Should Blizzard nerf Genji?

Should Blizzard nerf Genji?

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They already did.

thats not Mei

>Nerfing the worst guy

Dont even play genji, just don't be a retard and fall for it

>Nerfing the most balanced hero

Yes. No reason he should be able to deflect shit like rivets and rockets

Ok I've never played this game but anytime I enter an overwatch thread there seems to be a ton of people complaining that X needs to be nerfed.

X is always a different character and I've probably seen you guys each list every character in the game so the only conclusion I can come to is that EVERYONE is overpowered and needs to be nerfed.

Or maybe you guys just get killed by X a lot and you come here to bitch about it.

Most of the balance will probably happen in response to trends in competitive play, and Mei is useless at the competitive level, so chances are she might get a buff at some point.

Not everyone is OP

Hanzo is fucking garbage in every way, but if you play pubs you will ALWAYS have a child on your team that chooses him.

They just need to remove hanzo from the game, its just a trap for normie retards

The real only way to tell if someone needs to be nerfed or buffed is by playing them for a while.

After playing Bastion for 2-3 hours, you realize he is shit and easy to kill as long as the other team attacks from different sides or has half a brain.

Genji is really good, but only if you know how to aim and are incredibly good at exploiting his mobility.

McCree is the only character you can pick up and instantly be beast at. That is why he is getting a nerf soon.

So people who cry nerf are most definitely shitters who just play one hero. Probably the one that is countered by the hero they want nerfed.

Genji's fine, you probably just got dominated by a good one.

Genji's only as good as the player using him. He's one of the most balanced heroes in the game. A good player will rape with him, but a bad one is the deadest weight you can get.

>Do literally nothing untill ult is ready
>Kills all the squishies

Think he just needs to be changed up a little bit though not necessarily nerfed

>wanting to nerf one of the only heroes that actually takes skill to play

And he probably did shit for damage. What's the point in even playing him? I can play as roadhog and heal for 3x that and still deal gold damage on the team and have gold time on the objective. Aka being a help to the team. Evry fucking retard plays genji and I've lost so many games because of how useless they are.

>Try this after level 25
>Exploded before the first sword swing

You don't balance games around retards/

>people getting killed by Genji's ult

I don't understand why people only shoot Pharah when she does her ult. Reaper, the Junkrat tire, and Genji are never shot at, people just try to run from them.

Maybe if people were smarter they wouldn't die from him.

>genji requires skill

I wonder when this meme will end.

Because He has a high skill ceiling.

>implying people play with levels similar to their own
Yesterday I played with a level 90 and level 50 on the other team, and I was only level 19

How the hell could anyone argue for a D.Va, Zenyatta, Zarya or Phara nerf?

Sup Forums should nerf overwatch threads

Fucking right nobody ever helps me shoot him

You're a victim of a good genji, aren't you. Despite how easy they make it look, it's hard to play well with him.

This. I'm only 23 and regularly get matched up with literal no life level 100+
How little of a life must you have to be that fucking high already? Like you must have no job, no friends or family or anything. They probably barely even sleep or eat or bathe. Its gross.

>overwhelming no
>thread is full of ''no''

Haha, wow, this has not worked out the way you planned, huh OP?

Might want to delete this thread before you kill yourself.

I've been playing everyday since the start with 2+ gold a round and I'm only level 30. Don't get how it's even possible.

Try playing Genji, record it, and replay

Then you'll notice many MANY mistakes. "I should've reflected here" "Could have jumped there" "Should use the right click more often if i'm in close range" etc

There's always something to do better with him

No I play Genji pretty regularly and I do just fine with him. I'm nowhere near good. You just have to not be retarded. He's pretty easy to shut out as well.

get gud
lvl 130 now

>over 100 hours already
And my point stands. Literal overweight NEET.

Has absolutely nothing to do with how gud you are.

Gold medals give almost no xp

b-but im /fit/ user
just because you suck doesn't mean a thing
I wake up, go the gym, and play vidya all day
u mad? :^ )

this was when i was lvl 116

Why is everyone asking for nerfs to just about everyone?
I think the only characters I've seen that people aren't asking to be nerfed are Zenyatta, Zarya and Trobjorn

Is everyone fucking broken or something?

