You ARE going to buy the RX 480, right Sup Forums?
You ARE going to buy the RX 480, right Sup Forums?
I'm going to wait for the 490 instead
benchmarks when
the value sounds good but it might be too shitty for 1440p which is what I want
Can I really buy a GPU with a sticker of some cute anime girls on it? I am in need of an upgrade and this will definitely make me buy AMD over Nvidia.
Hell nah. It's not even worth the upgrade compared to what I have now. The 1070 is a more realistic upgrade for me, and titan x performance for ~£320 is a fucking bargain.
>Titan x performance
>With Titan X and 980 Ti-like performance, the GTX 1070 looks like the best option for 1440p gamers, delivering well north of 60 FPS in nearly every game we tested.
No, I'm impatient so I'm getting a 1070.
>tfw want to buy 1080 but I'm getting a FreeSync monitor
All this waitfaggings gonna kill me
Nah, GTX 1080.
I'm not upgrading anytime soon
i have a 390 and i live in a third world country so no.
Its for exterminating Nvidiaroaches
I literally got a 390 like right before I found out about this. Will I be able to just get this and have both on my motherboard? It says it's 'crossfire compatible' or something like that and I think that means I can
Ill probably wait for the 490 or 1070
I can't really be bothered to wait for HBM2 when my 6870 is slowly dieing.
I'm considering it since I'm planning on building my first PC soon. I'll wait for it to come out and see how it does on some games I want to play first though.
>Ill just wait for the next product
The eternal song of the AMDfag
490 is prooobably going to be the HBM2 Vega chip bruh.
Meaby yes, but not reference, I want to see some costum products first.
>I'm still kicking with my 280x
No, I'm not poor. I'd rather pay for the best GPU on the market right now.
nah, picking up the 1070 sometime soon.
can somebody spoonfeed me some reference benchmarks that include a good number of older cards
I wanna know if I should upgrade if it's such a big deal
No, waiting for 8GB HBM2.
1070 beating the 980ti for 200+ less dollary doos and way less power draw.
I wanna see 490x benchmarks but damn son.
>RX 480
Just looked it up and it had no anime bitches on it.
Not buying.
The anime bitches are from a cute blog thing promoting AMD in Japan.
Or 490, or some x variation. But AMD better hurry the fuck up, getting real tired of waiting for their shit
Wait for Vega~
Wait for Zen~
waitan for benchmarks but leaning towards 1070
Nvidia's a piece of shit company but I'm kind of obligated to use their products because of the shit they pull to gimp AMD products.
My power supply died and i need a new one, only got a hundred bucks to wastte, which one helps me run games on a budget
It seems like this gen of cards is literally the one we have all been waiting for
Don't skimp on your PSU ya dingus, it can fry every other part in your computer if it fucks up.
Nvidia gimps their own cards more than they do AMD, user.
Just look at the GTX 700s series right now, they're absolute trash after all the gimping.
AMD at least works around and improves over time.
Oh really? Thanks for the heads up user I'll be careful
My computer is a piece of crap.
Will a new card help revive it or is it not worth it until I get a whole new computer?
Dont try to be cheap on PSU, or you will have bad time
Waiting for the benchmarks. I have the PSU to run two 480s on Crossfire but that has its own problems, which can be sidelined if its true that two of these are more powerful than a 1080. Otherwise might as well go 1070 ans get another one later.
Good, keep the weebshit away from nvidia
Waiting for the RX 490, I want that HBM2
Well they should add some and then I can buy. Maybe some lolis.
Already preordered my EVGA 1080 FTW card.
When its released fuckknuckle
go get yourself a z/h170 board
8gb ddr4 2133Mhz or up
i5-6600k or a locked i5, or even really an i3 if you're cheap or college boy
then get a new card
Don't cheap out on the PSU. I made that mistake and thank fucking christ only fried my mobo and not literally everything.
Go Gold or go home. It is the only part in a computer you will never ever have to replace because its outdated or something. You can skimp on the CPU if you're on a budget. Memory speeds don't matter that much either. Literally milliseconds you get in data transfer.
Same goes for SSDs.
But not for PSUs. The Bronze Silver Gold shit isnt just marketing.
Gold or go home.
A newer card could probably help a little but not a 480 or higher end card, you'll be bottle necking the shit out of it with that cpu, and who knows what PSU you have now. In my opinion, destroy and rebuild broseph.
Time to upgrade your rig, user. CPU ain't gonna cut it.
Freesync and g-sync are complete memes, dude. 144hz and vsync are just as good, if not better in many cases. Don't even factor them into your purchase.
I have a 390. The upgrade isn't worth 200 european dollars.
