ITT: Casual filters
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That's pretty much where I stopped playing. I gotta get back into the game though, like the story so far. Can't really get a handle on combat though, seems every fight is either you stop them or you just die. Not many options for healing or defensive play. Just use colour coded abilities when the prompts come up to get slight amounts of healing.
the whole game is a fucking casual filter. I stopped after getting my flying mechs, it's all I wanted
Did you upgrade your arts and skills? Are you using your skills effectively? Are you using augments? Can you use overdrive frequently? Also the Wrothians use beam weapons so get beam resistant armor.
Honestly all of the micromanagement shit is pretty tedious and gets old really quickly
meant for
I actually just hired some level 60 that beat it for me. I know, it's shameful.
Any good doujins of that cat girl?
>inb4 someone posts an end game optional shit
Xenoblade doesn't really have good lewds in general
let me guess, you haven't upgraded your arts and skills and you are still using your level 20 urban
thanks to the game being fuckhuge and open i got to this fight with 2 lvl 50 skells and it was a cakewalk
im at max level and still have 3 chapters to go. i feel done, probably wont actually finish tho. loved the game.
I don't know, man. I just solved it without learning any of the game's mechanics. And if I hadn't been able to, I just would have looked up a guide.
user you have to finish it. The ending is worth it.
hahahah this motherfucker made me hate ninja gaiden back on first xbox, later i learned the game mechanics and loved it, I even finished the game in hard without any health extension, good ol'days
i probably will someday, as i still get urges to play it every now and then, but its already been a few months since i played it. ultimately i thing i got bored with the grind as i already overplayed the shit out of it before it was even the proper time to grind. i did it to myself really. i got a ps4 about a month and a half ago and its kept me busy this whole time, i havent even been on Sup Forums in weeks because im actually playing video games.
What were you even grinding for? You can't get the best Skells or superweapons until the post game
I could do this at the age of like seven. It's easy as fuck.
affinity for some retarded reason. i think i didnt realize that its just easier to do that post game that its a waste of time to not wait till then. i wanted the special skells from the dlc chars. i also took a lot of time exploring the game, didnt even get the urban til hour 60 and didnt get flight till about hour 80 or 90. also i had no interest in grinding out the super weapons to oneshot uber bosses so i never really took that into consideration.
>get fucking wrecked
>Oh I'm wearing lowlevel skell gear
>Gear up and the fight is ez pz
I still can't beat them, and other games came out so I've been playing other stuff
I've upgraded all my arts, I'm a full metal jaguar, and even when I wear the lighest gear to boost agility they just beat me down faster
any one help?
>Implying normies can get past the first boss
Though, admittedly, that boss is pretty lucked based.
Here's where I am with this game.
>Grind for a Skell
>Have fun for over 40 hours before I get a Skell
>Get the Skell and start using it
>It's pretty fucking fun to explore, still can't get to some of the areas I need to though, can't fly
>Accidentally shoot a legendary enemy
>Die in two hits
>Skell is gone
>Costs hundreds of thousands for a new one
>Can't find the insured Skell
>Lost all desire to play
Fuck me, I love the game so far but that killed me. The beginning was god-tier, though, I really felt like I was on a new frontier for humanity and doing what was needed to recover our starship. That part where the ayys destroyed 1/5th of the entire wealth of human knowledge left fucking killed me inside a bit.
In b4 someone posts a late game boss or level like Shrine of Amana or Gate's Lab 2.
Isn't this just right > down > lower-right?
Cerberus, and Agni and rudra
go back to the terminal in the barracks to get your skell back. they come with 3 insurances so loosing it once doesnt really mean all that much, specially if its that lvl20 urban.
also when your party members die in a skell they always perfect the qte so they dont loose insurances.
>optional secret area
And now we finally have the retards.
>is required to be killed for one of the endings, hornet ring, and a titanite slab
yep definitely not important
Best casual filter coming through!!!
Not the guy you're replying to, but it's a fucking optional boss which disqualifies him from the whole purpose of this thread. You're an idiot for posting it.
The funny this is this is easier if your podracer isn't fully upgraded or if you don't put so many points into top speed or acceleration. I can come in first on the practice stock-car account but not beat it with my riced out story mode car it's bullshit.
i thought she was easier than those fucking ninjas you meet in the alleys.
He must have been strong as fuck to whatever element weapons I was using at the time, because I was doing dick for damage to the point that the EZ mode version instawiped my party.
yeah i finished the game without upgrades a while back and it ONLY took me like a hundred times. My tactic was to come to a screeching halt and just take the corners without throttling.
>that one last gap after THAT section that fucks you over if you go too slow tho
God i love this game
My fav cars were Bullseye Navior, eve endocott and neva kee.
>I stopped after getting my flying mechs
Don't worry
getting this song stuck in your head is the game's whole plan all along
>Explore and do as many sidequests as I can the whole time
>Finally get to the cat fight
>I'm 10 levels above them