Who hype here?

Who hype here?

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Like you wouldn't believe.


It actually might be a little earlier than June 10 depending on the Timezones because when I check the pre-load it tells me one day left when it's only around 9 PM, and I'm on CST so I don't know what that means for others.
That or it's the time when I got it, but I'm pretty sure it got it at 8 PM.

Literally everyone on Sup Forums has already played the damn game.

Yeah, even beat Meta Knight mode, it was a great game, a very pleasant surprise after so many bad Nintendo games lately.

I had it for ages and the only reason why they didn't release it then was amiibo bullshit.

>Tfw you haven't because you're too much of a pussy and an idiot to pirate your 3DS and don't own a Japanese one
Kirby games are always consistently good, the only "bad" games are just mediocre compared to others.
I feel like Nintendo just wanted HAL to get on it, because the fact that you CAN get UFO and Smash without the Amiibo makes it seems like they really just wanted those abilities in the game in the first place but needed something to put in the Amiibo.
Or maybe they just wanted to have more Kirby merch, who knows?

Gonna buy it, but I'll wait for a discount.

Costs 50+ tax in Canada.

I bet faggots are gonna post spoilers in this thread.

>Buying censored games

>everything ninty makes is censored meme

Show me one. ONE form of censoring in this game.

I'm really excited to play it. This is the first Kirby game I've played since Crystal Shards. Might try to play the ones I've missed after I finish Robobot.

Comin in the mail in two days I can't fucking wait


Pirated it and was mediocre

Triple Deluxe was better

Post fanart of the fairy queen, even better if is homura fairy queen.




>stop stating facts

who is this semen of dong

an incarnation of akemi homura.

>Your opinion = Fact

>Pirated it and was mediocre
Agreed, but still had a good time.

>Triple Deluxe was better
Disagree, Triple Deluxe is probably my least favorite Kirby game.

Me, i fucking loved the recent one that i 100% it, too bad my 3ds broke so i won't be able to play it...I'm still buying it tho for the trading cards

I have plenty, but I won't be posting any of it on Sup Forums since you insist on spamming that oppai loli several times a day.

Story/Lore/TierFag here.

Who wants the info dump on the game and known connections?

Most of it's all known at this point since it's been out for two months, but still

Spoilered of course.

>waiting for a discount on a NINTENDO game, might as well wait till black friday

I would be, but shit been out for months

>angry kirby meme is still a thing

Fucking hell nintendo

I literally already beat it.

Here's your reply

Go for it man, I love this series' lore.

> releases on june 10th

> less than a week before E3

> E3 is the only time of year we actually get okay sales on preorders of games

> No sales on retail 3DS games ever

> tfw Canadian

Even in Japan, user.

I do

Yeah it sucks, but I'll ask for some amazon gift cards on my birthday.

It's not NOA's fault this time

Oh sweet, another late night Kirby thread.

>Triple Deluxe is probably my least favorite Kirby game.
Really? What made you come to that conclusion? I think the level design was good, but the hypernova section does slow things down.

Sorry I couldn't respond to you since captcha wouldn't let me post at that time.
I think the quick drawing should apply to smaller objects, like common mooks, simple objects like a baseball, and other small things. The larger drawing should take up more time to draw. Cute drawing as well, I wish I could draw my ideas like that.

Metaknight needs his own game.

Meh he kinda does, but it'd be boring to play kirby but with a sword the whole game

Is the first time in the day i posted that pic, get a grip.


>pre-ordered game and all amiibos
>have to work all of friday afternoon
>have staurday off, but have to go to cousin's graduation party
>have to work all sunday afternoon

i just want to play my video games goddammit

I played it already but I'm still hype so I'll buy it anyway

Give us the LOR again user. First time when it was posted was pretty hype, I hope the next game continues this.

Did you enjoyed your time with it?

You say that and yet the best modes of most recent Kirby games are the Metaknight ones.
>Constantly speeding up in SSU


Lol you dont have the game already. Been playing this shit since the jap release got put on the net.

