
That is genuinely upsetting

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Why didn't they save him?

Why would Eidos have anything to do with his fruit flies videos, I'm confused. Is this another conspiracy?

They wouldn't back him up? Those idiots couldn't take a joke, and they thought he was seriously crazy? That's fucked if they wouldn't even throw him a bone, I feel bad for him.

I agree

I'm confused, what fruit flies video?

It sounds like Pritchard pretending to be Sarif now

Adam Jensen's VA is part of Wesley Crusher's fucking voice-over union

I wonder if Sarif's voice actor was independent instead of part of their actor's guild? If so, then it's fucking Jensen's fault. Thanks to the crooked contracts their fucking mafia demands publishers abide by, you either are part of the union or you get blackballed out of any project that DOES have a union employee.

or maybe Sarif went out into the woods to become a druid like Jaheria.


Where are you guys even getting the impression that had anything to do with that? What I got from that image is that he denied the role because the character/game was about supporting augmentation which he doesn't approve of.

It sounds like he's the one that dropped the job. They probably didn't think that video was even serious.

I thought sat off died?
He got some secret augs?

Jeepers . What video he talking about?

>eidos buttblasted over a fucking comedy video

it's hard to believe some company can be so fucking stuck up, no wonder why their april fool joke sucked this year

They aren't buttblasted. He's the one that didn't want to go back

Keep reading buddy.

He claims that he asked them to help dispel the rumors that it was actually a serious video. Instead he claims that they beleive it was a serious video, and that they thought he was a lunatic conspiracy theorist. He didn't want to work with them because he felt like they didn't respect him. Nobody else would hire him after that video because most people thought he was insane. He says they asked him for the job back but that he denied it because they wouldn't help him.

That combined with his first comment, are why he said he wouldn't work with them again. I think he is an idiot for turning it down for reason #1, but I think he is justified in reason #2.

I think he took the meme too serious.
He was the one that started the meme, hell he even played along with it with other videos.

So he reached out to eidos to get involved in something that had absolutely nothing to do with them and was pissed when they didn't do shit.

Then he says they ended his voice acting career when he refuses to go work with them.


Wait what? People took that video seriously? Are people that fucking retarded?

I don't see why a corporation has to be so unfriendly to him. He asked for a favor to help dispel rumors that his comedy videos weren't jokes and that he was a loony. I'd hope that the company I work for would stick up for me in the face of idiots, who couldn't understand a joke with a magnifying glass.

Guy sounds a bit stupid for trying to drag them into his shit.

>I'd hope that the company I work for would stick up for me in the face of idiots
It's not like he's an employee, he's just a guy they contracted out for a bit. It's not really their business.

He really is that crazy, though. There's some 40 minute phone interview he did with a youtuber named "truthergirl" or something and he legitimately sounds crazy throughout most of it.

He says his ex-wife is trying to induct their kids into a cult by making them drown puppies in an aquarium or some shit. He accuses hollywood or the government or some shit of breaking into his apartment and tailoring all his jackets so they're slightly too small just to drive him crazy. He puts the blame on crazy shit like that, just like he did with Eidos not backing him up.

The dude is




When I saw the fruit fly video, I felt it was real. I don't believe him if he's trying to say if it's just a joke.

i bet the fruit flies did this

Fucking fruit flies are behind this i bet

>Sarif's character is one of the few who knows about the Illuminati
>he VA is a genuine nut

If it was my company Id do it

If I was asking a company to do it I wouldn't expect anything.

See? Also I'm not gonna write him off for it but being anti transhumanism is pretty gay.

A company isn't the person who owns it. It has obligations to all sorts of people, and supporting a conspiracy nut isn't in their best interest. The kind of guy who legitimately compares going to the government for help to being a jew during WW2 and running to the Nazis and asking for help. He calls them "the enemy" and believes that millions of dollars has been spent by the government on personally harassing him.

I wouldn't want to get involved in his ramblings either

He says it was all a joke, and it looks like you guys fell for it. I'm not 100% supporting him, because I hate to think he didn't take the job because he doesn't like "transhumanism". But He made all those conspiracy videos for laughs, and a bunch of idiots like you fell for it apparently, and it hurt his career.

My question for him though - if you say these videos hurt you voice acting career, wouldn't you want to keep a job? I would have taken the gig again.

