You know it's true
You know it's true
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But for what it was, Nuts and Bolts was fucking great for its time.
N&B is one of those "good game, but not a good _____ game". It still had the humor though.
if anything this would make more sense if the remaining people still alive that worked on the original trilogy came together to make a spiritual successor to sw named "galactic warfare" or something like that
You could make that equivalence with any series with a reboot.
But the new Star Wars was garbage
let me guess
>niggers kikes jews feminism mary sue!
was the reason you hated it? Or was it prequelbabby logic?
Exactly, and Yooka is gonna be shit too.
Can anyone name anything good about it without resorting to nostalgia? Thought not.
My reason is because it is Episode IV almost verbatim.
I didn't like it because it was all boring and everything was all callbacks to four BUT BIGGER CUS IT HAS TO BE BIGGER CUS JJ ABRAMS IS A BIG DIRECTOR GUISE
Wow, it really works.
No it doesn't, shut up Boco.
Yes sir...
I feel like it would have been perceived well if leading up to it wasn't advertising BK3
There's nothing wrong with that
I liked Episode 6 and looking forward to 7 and 8
It's a blatant rehash of IV
Rey is a Mary Sue
Phasma does nothing
Max Kanata is just exposition and disappears into nothing, never to be mentioned again
Han Solo is entirely out of character the whole movie
Forced humor with pauses in dialogue do the audience can laugh and not miss something important
Did I mention quips?
It's a fucking marvel movie with Star Wars costumes.
You mean you liked 7.
Looks better than Mighty No 9
>For it's time
Not even
Nuts and Bolts is a good fucking game period
People probably wouldve accepted it better if Rare just announced it for what it was rather than being a lead up teaser
Fuck, yeah 7
>Without resorting to nostalgia
Collectathons isnt a bad genre, just during the N64 and PS1 era too many clones popped in with a garbage style
DK64 was just filled with too much shit that it got people pisssed off
Plus unlike Mighty Number 9, it actually improved since the kickstarter
Maybe, I haven't thought about it since it first came out.
I never even saw it in HD as I had a 32" CRT back then and still thought it looked great.
I knew the type of game it was though, I know a bunch of people got tricked.
for a while I was #1 on the leaderboard for one mission since I got it day 1, it was $40 at launch.
I don't even remember how I heard about it, but I knew it wasn't like the previous games.
Yeah but being better than MN9 is hardly an accomplishment
There are times where i think it wouldve benefitted if it was a different IP altogether
But honestly the Banjo-Kazooie charm is still there and the reason i like Playing Nuts and Bolts
Here's a better reason
It's filled with actual Ex-Rare Devs
Who actually made game's before
and not just a bunch of literal whose orchestrated by Inafune
Well that too.
Saying Yooka is gonna be shitty is taking it to far and just typical Sup Forums exaggeration, but I really do think it doesn't look that great and a lot of people are getting swept up in nostalgia and not taking a moment to realize that it's just kazooie with different characters.