing right now
No because it's not a competitive event
but people can do whatever with their time anyways
This, any faggot can do it.
Even I could, literally right now.
I can already taste the 12 year old subscribers
And my post is a modified copypasta about Fluffy ponies.
Maximum cringe. Doesn't even sound like Cr1tikal
>non 60fps streamers
Except both of the things you posted are cancerous activities undertaken by redditors
Oh, I can do even worse if you want. handbeezy.com
What's the point of streaming in 60fps when the plebeian eye can't see past 30 480p?
>streamer reads all in game character dialogue out loud
Why is this bad? That's better tan talking over cutscenes like a faggot about his gf or something.
Alright guys,
how should i shill myself as a steamer?
I wanna hop on the easy bux making streaming train
Have tits. Present them a lot.
Alternatively, play games with someone that has tits, e.g. your sister or a friend that is female.
Either that, or try to make lots of funny voices like Pewdiepie. Just be as cancerous as possible, and you'll at least get retarded kids to watch you.
>facecam attention whoring
>streamer has a facecam
I bet you fall victim to waifu bait
>New Game comes out
>Want to check out some gameplay
>Go to Twitch
>It's the top played game
>Scroll down the entire page until you finally find one without face cam and donation ticker
>They never say a word
I think it's ok if they are a cute anime girl.
>playing vidya and streaming
>post stream in a thread that pertains to said vidya
>people call me a shill and tell me to stop advertising my shit
>I don't even monetize my stream
I only do it for the sense of community.
What sense of community? That died years ago when the old Sup Forums streams sold out, before Twitch was ever a thing.
How did they sell out? Tripfags making them?
I find it interesting that people have this almost animosity towards streamers and people that watch streamers. It's clear that people like watching games being played. That much has been clear since Let's Play's. Why be angry about it?
The big ones sold out. There are still lots of Sup Forums streams from before streams were banned
They got bigger and started spreading out to other communities and denying their origins. Suddenly racism and sexism jokes become a problem on chat, they start advertising on Reddit, etc. And that was before the advent of personality cult culture too, so they simply did it for free fame. The most notable example is Vinesauce. Also another big one that changed names a lot, can't remember any of the names they went for now. Don't remember how Vidya2 ended either, but they were great at their peak. There's another old one that always advertises around E3. Never stood around to watch them, but they have a pretty small community and seem okay, so I won't namedrop them.
Oh but really, it's because, more often than note, streamer threads end up becoming about the guy cheating on his girlfriend or something, rather than video games.
>if you don't like attention whoring faggots, you're a newfag
>Stop hating what I like.
fuck off
Hello, nu-Sup Forums.
>Streamer uses a camera but no mic
>RC64's "ironic shitposting" style of E3 streams
He wants you to take him seriously, but also defends every dumb thing he says seriously as a joke.
>streamer uses a camera
I don't know who you're talking about, but that's probably not it. They just restream E3, barely any memes and mostly honest discussion on chat. I think they had about 30 people watching last time I went there.
Ah, I was talking about TheBestGamers. They're alright sometimes and have died at least twice since no one watches their shit, but they take the whole "pretending to be retarded" thing way too far.
Oh, I just realized what that stands for. Rockcock.