Tsubasa's game is almost here, Sup Forums!

Tsubasa's game is almost here, Sup Forums!
You DID pre-order it for her, didn't you?

i unironically did because im a fatlus fanboy who will literally eat up any of the shit they dump into my mouth like the dirty whore i am

Who cares about Tsubasa? I have Sophie now.

Lel who the fuck is the target audience?

It's me, now shut your fucking trap~!


There WILL be people who buy this game solely due to these threads. How sad is that? I used to be one of them. Don't do it, guys. Only buy games for gameplay (or story, if it has a narrative focus). But never buy games for girls.

No you fucking retarded shill.

Next time you want to bring a game that panders directly to me out try not censoring it and I might give a fuck, k? Now fuck off/

Obsessive otaku with disposable income.

I post Tsubasa so people will notice her game! Otherwise all anyone would talk about is censorship and how it's not what they wanted, and that's no good because it's a good game with good girls~!

special edition on the way senpai!

>taking out the things that the obsessive otaku actually like in games

Bravo NoA

Please. This is Eleonora's game.

Oh wow, I haven't seen this one before user! What a great contribution to this thread, I'm positive you cared so much about the game! Why else would you shitpost in threads about it?

Just to make 100% sure, everyone in this thread preordered, right?

I might be desperate for Wii U games but I'm not THAT desperate.

My disappointment lies not in the censorship, but in this fucking abomination of idol weebshit existing over SMT X Fire Emblem. Fuck Atlus for making this, and fuck the otaku/weeb market. I actually LIKE the censorship in this case because it makes me think that someone out there realized this entire game was a bad idea.

I did~!

>There WILL be people who will break Tsubasa's heart
Even more sad to be honest

I'm getting it digitally

Well at least you're honest.

I don't even want to think about those horrible people

I've always been on the fence towards owning a Wii-U. Waiting for it to get cheaper and for people to be more willing to sell them off cheap. Want it for Bayo2, Hyrule Warriors, W101 and this game is kinda making me want to take the plunge.

this game looks really cheesy. Is this something otaku would really like

Tsubasa is extra cute when she is censored!

saving up for the special edition, slowly but surely

fe games always do better overseas anyways


Tsubasaposting aside, if you can get one for a decent price it's completely worth it as far as I'm concerned. I got mine used and I think I got my money's worth out of Splatoon alone.

Is this pokemon or final fantasy

Tsubasa's a cunt

Tsubasa's cunt?

But look how cute she still is~!
Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem!
No you!

No, but something occurred to me. Japan is often criticized for their idol culture and how extreme their fans are for wanting the girls to remain pure. Yet an idol game by nintendo needs to be censored for the American audience, because it's deemed too sexualized, aka slutty, aka impure, by the exact same type of people who criticize idol culture. Pottery and all that.


No vagina bones no buy

I don't even care about the censorship and I'm still not going to play it.

I'd say #FE is only good for porn but I can't even find any doujins on sadpanda, that's how much of a blunder it is.

Fuck that bitch and the system she rode in on.

Yeah but yesterday someone else posted it~!

How about a sequel where Tsubasa and her friends get into JAV?

How filthy! Pervert!

At this rate, I just want this damn game to release already so we don't have the same autistic thread every damn day.

Maiko >= Eleonora > Barry > Tiki > Kiria > Mamori > poop > Tsubasa


Why does she always look so autistic? Is she actually autistic? I've seen other girls in the game so it's not just the art style.

Replace Eleonora with Kiria and I'm with you. Eleonora gives me too many Chie vibes.

She's cute! CUTE!

>gangta Tsubasa


That video of the ending has 10 times the number of views that the game has sales.

All publicity is good publicity!

So that's a yes then? Autistic characters tend to have very autistic fanbases. Just look at Lucina.

Eleonora is practically the exact opposite of Chie - a more reserved, mature sister type.

No! She's a normal girl!

>giving a shit about Tsubasa when Toma is better in every way
No thanks.