PC players want Widow and McCree nerfed
Console players want Torbjorn and Tracer nerfed
shit players want Mei and Bastion nerfed

I definitely should have read the thread first, whoops

let me tell you torbs turret is bullshit. infinite range and instant lock on

How often do you gym?
Whats your prs?
What exercises do you do?
What workouts do you do?
Tell me.
>average 412 healing
>average 1 solo kill
>only 54 second objective time
I think it's high time someone learns how to play the objective.

The only character I legit never saw anybody ever ask to be nerfed is Zenyatta.

I sincerely hope youre a console player

But it's easy as fuck to take out if you are even average at the game.

>infinite range

you shouldn't lie

And yet nobody seems to understand that it just fucking melts to anything. I fucking WISH it were as duarble as Engineer's level 3, but fuck. His turret will only survive as long as his team can defend it/him. Same with Bastion, except Torb's turret is more reliable.

>The most braindead character
>Nah dont nerf him
Literally no skill required.

It's funny cause the dyke could use some tinkering honestly.

6 days a week PPL/PPL
185 bench press
(no OHP)
135 military press
200 pendlay row
315 dealift yes i know, pretty weak cause i dont dealift cuz its fooken gay (PPL not good for deadlifts)
225 squat FUCK squats lamauuuuu
anything else you dyel fuck :^ )

can any of your cuck heroes compete with this?

>McRee is too fucking easy to play, you shouldn't be able to flash/fan and kill every single hero in the game before they can react
>Widow is too good, and before long all the gregors will have warmed up and every game will have a widow raping. Her charge rate, her damage, the bullshit hitboxes, the good dps automatic rifle, that at least 50% uptime on wallhax, and her FUCKING SNIPING FIRE RATE need to be toned the fuck down.
>Mei and Bastion are fine once you make it out of cardboard league
>Lucio needs something to reduce his ability to shit out healing without even thinking
>Mercy's ult need to not be one of the fastest charging in the game
>Zen needs to not fall over to a stiff breeze
>Tech support needs to be useful in more than 5% of games
>D.Va needs to do more than be a bit annoying to snipers and give the enemy team free ult charge
>Reaper's teleport aiming needs to not be so fucking retarded, could maybe go for a slight reduction in damage fall off, firerate, reload speed or making some of his health armor so he doesn't get insta fucked in any straight up fight beyond dick sucking range
>There needs to be some limiting factor to prevent Hanzo and Junkrat from just spamming their shit at chokepoints and getting a fucktonne of kills. The arrow headshot box also needs to be fucking toned down and the scatter arrow needs to do less max damage over a more consistent area

There I fixed the game

they need just just put a 1.5x multiplier to everyone's speed. would fix the game immensely

No one begs for Zenyatta nerfs.

Junkrat, in fact thats one of the reasons he became my main

The turret wasn't built to wreck everybdy's shit by itself, you're supposed to be constantly putting down more turrets as they get destroyed until you can build up your ult, THEN the turret can hold its own during the ult time.

Also Torb's gun is severely underrated, its basically good at all ranges and does great damage, you're supposed to be fighting WITH your turret, not letting it do all the work for you. Don't be afraid to just plop down a level 1 turret when engaging the enemy to force them to either take their attention away from you or get hit by the turret's 100% accurate fire if they go for you instead.

Trying to play Toblerone like you would play TF2's Engineer is the single worst thing you could possibly do as him.

Playing 24 hours a day doesn't mean you're good at the game and that I'm bad because I don't lol stop trying to justify your pathetic existence.

oh, all for 6+ reps. Not 1rm

>have more gold medals than bronze and silver
>have more silver medals than bronze

but i am good :^ )
well, it's about high time i crush more pubs

Genji - give each star hit a buff of 5 damage (I think the damage is kind of pitiful on them)
No fucking reason his flashbang has the AoE it does, and stuns are bullshit. Just make it blind.