It was a meme-tier voice to begin with. If Elias was replaced I would actually give a shit.

>He made all those conspiracy videos for laughs
There's nothing about the 40 minute interview that comes across as being "for laughs". He talks about what sounds like some of the darkest times of his life in it.

The guy who played David Sarif has a severe mental disorder. He believes he is the target of gang-stalking related to his brief but moderately successful role on a late 80's/early 90's TV show called 'Counter Strike' and since his removal from the show he's convinced that Jewish Hollywood Big-Wigs have hired hundreds of people to fuck up his life, career, and his general day.


Just want to be clear, I don't have a stick in this race, but he says it as a joke for some comedy thing, and that someone thought it would be even funnier to rip the content and make it sound like he was a nut. Now I find that a lot more likely than him being a conspiracy nut that so far our there, that it makes 911 nuts look like BBC news. Occam's razor you know? I mean he is an actor, that's what actors do - they play rolls. Even wacky conspiracy role.

what did he mean by this?

Well that's pretty fucking jarring. They could have at least tried to find someone that sounded similar.

what if he's right?

lmao you guys see that woman in the comments saying the same shit is being done to her?

I gamed and spoke with a guy for about 13 years, who only ever introduced himself as Bravehart. One day he came online to an old forum dedicated to the remnants of CDV's official message boards. He types out what is essentially a book that details 25 years of his life and how he believes that, because he punched out a drug dealer in the 90's that hit on his at-the-time girlfriend, the Mafia has spent tens of millions of dollars to inconvenience him. When people told him to get help, he was saddened to find out that we too were on the Mafia payroll and he disappeared.

I've known people who think they are being gang-stalked. It's an absolute fucking myth, and they're insane.

is it strange that I'm so pro augmentation that I don't even really see the other side's point of view?

Why not restore what has been lost? Because it "goes against nature"? Fucking cars and computers go against nature

If nature didn't want us to augment ourselves, it wouldn't have made us smart enough to do it.

The worry isn't that we shouldn't give people who have lost a limb or were born without one the chance to have one- it's what happens when the cost ratio comes down so low that you can selectively choose to remove your own limbs to get 'better' ones.

C'mon man, do you even play the games?

>Why not restore what has been lost?
You had people replacing their perfectly good limbs with augs. They weren't restoring what was lost.

Also, there was an issue of implants being exploited by third parties.

Jenson's "I never asked for this" drama was only a very tiny part of the aug issue.

the real anti-augmentation argument is that the illuminati and or hebrews will use it as means of directly controlling us

WHAT THE FUCK IS TRANSHUMANISM? I feel like I'm on tumblr or something

>Turning people into literal robots didn't work out for the Illuminati
>Bob Page gets all the companies, merges them into Versalife
>Decides to do the exact same plan as before: Augment everyone with machines
>Except it's nanomachines
>And the cure is nanomachines
>You have the best of the nanomachines in Deus Ex

It's pure poetry. It rhymes.

Shouldn't you be going to sleep? High school starts early, champ.

>tfw he's actually right and we're falling for the Illuminati's deceit

The augmentations will probably be proprietary

Are you really going to trust closed source hardware and software when it's attatched to your body?

I think he's simply turned a Sup Forumsack of the conspiracy world.

He's always had doubts of the world and those with power, finding both conspiracy and truths, partaking in media covering his interests, but it never really meant much in the end. Then he takes it up a notch for shits and giggles, but finds that the reaction to his personal joke is all too serious. Now he embraces it all. He's accidentally passed the point of no return. His future is now the one he once mocked, and others assumed of him.

Or maybe he's just really fucking high.

Nah man, he has legitimate mental health issues that lay unaddressed. While I have no doubt the Fruit Flies thing was indeed a joke (and wasn't even that well known, it's a cop out response and isn't true.) he's expressed multiple times he believes himself to be a targeted individual by gang stalkers.

Sounds completely paranoid. Eidos probably had no fucking idea what he was talking about and he just lashed out assuming they were in on some non-existent smear campaign spawned from his goofy youtube videos.

This is the number one reason I wouldn't consider augs. Granted I'd likely say "Oh fuck yes please" if I was in a life or death situation and augs were my only hope of continuing a "normal" life.

he meant he disagrees with David Sarif's moral philosophy.

Is there save importing in MD, or is not killing him canon? How the fuck did he even survive Pan-whatever?