>Vsync is just as good as adaptative sync
Holy shit this guy
It literally is. Unless you feel like making an actual argument instead of memearrowing at me like a faggot, you can go fuck yourself.
Only a shabbos goy would go for Nvidia at this point.
better to wait for a AMD product that's an actual upgrade than buy the Mtn Dew GtXXXXXX 9999 Gimpworks edition that'll be worthless within a year
>Framerate cut-downs
>Input lag
>Just as good
Well I was considering going a bit out of the way and geting a corsair RM1000i, that'd be good right?
Show me benchmarks of the same exact card on the same exact game before and after "gimping".
Thanks a lot!
Did you miss the 144hz? Takes care of all that. Come on.
No, it doesn't. If you can't hold 144 fps at all times you either get a cut down or juddering, and added input lag in both cases.
Remember the GTX 780 ti? :^)
The 980 and 980ti are soon to follow.
I know blower designs are shit in normal use cases but god damn that cooler is sex.
Fuck off nigger. You don't need a gold cpu ever. Gold has got nothing to do with reliability. A seasonic psu won't be better or worse in terms of reliability than a bronze seasonic psu. Gold is just how efficient it is when pulling power from the wall. Any bronze 500w or above psu from xfx, seasonic or evga will be just fine unless you're running 3xsli combined with 2 cpus on a server motherboard or some crazy shit like that.
For the user asking about cpu check out logical increments, they tell you which brands are models are the best.
That's probably true. The new AMD card is a bit too weak for my tastes and crossfire has bad reviews from everyone, and I just don't want to wait any longer for their new product.
This famlapai.
When Nvidia was hyping up the 1080 I was ABSOLUTELY SURE that shit would be at the very least 899.
Then BAM, 599.
And the 1070, 379.
A 380 dollars card going toe to toe with the TitanX, a 1000 dollar card that was released just a year ago.
And now AMD with a 199 card that beats the 970.
Shit's crazy.
Thanks as well.
That is what I was figured.
Probably but I'll wait to see what the AIB partners produce.
Thanks for the completely worthless benchmark, you illiterate.
Just saiyan user, Nvidia cards magically get much worse than their AMD counterparts whenever a new series is released
>Being this mad
Have fun when your GTX 1080 is barely worth a Fury X
The 480's apparently as fast as a 980 so I'm hoping the 490 is even faster.
I want a good, significant upgrade from my 970. I want to take better advantage of my 144hz monitor.
It's either gonna be the 490 or 1080 at this point.
Any 80+ Bronze from a good brand like Seasonic or Corsair is fine.
Waiting for 470 since I only play at 1080p.
Lol they can't provide any evidence or benchmarks proving the 780 ti has gotten worse over time. There is more evidence showing it's hasn't been gimped than there is showing it has been gimped.
>good PSUs
top kek
they have some good units, but most of their low end/mid range stuff is mediocre/crap.
Stick to XFX/EVGA/Antec or Seasonic themselves.
A 1070 is already a significant upgrade over a 970.
Last gen if someone offered me a TitanX for 500 bucks I'd buy it at the spot.
Would the 480 be a good upgrade from the 270x?
>For the user asking about cpu
I meant psu**
We all value our money differently but honestly I think the gap is (will be) big enough to justify 200 bucks.
>nvidia's 1xxx comes out
>AMD steals the thunder with a mid-range card
Bravo, AMD. Bravo.
Can nvidia cards take advantage of freesync?
>Gold or go home.
That's not how it works.
Any bronze unit from a decent manufacturer is fine.
I only upgrade when I can get about 3x the performance for $200~.
Got a 7870 so I think I'll wait for the 580.
AMD has always been for poorfags
anyone thinking they will ever match Nvidia in performance is lying to themselves
Too bad all the kiddies getting into PC gaming only know about Nvidia.
Corsair USED to be good.
Literally had one of their 80+ gold blow up a clients computer. That was the last time I ever used Corsair PSU's.
Stick with EVGA.
i am
1) it's not overpriced
2) it's a cute card! i like amd's stock cooler look
3) it's the perfect card for 1080p 60fps gaming. the gtx 1070 and 1080 are way way way way overkill for that!
>Gold CPU
When will I be able to use cuda on amd hardware with autodesk or premiere pro?
My 3 year old card plays Overwatch at 60fps on high at 1080p
Upgrade for what? Im not buying a bigger tv any time soon
See My s4 keeps autocorrecting psu to cpu because I didn't have psu saved to my dictionary
>When will I be able to use [proprietary technology restricted to Nvidia GPUs] on amd
Aren't they the same OEM's though?
This faggot knows it