I thought that was what Kiria was? Or at least as far as the "mature sister type" goes. Eleonora had that "kinda reserved on the surface but goes bitchy/tsundere quickly" look to her.

Granted, the comparison to Chie is more based on appearance I guess.

Touma isn't as sensitive as Tsubasa, if you didn't preorder her game she'd probably cry.

It'll keep up for another six months after release, only then it will be "You DID buy her game, right?"

>SMTxFE won't be the game to sate your lust for a SMT game before Final hits
I'll probably buy it anyway.

>Only wanted to get this to sustain my want for Persona 5.
At least I knew what I was getting into.

Nah, Kiria tries really hard to be cool in public, but is into cute shit when nobody's looking.

no that bitch cucked me out of her tiddies


Do you think it will be a mark of real failure when this game is so unpopular, people won't even make smut of it?

I'll write smut for it if it doesn't get any, don't you worry.

This is what I cannot understand.

If it is not a very good game, I still might buy if it had panty shots and vagina bones.

But that is what they decided to take out. Makes no sense.

straight up was going to buy a deadu for this then other shit like bayo but NOOOOPE
good thing there's plenty of other good games to play


Lots of people don't like the WiiU but other than handhelds the only thing I play is MK8 and splatoon.

Get a job (or a better one) faggot.

Go away white girl

>Normal fags don't want to play a "weird j-pop game RPG"
>Target audience is aware of the censorship and cut content

Looking back at it all how did this title manage to fuck up so bad?

I kinda want to get this because it looks psychadelic and I really havn't seen anything like this before.

I really dont give a shit about the waifu/idol shit.

Tsubasa's FEET!

Kill yourself you fucking degenerate~!

>this and P5 are censored
>this however has Jap audio

Well first they announced a game that they hadn't really developed yet.

From there, it was all downhill.

>bombed harder the the wonderful 101


wew, isn't that just the hottest meme

It sold 5 times as much as W101 did lifetime in its first day

No. It looks like shit, it isn't the FE x SMT game I was promised and it censors vagina bones

You weren't promised anything except a crossover, which you got; vagina bones don't exist.

>It sold 5 times as much as W101 did lifetime in its first day

this delusion

Tsubasa's hot and stinky FARTS

W101 sold 5k, #FE sold 26k.

To be fair.
The game got decent score with nips and some praise.
Concert tickets and LE got sold out. Also OST CD sold very well.

I dunno how stuff is going work here, since NoA is trying everything to make this fail here.
Just like rainfall games.

KILL yourself! You can do it, I believe in you!

>W101 sold 5k

damn dis bait do

Look it up retard, it only sold like 5280 copies

>The game got decent score with nips and some praise.

no it didn't.

>Concert tickets and LE got sold out. Also OST CD sold very well.

oh lord, THIS bait again.

>m-muh vgchartz

Classic Sup Forums
Laughed much harder than anyone should

>true things are false
>facts are bait
0/10, not even trying anymore

Even vgchartz says W101 sold about 400,000.

Do you have any source that says it sold anymore? Those are famitsu numbers senpai. Lifetime's probably not much more than that, #FE's sitting at around 40k-50k right now as far as I know, W101 is lucky to be at maybe 10k.

>Digimon: Persona Sleuths beat #FE
>Blunderful 101 copies sold beat #FE
>Toilet Paper Mario: Turd Splash will beat #FE

how embarrassing

Just because you are butthurt doesn't mean less true.

Unless you can prove your arguments you are just another shitposter.

>>Blunderful 101 copies sold beat #FE
>I posted it twice so it's true!

w101's 400k vs #FE 30K

K-Kissing tsubasa..? c:

>>this and P5 are censored

how is P5 censored?
inb4 you use the "THEY MOVED A CHARACTER ON THE BOXART" bullshit

>b-but like 2 nips blogged about liking it!
>and all those hired seat fill-UHH I MEAN FANS bought tickets

niggah, it's getting sad