Just read the OP of that thread you linked, that about sums it up. Not to say I didn't like it, but it's a total mixed bag for me. I didn't have a terrible time with it, but I'll never want to replay it.

And thanks, do you have any Adeleine/Kirby drawing suggestions? I need to get more comfy with photoshop. I drew this too. And I agree, holding your down special to make better things that take longer sounds like a good mechanic.

>haven't finished a Kirby game since 64 and Nightmare in Dreamland
>play a Robobot demo at Best Buy
>Holy fuck
You always feel like a boss character in Kirby games but there's something really satisfying about gaining giant blade or spewing fire. Picking this up for sure.
What other kirby games are recommended? I remember wanting to get Return to Dreamland, is that okay on singleplayer?

Here we go then (if anyone remembers the old threads, nothing's changed much)


>Nothing is Amiibo Locked
>Smash is not Amiibo locked – it’s available in one hidden room in every world and in the Ability Room
>UFO is not Amiibo locked - 100% completion unlocks it in the Ability Room
>Ability Room unlocked upon main mode completion
>Arena unlocked upon main mode completion
>Meta Knightmare mode unlocked upon Arena completion
>True Arena unlocked upon Meta Knightmare completion
>100% requires all Cubes, Stickers, and completion of every mode (including 3D Rumble and Team Clash)
>1 Gold Sticker per level (non-random)
>Platinum'ing 3DR / TC is unnecessary and unlocks nothing

Make sure to correct me if I'm wrong about anything.

Not if the boss and level design is good enough, plus since they don't have to bother with making powers they could actually flesh out Meta Knight's moveset.


>Haltman Works Corporation (HWC) is invading Pop Star to gather organic materials
>Haltmann's daughter was lost in an accident
>Haltmann's been trying to start up Star Dream to wish her back
>Susie is Haltmann's biological daughter
>Star Dream (A.K.A. Mother Computer) is a Clockwork Star that requires organic materials to repair OR power wishes
>Susie was going to sell Star Dream to the highest bidder
>Halberd is actually useful
>Final Battle = (Star Fox 64 x Gurren Lagann) + Hype
>Ending is Big Hero 6
>Haltmann is deleted from Star Dream
>Susie is still alive

Although, I think we correct most the mistakes in the previous threads.

It gets even better in Planet Robobot
>Glide with Meta Quick for maximum speed.

>hypernova being boring as fuck and forcing you to use it whenever it appears
>half the boss fights range from shit to mediocre
>shoehorned gyro gimmicks
I mean, it's still pretty good overall, but not Kirby's best, and definitely not as good as Robobutt.


>Haltmann Works Corporation (HWC) has been to Rock Star (Holo Defense API is based off of Pix's blueprints)
>HWC has been to Halcandra (Egg Engines is very likely HWC’s creation)
>Susie has been to Halcandra
>HWC built Egg Engines in RtDL (Metal Generals are defending Egg Engine)
>HWC has collected a sample of Dark Matter
>Dark Matter's properties make it extremely difficult for even wish granting Clockwork Stars to analyze
>Star Dream's cloning technique is imperfect
>Galacta Knight encountered Kirby / Metaknight in PR and RtDL before meeting them in KSS (he is not experiencing time as linearly as the rest of the cast due to interference from Clockwork Stars)

>The "accident" with Mother Computer is implied to have transported Susie to Halcandra
>Star Dream is implied to be a different Clockwork Star than NOVA (NOVA did not require organic materials to fulfill wishes)
>HWC is implied to have found Star Dream / The Clockwork Star
>HWC has been in possession of the Star Dream for at least as long as Susie’s accident

Shout outs to those who helped me figure out Galacta and Star Dream stuff.

My personal favourite would be Kirby Superstar Ultra, had a lot of fun with that game and with the challenge the True Arena gives you it won't feel like a breeze to 100% like most of the other Kirby games.