Rest of the assault characters I think are fine

Give minigun a slight spinup, and a button to keep it spinning.
Add an extra second required to freeze or something. It's kinda shitty how 1 v 1 Close Quarters she wins.
Only real complaint is that turrets can fucking hone in on you in a split second like no big deal when you are behind them. That's something that really should be fixed.
Increase charge time for the shots. Or just do something about bodyshots in general. Sniping should require at least a LITTLE more skill than that.
More damage please! In fact, allow her to attack while that shield thing is up. Would make her a much MUCH viable tank
Increase the cooldown on his healing item
I love playing Zarya , but I think her shields could last an extra second across the board. She's not as useful as a tank with her shields, so I think an extra second in length would be awesome.
God where to begin? Maybe a bit more HP on the shields she gives, and increase the range of her primary weapon.
Kind of a suffering character, considering Mercy can do what he does and doesn't get rekt as hard. I would give him an HP buff of +50. He will always be outclassed save for his ult, but I don't think he needs to be as paper as he is.


>6 days a week
Enjoy giving up earlier than expected, you really should be going 3 days a week giving rest days between allowing your muscles to regenerate after long workouts.
>those numbers
At 6 days a week I expect you got to those numbers after a monthish.
>not doing overheadpress
>DL literally works out every muscle needed for gym
>benching that close to squats
Holy shit, I hope you only DL once a week too.
>not doing 5 reps on compound workouts and 10 on isolated workouts

Theres no point replying to you even more
Thats easy, because literally everyone your teamed up with seems to have never played a game before in their life.

>buffing Symmetra's primary
the absolute madman

But I have over 80 hours already. I'm just above average ;)

>It's kinda shitty how 1 v 1 Close Quarters she wins.
thats exactly what she was designed for

Hold up!

you fell for the SS meme son
I train to look good
I've been at this for 1.5 years with breaks for injuries (didnt know what i was doing in the beginning)
>At 6 days a week I expect you got to those numbers after a monthish.
lmaooo no. You make NO strength gains at 6 days a week. You literally know nothing and it shows lmaoooo

>character specifically designed to automatically win close quarters in a game where the primary objective is to stand in a certain spot

Mei's #1 counter is engaging two enemies at once

See, McCree is Mei if she wasnt shit

Yeah that isn't a counter retard.

They need to play pyro in tf2 so they can figure out how to properly balance mei

>you have to stand on the objective to shoot people who are contesting it

>Yeah that isn't a counter retard.
Mei has a bunch of actual counters outside of that but you'll never have to use them since she cant deal with groups at all outside her ult

The only change needed is that he should only be able to deflect ults if he has activated his ult and used deflect
A single button press neutralizing an ult is one thing but deflecting it entirely is ridiculous

her only real "counters" is pharah and junkrat, and those aren't actual counters, they're just people who can prevent themselves from dying to her

Reaper counters her hard
If he aims good he can meatshot her down before she can freeze him
If she gets the jump or he misses a few he can *ghost away* and either fuck off to a health kit or re-engage with the reset freeze time

It's not that I underestimate the amount of damage she does - I just think it's a matter of making her more useful later into defense games. Once the need for a TP becomes less useful, she gets outclassed by torj unless you have a specific choke point you're worried about. I'd just like to see her used for more than shitting out teleporters.

Well it's fine that she can win in CQ vs anybody else - but I find some of her abilities + the CC to get to a point that is far beyond just being "unforgiving." It's not something I'm really all that attached to I got gud, but I think there's some room for improvement.

You forgot reaper, reinhardt to an extent, Mercy can escape, and Zarya can toss up her shield.

listen bud, if youre so sore about cheap 1v1 deaths then why didnt you just stick to your team?

Genji does not need a nerf.
He's just fine as he is, he's capable of kicking ass but he's also capable of getting his ass kicked.

Pharah is the best pub stomper
Junkrat is POTG darling

I think what would help a lot is some sort of indication about how close you are to being frozen, and how long you'll be frozen for

Awful suggestions.