(Possible Connections)
>Possible connection between HWC's Holo API, Rock Star's Pix, and the Sand Canyon Pyramid in DL3
>Possible connection between HWC, HR-D3, and HR-H/E and Shiver Star (and its current state) in 64

>”HR” Model robots could very well stand for “Haltmann Robot”
>Star Dream could be NOVA since we see parts of the original Nova flying around during the last battle, but Clockwork Stars could also just have similar schematics
>Aside: It's possible that HWC only found the Clockwork Star, as it has already co-opted Pix's blueprints from Rock Star. We need confirmation on this though, as it's implied it was built by HWC.
>Aside: It's likely DM/0 will return, as DM:S's pause screen says "its true form has not YET emerged", implying further appearances in future games.
>The "ancient race" who created the Clockwork Stars and the Lorecutter are still unknown

Again, any mistakes you catch, let me known (in spoilers of course)

You need to have amiibos if you want to use those abilities in the Arena/True Arena

Though true, I can't imagine why anyone would WANT to use UFO in the arena.

I'll add it in the next one though, since not being able to use Smash kinda sucks.

Kirby is dead without Hackurai and Shimomura, why can't you fucks just move on to a better platforming series?

My sister was wondering if there is any kind of multiplayer like in triple deluxe, is there? I managed to avoid kirby threads in hopes of not getting spoiled.

Kirby Fighters is multiplayer, and has a STand Alone version on the E-Shop called Kirby Fighters deluxe

Oh, I'm also Tier Fag.

The True Arena: Power Tier List v4 (Rankings consider time to completion)
* = Amiibo only in True Arena

>Elder God
Ninja (Quad Shock = broken DPS; star throw = 2-3 hits; great aerial options)

>God Tier
Jet (Cracker = ridiculous DPS; Rocket Dive = 2-4 hits)

>Top Tier
Parasol (Circus Throw = 2-5 hits; Parasol Twirl = insane DPS + can slow down bosses + invulnerability)
Stone (Uppercut = insane DPS; Heavy Smash = star damage)
*Smash Bros.(Hammer Flip = insane DPS; great range options)
Hammer (Hammer Flip = insane DPS; ok range options)

>High Tier
Cutter (Final Cutter = huge DPS; good aerial options)
Fire (Inferno = DPS KING, but awful range and start-up)
Doctor (Spray Medicine = great-huge DPS; good range options)
ESP (Psychokinesis = great DPS; great range options)

>Mid Tier
Fighter (Hadoken = great ground DPS; RB + SK = great aerial DPS; good range options)
Poison (Poison Fountain + Smog = great stationary DPS, good mobile DPS; good range options)
Beam (Cycle Beam = great DPS; Beam Blast = good DPS + great range)
Leaf (Leaf Uppercut = great DPS)
Sword (US + SD = good DPS + great vert. range; SS = good DPS + great hor. range)
*UFO (Ok DPS; Huge range)

>Low Tier
Mirror (Ok DPS; Mirror Body Var. = great range; Reflect Guard bypasses invulnerability)
Archer (Low DPS; Fantastic range)
Wheel (Awful range)
Circus (Awful range)

>Bottom Tier
Ice (Low DPS)
Whip (Low DPS)
Spark (Awful DPS; Good range)
Bomb (Awful DPS; Bad range)
No Power (Terrible DPS)

>Wat Tier
Crash (HAHAHA)
*Sleep (How? Why?)

Changes from v3:
>Ninja up (Quad Shock is fucking broken – Kills Clanky in sub-20 seconds)
>UFO down (DPS worse than I first thought)

Not many changes this time.

Discuss, complain, argue, but always post cute.

Whoops, i read that wrong. Robobot has multiplayer, yes. It's co-op this time

But Kumazaki brought it back.

There's Team Clash, which is Co-Op boss fights.

It's ok but not as cool as you'd think.

>>Haltmann is deleted from Star Dream

I feel bad for the guy and Sectonia. Manipulated by forces beyond their control and not only die, but gets their souls completely fucked as well. Jesus.

Super Star Ultra is still the god-king of Kirby games.

Robobot has collectathon bullshit from return to dreamland, and that's kind of stupid.

I'd argue that Kumazaki is just taking the adventure formula and remaking the game over and over and over again.

Adventure was a good game, but not THAT good.

Sakurai specifically stopped working on Kirby Platformers after Super Star because he was tired of them.

Shinomura did what he wanted to do with the three games, minus the 64 Co-Op, and then he was done too.

Kumazaki seems to be completely against evolving the series, which is a shame. I mean, Planet Robobot is a good game, but it's not terribly original in any way.

>Makes Super Star 3 times but with super power gimmicks that get boring
I like the games, but all 3 are almost exactly the same. Props for acknowledging older entries and lore though.

>(Egg Engines is very likely HWC’s creation)
How is that confirmed? It's more likely that he stole the designs of its robotics to produce his own.
>Possible connection between HWC's Holo API, Rock Star's Pix, and the Sand Canyon Pyramid in DL3
Yeah, the connection is that he steals designs. He's not a clever man, just a businessman.
>Possible connection between HWC, HR-D3, and HR-H/E and Shiver Star (and its current state) in 64
Again, the connection is that he steals designs. There's probably no connection to HR-E and shiver star's state, he doesn't force climate change, leave guard robots to guard fully intact planets, or preserve that planet's fauna in factories.
>Aside: It's likely DM/0 will return, as DM:S's pause screen says "its true form has not YET emerged", implying further appearances in future games.
Meaning this form, which only emerges after the fight, when he dies.

I think it's a case of just wanting to stick to what's known to work and keep the game fun for the most part. And with all the other stuff going on with Nintendo, can you really blame him?

>>Makes Super Star 3 times
Nah. If he made Super Star again, a semblance of innovation, originality, forward thinking, and creativity would be required.

You're just proving his point. The bottom three games are some of the worst in the entire franchise.

>Possible connection between HWC's Holo API, Rock Star's Pix, and the Sand Canyon Pyramid in DL3
Yeah, the connection is that he steals designs. He's not a clever man, just a businessman.

I think you read into that one wrong. The connection there seems to be more about Rock Star's Pix and Sand Canyon's Pyramid than it is anything to do about Haltmann.


>100% requires all stickers

Fuck anything to do with this game.

Fuck it.

Forgot to spoiler the image. Oh well.

Haltmann said he is the father of many advance robotics and engineering. This is a lie, he is a conman. Thank you conman.

>no 3ds
>mfw I remember my gf has a 3ds


Oh, you're right. There is probably a connection.

Didn't someone on /vg/ make a circle of Kirby lore?

Post it please I want to see if it was finished

Pirated it, played the first levels, and bought it since i love it so much.

Anyone know if this will work on an older 3DS or would I need to buy a n3DS?

I've seen someone get sub-20 with Cutter against Clanky too.

It will have more slowdown than Kirby's Adventure, but it works.

works fine on o3DS, I believe there are a few sections of slow down with 3D on but I never had any issues with 3D Off the entire game


Fug. Well I might as well just flesh out the $$ for a n3DS. They look super comfy anyways.

It's fine. There'll be a couple slowdowns if it's a big area and you're in a mech but I don't remember them being that frequent or common.

Did your store break the street date or something?

They always break the street date.
Always. I also known the owners/their family for years so it helps.

It sold over 300,000 units in Japan so far. Jesus Christ.

How do they do it bros?

That's... not a good sign.

Ah understandable, but I really enjoyed the game and wouldn't mind replaying it again. Although like I've said before, the hypernova section does detract the enjoyment of playing it again. It was fun seeing how hypernova would interact with the environment the first time, but then after playing it again it can get tedious. And the common enemies should be more threatening so there could be a reason for using all the moveset for an ability. Trying a new approach would be really neat. Although I disagree with you on the bosses excpet Pyribbit, the arena, the minigames, and Dededetour. I still enjoy playing through them every so often.
Also, again, cute drawing . I guess Adeleine painting a Stop sign would be neat.
The holding down mechanic could work, but I really like what you suggest on the last thread with the quick draw. Sounds way better than mines.

This trigger my paranoia. I have a fear that someone or something is always watching me, no matter where I am.