Genji is balanced.
McCree is broken, the solution is either changing the flashbang or having a cd for fth.
Bastion is fine. What is the point of giving him a spin time and a button to keep it spinning. At that point you should just nerf set up time by whatever spinup you think should exist.
Mei is supposed to win in close range.
Torb is fine, turrets are supposed to require a tiny bit of teamwork or just range to destroy.
Widow's sniping is fine. Her assault rifle shouldn't do as much damage. would be broken if she could shoot while blocking everything, especially if you increased damage. A damage increase wouldn't be bad.
Why are you nerfing roadhog?
Zarya is balanced. She is like the Zenyatta of tanks. She isn't meant to be a Reinhardt or Winston level of frontline, she's a secondary tank.
Symmetra is fine.
Zenyatta could use 25 more health (or maybe shield, hopefully shield). This would also be an indirect nerf to widow not being able to one shot him (which I think makes snese).

you shouldn't be able to reflect ults thats about it

>Widow's sniping is fine
The amount of damage she can shit out at her firerate is ridiculous
Something needs to be toned down

if its a blizzard game 80% of the discussion is begging for balance changes hoping it makes the game easier to play for the whiners

He's fine. If anything I'd buff him with a 1 second shorter cooldown on deflect, but he's fucking fine
Flash bang aoe NEEDS a nerf. FtH NEEDS a cooldown
Bullet spread in turret form
Ice cube thing can be broken/she doesn't heal
Primary gun fire doesn't start slowing INSTANTLY
Gun needs less fucking ammo
Should not be able to contest a point while invuln
Sentries need tracking delay and a range reduction. Scrap LOL the scrap gathering and just give him an auto 25 for eliminations
Change the rifle to have a low rate of fire or be bolt action
Lower the fucking ammo
Have her fucking flinch when taking damage
SMG mode should not be on par with 76's
If she dies her ult should end prematurely
Lower damage overall, a body should that's barely charged should not go over half of most peoples health
Crit box moved to the back of the mech
Cannons damage increased
Movement speed while shooting removed or lowered
Can shoot while using defense matrix
He's fine
Shields last long enough, if anything they should be a second shorter
She's fine
Change 50 of his HP into armor, increase movement speed. Healing orb also increases movement speed of the person it's on

Yeah I normally don't complain about games I don't care about but has there ever been an overwatch thread that wasn't people just whining about balance? Shits annoying as fuck, especially when there's multiple threads of it

Blizzard should nerf the following and ONLY the following

>Ult charge rates accross the board
>McCree's damage
>Widow's damage/rate of fire and ultimate

>playing bastion
>left clicking to victory
>suddenly genji jumps into my bullet stream
>immediately stop firing because I'm not retarded
>tickrate decides I should take 200 damage anyway
>genji right clicks to finish me off

genji needs a buff you retard, his ult is garbage

fth has a cooldwon familia it's called reloading

aka balanced mcree

The only character that actually needs a nerf is Mcree and his fan the hammer.

Thats literally it, believe no one else. He shouldnt be able to solo tanks. He is only suppose to 1v1 small squishies

>>Haha, wow, this has not worked out the way you planned, huh OP?
but i just wanted to know Sup Forums's opinion and i got it. Worked exactly as planned

*rolls in front of you*
pssht, hold up
*kills you*

And what happens when he rolls user?


Why would they nerf Widows ult when Hanzo has a similar ability on a regular cooldown? That doesn't make sense, man. Widow's ult is underpowered compared to everyone elses.

>He will always be outclassed save for his ult,
Not in damage. Zenyatta is basically an off-healer/tank hunter

Your swift strike resets on ANY elimination. You should be fucking zipping around confusing people not walking up to them M1'ing. Of course if you dive into 5 people with no distraction you're gonna get blown up.

Widow's ult is fundamentally overpowered
>can not be disabled by killing her
>can be activated anywhere and still have maximum effectiveness
>activated for the whole team
>no real way of countering it

>Widow's ult is underpowered compared to everyone elses

2/10 for making me smile

it shouldnt take two hits to kill tracer

His ult is fucking insane as long as you don't go all "CLEAVE AND SMITE" mode.

>Wait for a strong hero to hold the lines attention
>Jump high into the air, wallrun if possible
>Pop ult while falling
>They all either stay focused on the previously mentioned target or look up like a retard.
>Focus on small targets: Healers, Snipers, Squishies. Save the tanks and shit for last.
>Finish off the wounded tanks after the ult ends.